## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100309 <> ||<>|| '''March 9th, 2010, 13:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<
> = Agenda = == Meeting Links == * Link to previous meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100302]] * Link to next meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100316]] == Action Items from March 2nd, 2010 == * asac to talk to team about training session * asac and JamieBennett to triage netbook-launcher-efl bugs * asac to blog about the ARM alpha-3 release * ogra to file a bug on LP not tracking bug links to blueprints or sending emails * NCommander to investigate KDE FTBFS issues * GrueMaster to produce a daily report on image testing and add that to the weekly meeting page * everyone to try rootstock GUI once its in the archive == Standing Items == * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html * Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) * on imx51: waiting for regulator patch from upstream, work ongoing for carrier detect for fec driver; work ongoing on kexec backports * QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) * ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) * ARM Porting/FTBFS status ([[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]], dyfet) * How is the work on libplist and squid (bug #519897) going forward is any extrenal help needed ? * ARM Image Status ([[OliverGrawert|ogra]], [[EmmetHikory|persia]]) * 20100208 and 20100209 images failed due to gnome-keyring being out of sync and glib ftbfs * gnome-keyring is in sync again, glib was given back, tonights image should be fine again * General status of the images beyond the above seems to be ok * Any Other Business * Suggestions for gSoC projects == Action Items == * asac and JamieBennett to triage netbook-launcher-efl bugs * ogra to file a bug on LP not tracking bug links to blueprints or sending emails * ogra to forward cooloneys patch for bug #531696 to be included in the BSP * ogra and asac raise regulator patch issue again with fsl * ogra to check with ttx on what server team needs to help likewise testing on arm == Minutes == * Talk started with the teams current work items for the beta 1 release: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html. Things look in pretty bad shape according to the graph with web office and web email contributing to 50% of the work items remaining at time of writing. Other work items need a final push to get them ready for beta 1. * NCommander informed the team that tuxdavis had taken over his task to investigate KDE fail to build issues. The team were happier with KDE on ARM as some problems had been fixed. Riddell mentioned that tuxdavis had concluded that there was a fault in the toolchain and kdebindings, kdeedu and other non kde packages were affected. Riddell had produced a fix for kdebinding by not compiling smoke on ARM. * ogra mentioned that debootstap was broken at the moment due to glib which was being pulled into minimal builds because of plymouth. * Talk moved to the state of the Freescale kernel. cooloney said he had sent a patch to ogra for bug #531696 which ogra committed to forwarding on. There was still work to be done on the regulators and patches were missing. cooloney went on to say that he had recieved a patch which would break the kernel and that he was working on bug 457878. * cooloney continued his Freescale report by informing the team that he had to backport 5 patches from the 2.6.33 kernel to the Freescale 2.6.31 kernel to add kexec support for armv7. * ericm reported on the state of the Marvell kernel. Apparently Marvell had release a set of patches this week and ericm had got them to apw in time for kernel freeze. The patches contained kexec fixes, basic Android support and block memory management functionality (a block memory management for physically contiguous memory allocation for their GPU/VPU acceleration). * To continue, ericm stated that Marvell knew about recent sound issues (such as bug 528524) and were working on it. * Sound issues seem to be prevalent on both boards, the team committed to looking