= VenkatRaghavan (robotgeek) = I have been using Linux on and off since 2002. After the Hoary release, I replaced by OS X installation with Ubuntu on my powerbook and have since never looked back. Ubuntu is an operating system I was very impressed with. (I used to use Yellow Dog Linux and Debian before. I even tried Gentoo,lol). It has a very friendly community, and makes it pretty easy to ask questions and contribute back to Ubuntu. I now run Mac OS X from within Ubuntu, thanks to the MacOnLinux project! I have installed Ubuntu on my ibook, on my friends Toshiba laptop, another friends AMD64 machine just to test out Ubuntu on various platforms. I also run a Ubuntu server at work. I currently use Dapper on my ibook with no current plans to upgrade! == Ubuntu Activities == === Support === The amount of time I spend on Linux has reduced dramatically since I started working. IRC time has reduced significantly, though I hope that all that will change now :). === Documentation === As a part of the Ubuntu doc team, I am working on the Kubuntu Docs for Gutsy. === Bugs === I report bugs which affect my setups. === Other === Used to maintain [[http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org|EasyUbuntu]]. === Future Plans === * Getting Kubuntu Desktop Guide in time for Gutsy! * Greater involvement in Documentation Team activities (and hence understanding). == My contact information == * Email: <> * IRC : robotgeek on irc.freenode.net * Launchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/people/venkatvc|venkatvc]] * Forums: [[http://www.ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=53141|robotgeek]] * GPG Key ID: [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9DCFDFD0915F831B9979A1AA72663D39E9E707A9|E9E707A9]] * Homepage : [[http://robotgeek.org|http://robotgeek.org]] ---- CategoryHomepage