Hi! You have probably come here because you have a problem with headphones not muting the internal speakers when inserted (or with headphones not unmuting the internal speakers when removed), and someone asked you to provide a codec dump. Here's how to do that: * Open a terminal, then enter these commands to kill PulseAudio: {{{ echo autospawn = no >> ~/.pulse/client.conf killall pulseaudio }}} * Then enter this command with headphones '''removed''': {{{ speaker-test -c2 -l3 -Dplug:front:0 }}} * Open a second terminal, and enter this command while the speaker-test in the first terminal continues to run: {{{ cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* > ~/codec.no_hp.txt }}} * Wait until the speaker-test has finished. * Insert headphones into the appropriate jack, and repeat the first step with speaker-test. * In the second terminal, modify the second step as follows while the speaker-test in the first terminal continues to run: {{{ cat /proc/asound/card*/codec* > ~/codec.hp.txt }}} * Open your Launchpad bug and attach the files ~/codec.no_hp.txt and ~/codec.hp.txt (in your home directory) to that message. * To return your system to a clean state again, edit ~/.pulse/client.conf with your favorite editor and remove the line "autospawn = no". If the file is now empty, you can just as well delete it. Then log out and log in again. * Last but not least - thanks for helping out! ---- CategoryDebugging