closely into this. * Talk moved to the status of QA. GrueMaster reported that image building was ‘hit and miss’. Hibernate was working on Dove and there were no real issues to report. iMX51 had no issues either apart from the reported sound problems. plars indicated that he was working on checkbox checks. * GrueMaster said that he had been working on likewise testing. ogra stated that GrueMaster should coordinate with the server team as they also had a likewise effort. * Porting and FTBFS issues was the next topic. asac mentioned that he had a fix for libpst and was working on a squid fix. asac highlighted other packages that needed attention and dyfet committed to looking into fixing them. * Talk moved to the Google Summer of Code program. The team bounced around a couple of project idea’s but nothing concrete was finalized. = Weekly Reports = == Jamie Bennett (JamieBennett) == === This Week === * Worked on web office integration. * Finished the implementation, packaged and uploaded to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/webservice-office-zoho. * A couple of rounds of minor fixes and now proposed for upload. * Preliminary look at the FTBFS, highlighted candidates to fix. * Produced a fix for fio to make if compile on ARMv7 and also make it SMP safe. * iMX51 image testing, nice new artwork ;) * Some Canola investigations to determine if we are to make an effort to upload to universe this cycle. Still undecided. * Lots of machine bring-up after my laptop died last week and needed to be replaced :( === Future === * More FTBFS work. == Paul Larson (plars) == === This Week === * Tested installing to SSD drive with imx51 * spent a great deal of time investigating instability I've been noticing on dove * after much frustration, and noticing that others are not able to reproduce my problems, I ran memtester and it fails about 50% of the time. I now believe my issues may be hardware (possibly memory) related and specific to my system * Opened an ftbfs bug against moserial which ceased to build recently, this is now fixed and awaiting sponsorship * submitted merge request for suspend/resume testcases * did some bug triaging === Future === * Fixes and cleanups for suspend/resume tests that fell out of the merge request * bug triaging * mobile-bringup baseline testing * try to get my dove board fixed or memory replaced * debugging on audio problems I'm seeing == Tobin Davis (GrueMaster) == === This Week === * Installation testing with new SSD on imx51. Decent speeds, but still limited by SOC architecture. * Worked on getting Windows 2003 server setup for Likewise testing. Brought in Windows expert at the cost of two beers to help. * Installation images down most of the week due to dependency issues. Spent most of the time updating existing installs and deep testing. * Extensive testing and trace building on bug #530404 (Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference) when running mplayer on dove. === Future === * Daily documentation of tests executed. * Daily testing. == Alexander Sack (asac) == === This Week === * out of office for half of week for a mini-summit * thumb2 main rebuild * prepare list of not yet rebuild packages with Architecture != all * upload in two batches: 80 on monday, 240 on weekend * collect build failures and file bugs * fix libatomic-ops - lp:533629 * fix and upstream libgnome-keyring - lp:533998 * work on fixing klibc (no success) and libplist (success on armel) * review webservice office * get FFe for webservice office and email * review gnash update - next: sponsoring * weekly release team meeting and preparations == David Sugar (dyfet) == === This Week === * testing ssd drive & lucid install with imx51 * some internal IT; rebuilt local cache server with lucid * started lucid/armel packaging/verification for canola2 friday * asterisk lucid baseline config * investigated kde armel issues === Future === * finish canola2 rebuild, create new ppa, then submit for archive * lubuntu lucid alpha 3 testing on armel * final sipwitch submission for lucid beta * more ftbfs/bug work, check remaining open porting issues == Emmet Hikory (persia) == === This Week === * Fix python-apt to know which releases were on archive.u.c and which on ports.u.c * Confirm partman-uboot is working * Investigate partman-ubi work-in-progress and test ubi-on-nandsim for amd64/i386 == Dave Martin (dmart) == === This Week === * Proposed some x264 changes to enable NEON runtime detection. * Still investigating SMP boot issues. * Thumb-2 porting support; some SMP review and miscellaneous contributions * Some time spent reporting and pursuing some gdb bugs. === Future === * Continue SMP boot investigation. * Continue Thumb-2 porting support. == Michael Casadevall (NCommander) == === This Week === * OpenOffice.org debugging continues * Opened dialog with ARM toolchain engineers * Began bisecting toolchain components between jaunty and karmic for OOo === Future === * OOo debugging continues == Steve Kowalik (StevenK) == * Thursday archive admin duties. * NBS work. * Sort out why images failed, giving a few things back. - A few times over. == Oliver Grawert (ogra) == * Done * Went on researching the qemu hangs when installing big tasks no outcome yet, apt hangs, if i install teh dbgsym package it doesnt hang :( * fixed remaining rootstock script bugs (one GUI bug still open) * some more oem-config testing in rootstock images * switched rootstock fully to archive (d-i netinst) kernel (needs some special handling under jaunty/karmic i.e. devtmpfs disabling) * Todo * final rootstock upload * convert rootstock testplan to gui testplan once the final upload is done * prepare for beta1 * do some FTBFS list fixes * add a failed/succeeded stamp to livecd-rootfs to have an easier log overview page = Meeting Log = {{{ 12:59 < NCommander> #startmeeting 12:59 < MootBot> Meeting started at 07:02. The chair is NCommander. 12:59 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] 12:59 * NCommander coughs 13:00 < JamieBennett> umm, no action items from last week? 13:00 < asac> hi NCommander ;) 13:00 * GrueMaster digs for #2 toothpicks and inserts them under eyelids. 13:00 < NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100309 13:00 < MootBot> LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100309 13:00 -!- mok0 [~mok@ubuntu/member/mok0] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:00 < asac> JamieBennett: shoud i add ogras AR? 13:00 -!- anmar [~anmar@CPE001b63f29e4b-CM001ac318bd2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:01 < asac> i think i saw that in mail ;) 13:01 * JamieBennett didn't see that 13:01 < ogra> re 13:01 < asac> seems i dreamt that ;) 13:01 < asac> ok lets start i guess :) 13:01 * ogra didnt send it yet ... there was a discussion about logs that kept me from sending it :P 13:02 < asac> [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html 13:02 < MootBot> LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html 13:02 < NCommander> [topic] Standing Items 13:02 < MootBot> New Topic: Standing Items 13:02 < asac> ogra: feel free to add to wiki directly ;) 13:02 < ogra> will do 13:02 < NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) 13:02 < MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) 13:02 < JamieBennett> NCommander: slow down ;) 13:03 < ogra> dude 13:03 < JamieBennett> Anything to comment on for work items? 13:03 < ogra> where are they ? 13:03 < asac> so for beta 13:03 < asac> besides from office/email ... what can we do for the other specs? 13:03 < asac> powermanagement has two bugs somehow 13:03 < asac> that stops it from being finished 13:03 * cooloney waves at ogra 13:03 < ogra> (the action items from last meeting i mean) 13:03 < asac> ogra: ? are those valid to block this spec? 13:03 < asac> NCommander: roll back 13:03 < asac> we are at standing items review of beta work itmes ;) 13:04 < NCommander> [topic] Beta Work Items 13:04 < MootBot> New Topic: Beta Work Items 13:04 < NCommander> There, now we're all on the same page :-) 13:04 < cooloney> for fsl-imx51, kernel just applied one patch to fix an subtle kernel oops bug found by jeremy kerr 13:04 < JamieBennett> lol 13:05 < cooloney> bug #531696 13:05 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 531696 in linux-fsl-imx51 "mc13892 LED driver oopses on trigger action" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/531696 13:05 < ogra> asac, regulators -> complete FSL patch missing ... not sure we *need* the fix actually ... based on FSL 13:05 -!