#REDIRECT ARM/OMAP This page collects the specifics for running Ubuntu on a C series Beagleboard == Installation Images == Different images and installation variants are described on the following pages: {{attachment:ScreenshotBeagleNetBook.png}} [[ARM/BeagleNetbookInstall|BeagleNetbookInstall]] - Follow this link to install Ubuntu on a Beagleboard using the ubiquity installer under X. This installation needs a USB disk to load the operating system onto. [[ARM/BeagleServerInstall|BeagleServerInstall]] - Install an Ubuntu Server system (uses the debian-installer in text mode, needs a USB disk/key to install to. See below for installation over serial console) [[ARM/BeagleNetInstall|BeagleNetInstall]] - Install a minimal system with USB NIC attached (this installation variant is the most flexible one and also allows installation to SD card without pre-partitioning, uses debian-installer in text mode. See below for installation over serial console) == Enabling a Serial console and adjusting boot options == The debian-installer based images (server and netinstall) are capable of doing an installation over serial console. Follow the [[ARM/BeagleEditBootscr|BeagleEditBootscr]] page to set the right bootoptions == Reporting Bugs, discussion with Developers == To make sure reported bugs are seen by the armel porters, make sure you subscribe (not assign) the ubuntu-armel team to bugs you report and also set the armel tag. If you want to discuss the images or issues you see, join #ubuntu-arm on irc.freenode.net == Known issues == Indeed the Beagle has only 256M of RAM so if you use the Netbook image, dont expect a lot of speed, the system will likely swap. == Getting a serial connection == Connect the serial connector to the board, if you have a non-wired pin in the connector then the opposite corner is pin 1, otherwise one corner should be wired with a red wire, and in that case that is pin 1. The board should have markings indicating pin 1. Connect this to your computer with a USB-serial connector, and you should then have a /dev/ttyUSB0 node, if not then check for /dev/ttyUSB1 etc. Now power on the board. If you run {{{ screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 }}} then you should be connected to xboot on the board and can start to control it.