This page covers installation of Ubuntu "Maverick" 10.04 on Marvell Dove A0/X0 boards. == Known issues == Please consult the [[ARM/MaverickReleaseNotes|known issues with Ubuntu 10.04 ARM platforms]] before installing. == Preparation and image writing == ==== Prep Work ==== u-boot requires a TFTP server to download files from. Several are available in universe, including attpd and tftpd-hpa. Install the server on a machine the Dove can access and take note of its IP address. ==== Update the BootROM ==== All Marvell boards have a BootROM written both in physical ROM, and a small section of SPI that can be used for upgrades. Newest versions of Marvell's kernel requires a newer BootROM, with the newest being 2.04. All X0 boards should ship with BootROM 2.04; if not, you need to upgrade the bootROM to at least 2.04: * BootROM 2.04: Take that file, and place it in the TFTP folder. In addition, please make sure your board is setup for SPI booting (detailed below). At the u-boot prompt, type the following commands: {{{ Marvell>> setenv serverip *ip address of TFTP server* Marvell>> setenv ipaddr *board IP address* Marvell>> tftp 2000000 dove_bootrom_2_04_spi_0x1.img Marvell>> protect off f87f0000 f8800000 Marvell>> erase f87f0000 f8800000 Marvell>> cp.b 2000000 f87f0000 10000 Marvell>> protect on f87f0000 f8800000 Marvell>> reset }}} If successful, the board will boot back into u-boot. Depending on the version of u-boot in SPI, it may or may not print a message about the new BootROM in SPI. These messages look like the following: {{{ BootROM version (on chip)= 1.07 BootROM version (upgrade on SPI)= 2.04 BootROM Status: Number of retries = 0 }}} ==== Update u-boot ==== The stock u-boot on the Marvell Dove X0 and A0 board is sufficient to boot Ubuntu, and this step is optional. However, bugs related to suspend and resume were fixed with u-boot 4.4.2, and it is highly recommended that you upgrade. Canonical versions have a version string similar this {{{ U-Boot 1.3.4 (Oct 15 2009 - 12:11:45) Marvell version: 4.3.0 NQ - SPI BOOT. Canonical Development Version. }}} The current recommend version of u-boot for dove is Marvell-4.4.2 If your u-boot is older, you'll have to update it to a newer version. u-boot binaries for X0 are located here: The date of the binary is at the end of each filename in MMDDYYYY format. Official binaries from Marvell end in Marvell-VERSION. The filename also includes where the u-boot is supposed to be installed to, and the amount of RAM the board should have; MAKE SURE THESE VALUES ARE CORRECT; flashing a bootloader which doesn't match the hardware revision or amount of RAM may prevent the board from powering up and requiring UART recovery. /!\ '''DANGER - If you are at all unsure, please confirm what you are doing is correct with NCommander; a bad u-boot flash WILL brick your board without a JTAG adapter'''<
> Lastest X0 Image for 1GiB boards:<
> <
> Make sure that the serverip and ipaddr variables are properly set in u-boot (use printenv *name* to check, setenv *name* *value* to change, and save to commit). If you can currently TFTP images to your board, these values are correct. The bubt command is used for upgrading u-boot on the same medium (i.e., flashing a new u-boot to SPI while booted from SPI). It can't be used to go from one boot medium to another (i.e., SPI to NAND). {{{ Marvell>> setenv serverip ''TFTP Server'' Marvell>> setenv ipaddr ''board IP address'' Marvell>> bubt ''filename of uboot'' }}} Answer yes when asked if you wipe the environmental variables. Type reset when done to boot into the new u-boot ==== Writing the Image ==== First of all you need to download the [[|Image]] to a large enough USB stick (1GB will suffice) that u-boot will be able to use; !SanDisk were reported as supported. For writing the image either use the usb-imagewriter tool which you can install from the Jaunty universe archive (packages for [[|Hardy (8.04)]] and [[|Intrepid (8.10)]] can be found at the [[|usb-imagewriter PPA]]) or follow the commandline method below. {{{ sudo dd bs=4M if=./lucid-desktop-armel+dove.img of=/dev/sdb }}} (assuming your USB stick is called /dev/sdb) You'll also need a SATA disk or large USB harddrive as the target installation device. /!\ USB booting is supported, but the Dove bootloader is extremely picky on what devices it will boot from. Using SATA is recommended and perferred == Starting the live system manually == /!\ These instructions are currently for reference if you need to manually start from the boot prompt. Current u-boot versions will autostart from a properly written USB stick Attach the USB pendrive you made in the previous step to the Dove, and then reset the board with the drive attached. '''IMPORTANT''' - Don't type usb start more than once in any given u-boot session since it will cause u-boot to loose track of all devices it currently sees. You can test if the drive was detected like this: {{{ Marvell>> usb start (Re)start USB... USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found Marvell>> fatls usb 0:1 casper/ dists/ pics/ .disk/ install/ preseed/ pool/ 3143 md5sum.txt 368 boot.scr 228 readme.diskdefines 3 file(s), 7 dir(s) }}} If you get file output, your in business. The live image can be started with the following if you have the hush shell available. {{{ Marvell>> usb start (Re)start USB... USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found Marvell>> fatload usb 0:1 0x1000 boot.scr reading boot.scr 368 bytes read Marvell>> autoscr 1000 ## Executing script at 00001000 Loading Ubuntu LiveCD... reading /casper/uImage ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Wrong Ramdisk Image Format Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux............................................................ .............................................................................................................. done, booting the kernel. Linux version 2.6.31-201-dove (buildd@jaboticaba) (gcc version 4.4.1 (Ubuntu 4.4.1-3ubuntu1) ) #5-Ubuntu Mon Aug 24 23:06:43 UTC 2009 (Ubuntu 2.6.31-201.5-dove) }}} If your using a non-hush enabled u-boot, you will have to load the uImage and uInitrd by hand to start the live environment {{{ Marvell>> usb start (Re)start USB... USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found Marvell>> fatload usb 0:1 0x20000 /casper/uImage Marvell>> fatload usb 0:1 0x110000 /casper/uInitrd Marvell>> setenv bootcmd mem=512M file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed -- boot=casper Marvell>> bootm 0x20000 0x110000 }}}