- ericm_ [~ycmiao@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:05 < cooloney> and i did not get any feedback about one of my patch to fix the bsp building error 13:05 < ogra> asac, numbers for idle case -> depends on vendors and we wont do any code changes based on it -> DROP 13:05 < cooloney> i think we forward it to fls 13:05 < cooloney> fsl 13:06 -!- asac_ [~asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:06 < ogra> asac, what other tiems are you referring to in that spec ? 13:06 < ogra> *items 13:06 < asac_> ok i had a reconnect :( 13:06 < asac_> can someone paste me the scroll back 13:06 < asac_> and cross fingers that i stay up now 13:08 -!- asac_ [~asac@debian/developer/asac] has quit [Client Quit] 13:08 < JamieBennett> asac_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/391746/ 13:08 -!- asac_ [~asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:08 < ogra> to late 13:08 < asac_> sorry folks. please run the meeting not relying on me 13:08 < StevenK> Or your ISP 13:08 < ogra> asac_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/391746/ 13:08 -!- asac [~asac@debian/developer/asac] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:08 < JamieBennett> :D 13:08 -!- asac_ is now known as asac 13:09 < asac> ok cross fingers 13:09 * ogra crosses fingers 13:09 < asac> id dint get the paste before either 13:09 < JamieBennett> OK, back to work items 13:09 < JamieBennett> asac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/391746/ 13:09 < ogra> asac, so what items were you referring to in the spec ? 13:09 -!- ecanto [edson@unaffiliated/edson] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:09 < asac> ok so should those bugs be linked to spec? 13:09 < ogra> imho we can set them all to dropped unless something comes from FSL 13:09 < asac> or just tracked as bugs? 13:09 < asac> imo i would think that feature bugs should be linked 13:09 < asac> to specs, but not real bugs 13:10 < ogra> which bugs exactly ? 13:10 < asac> ok lets unlink them 13:10 < asac> hmm wasnt powermanagement spec linked to bugs? 13:10 < ogra> yes 13:10 < ogra> sadly the spec page gives no overview about the bug status :( 13:11 < ogra> i think most of them are fix released 13:11 * NCommander has the action items for this week once ogra releases the wiki page lock 13:11 < asac> bug 509006 13:11 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 509006 in linux-mvl-dove "[dove] hibernation failed to resume" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/509006 13:11 < ogra> i dont do anything on the page 13:11 < asac> thats still open 13:11 < ogra> NCommander, grab it 13:11 < asac> -> unlink 13:11 < asac> ? 13:12 < ogra> fix rather ? 13:12 < ericm_> that's not fixed 13:12 < plars> I think GrueMaster said he tested that yesterday, and that it was still broken 13:12 < asac> right. my question was if we should make specs for bug tracking 13:12 < ogra> well, we'Re in kernel freeze ? 13:12 < asac> if we cant close a spec if there are bugs left we can never finalize it for a milestone 13:12 < NCommander> action items up 13:12 < ericm_> asac, which spec depends on hibernation? 13:12 < GrueMaster> I tested both apw's kernel and the latest image. 13:12 < ogra> well, then unlink 13:12 < asac> if we say: its ok to be behind because we track bugs that come out of specs thats fine 13:12 < NCommander> we'll do those once we finish Standing Items 13:12 < asac> ericm_: power management 13:13 < ogra> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-arm-per-soc-powermanagement 13:13 < GrueMaster> apw's kernel failed, but the latest image worked fine. 13:13 < ogra> GrueMaster, did you tell that apw ? 13:13 < asac> ok lets move on to another spec ;) 13:13 < ericm_> can we just unlink it, as I know hibernation shouldn't block power management 13:13 < ericm_> in other aspects 13:13 < GrueMaster> yes. It should be in the irc log. 13:13 < asac> lets screw it ... i will approach you individually after the meeting ;) 13:13 < ogra> unlinked 13:14 < asac> too many reconnects ;) 13:14 < asac> ogra: thanks 13:14 < JamieBennett> asac: ++ 13:14 < asac> NCommander: lets go on with standing items 13:14 < asac> ;) 13:14 < ogra> asac, action items first :) 13:15 < asac> right 13:15 < asac> those were not there when i last looked ;) 13:15 < ogra> whoops ... i didnt do mine :( 13:15 < ogra> asac, our chair is slacking :) 13:15 < NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) 13:15 < MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) 13:15 < ogra> NCommander, action items please 13:15 < NCommander> [topic] Action Item review 13:15 < MootBot> New Topic: Action Item review 13:16 < NCommander> [topic] asac to talk to team about training session 13:16 < MootBot> New Topic: asac to talk to team about training session 13:16 < asac> i started to write on alpha-3 stuff ... i think -efl bugs are not yet done 13:16 * NCommander was dealing with a very persistant cat 13:16 < asac> NCommander: i lost context on training session ;) 13:16 < ogra> we did one 13:16 < ogra> that was the thumb2 session 13:16 < asac> that was about the thumb2? 13:16 < ogra> yup 13:16 < asac> yeah then that was done two weeks ago ;) 13:16 < ogra> so strike 13:17 < JamieBennett> asac: (these action items are from 2 weeks ago) 13:17 < NCommander> [topic] asac and JamieBennett to triage netbook-launcher-efl bugs 13:17 < MootBot> New Topic: asac and JamieBennett to triage netbook-launcher-efl bugs 13:17 < asac> keep bloggin and -efl bugs 13:17 < asac> cf 13:17 < NCommander> asac: cf? 13:17 < JamieBennett> carry forward 13:17 < asac> carry forward 13:17 < ogra> carry forward 13:17 * NCommander hears an echo 13:17 < ogra> or creepy fish 13:17 < asac> no need to make topics for each of the items ;) 13:17 < asac> but go ahead 13:17 < NCommander> [topic] ogra to file a bug on LP not tracking bug links to blueprints or sending emails 13:17 < MootBot> New Topic: ogra to file a bug on LP not tracking bug links to blueprints or sending emails 13:17 < ogra> co 13:18 < NCommander> [topic] NCommander to investigate KDE FTBFS issues 13:18 < MootBot> New Topic: NCommander to investigate KDE FTBFS issues 13:18 < NCommander> tuxdavis took this one over, and found the kdebindings crash 13:18 < asac> the fix you mean? 13:18 < ogra> yeah, seems its fixed 13:18 < NCommander> s/crash/fix 13:18 < asac> right. last i looked there were not so many issues 13:18 < ogra> its not on the ftbfs list since some days 13:18 < asac> kdeedu was still unhappy 13:18 < NCommander> I'll look at it sometime this week 13:18 < NCommander> so I guess c/o on this one too 13:18 < NCommander> [topic] GrueMaster to produce a daily report on image testing and add that to the weekly meeting page 13:18 < MootBot> New Topic: GrueMaster to produce a daily report on image testing and add that to the weekly meeting page 13:18 < GrueMaster> WIP 13:19 < NCommander> co? 13:19 < ogra> are you adding it atm ? 13:19 < GrueMaster> Started this week 13:19 < asac> thats fixed also 13:19 < asac> right GrueMaster and me discussed this and its moving ;) 13:20 < asac> i dont think we need to carry that forward 13:20 < NCommander> [topic] everyone to try rootstock GUI once its in the archive 13:20 < MootBot> New Topic: everyone to try rootstock GUI once its in the archive 13:20 * ogra had feedback from asac so far on rootstock ui testing 13:20 < asac> we will see that when checking it 13:20 < asac> i tested it quite a bit 13:20 < asac> though not to full image ;) 13:20 < ogra> the rest of the team are slackers ! 13:20 < asac> because of the qemu hangs 13:20 < ogra> right 13:20 < ogra> i'm hoping the recent upload changes something in qemu 13:20 < asac> is that fixed now ? 13:20 < ogra> no 13:20 < asac> hmm so the new image format didnt help? 13:20 < ogra> and i cant test until glib is built and promoted 13:20 < plars> I was told by ogra to wait for his fix :) 13:21 < Riddell> on the KDE compile failure tuxdavis concluded its a fault in the toolchain causing the segfault. kdebindings, kdeedu and other non kde packages are affected. I've worked out it in kdebindings by not compiling smoke on ARM 13:21 < ogra> nope, but there was a fix for disk IO tonight 13:21 < asac> ogra: you should really make alocal mirror out of a apt-cache 13:21 < ogra> plars, you can test minimal images once glib is there 13:21 < asac> Riddell: thanks! 13:21 < asac> Riddell: is that ok? 13:21 < asac> or a bad hack=? 13:21 < ogra> sadly glib breaks debootstrap atm 13:21 < ogra> (we now pull glib into minimal builds since recently ) 13:21 < StevenK> Argh 13:22 < NCommander> ew 13:22 * ogra waits whan gtk will enter too 13:22 * StevenK didn't want to hear that bit 13:22 < StevenK> I just ate, damn it 13:22 < asac> hmm glib in minimal? what is pulling that? 13:22 < ogra> send flowers to plymouth :) 13:22 * NCommander seconds StevenK's emotion 13:22 < asac> oh 13:22 < asac> ok 13:22 < persia> !ohmy 13:22 < ubottu> Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. 13:22 < asac> ok lets move on 13:22 < asac> summary: qemu is in bad state still :/ no idea whats going on 13:22 < ogra> right 13:22 < NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) 13:22 < MootBot> New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)) 13:22 < Riddell> asac: it'll do for kdebindings but the problem is likely to reappear elsewhere 13:23 < ogra> well, i have a better idea 13:23 < asac> ogra: please try the file writing/reading loop 13:23 < asac> ;) 13:23 < cooloney> right, 13:23 < asac> in a qemu to check if its reproducible by that 13:23 < cooloney> it is our turn? 13:23 < ogra> asac, next aftzer stracing apt 13:23 < asac> cooloney: go ahead 13:23 < cooloney> for fsl-imx51, kernel just applied one patch to fix an subtle kernel oops bug found by jeremy kerr 13:23 < cooloney> bug #531696 13:23 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 531696 in linux-fsl-imx51 "mc13892 LED driver oopses on trigger action" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/531696 13:23 < cooloney> i think i sent this patch to ogra 13:24 < ogra> yeah, i need to forward it to paul still 13:24 < cooloney> it should be included in fsl's bsp 13:24 < ogra> wil do that before the call today 13:24 < cooloney> ogra: ok, thanks 13:24 < cooloney> and how about the regulator issue? 13:24 < ogra> given that next BSP is only plannae dfor end of may its not that urgent i think ... 13:24 < asac> ok so that patch came from fsl? 13:24 < ogra> cooloney, last call was skipped 13:25 < ogra> i'll bring it up today 13:25 < asac> ok 13:25 < cooloney> ogra: right, understand 13:25 < asac> whats the status on regulators? 13:25 < ogra> FSL is definately aware 13:25 < ogra> we had enough mails on that 13:25 < asac> still missing a patch? 13:25 < cooloney> yeah 13:25 < ogra> a part of the patch is missing 13:25 < asac> right. lets bring it up today 13:25 < ogra> right 13:25 < ogra> thats the plan 13:26 < cooloney> right, i just got one patch will will break our kernel 13:26 * ogra would still looooove to see a fix for bug 457878 13:26 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 457878 in linux-fsl-imx51 "imx51 on board ethernet plug/unplug events not detected" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/457878 13:26 < cooloney> and i also sent out a patch to fix the building error before 13:26 < asac> [ACTION] ogra and asac raise regulator patch issue again with fsl 13:26 < NCommander> +1 ogra 13:26 < cooloney> is that any feedback 13:26 < NCommander> [ACTION] ogra and asac raise regulator patch issue again with fsl 13:26 < MootBot> ACTION received: ogra and asac raise regulator patch issue again with fsl 13:26 < ogra> but i'm not having high hopes 13:26 < cooloney> ogra: i am working on that 13:26 < asac> cooloney: do you have any idea? 13:26 * ogra humps cooloney's leg 13:27 < cooloney> and is preparing a patch to add phylib support into fec.c 13:27 < asac> or waiting on fsl input? 13:27 < cooloney> becuase the upstream also like to see that 13:27 < ogra> asac, we know whats wrong, its just a hell lot of work 13:27 < cooloney> yeah, 13:27 < cooloney> but if we switched to generic phylib 13:27 < cooloney> it is better for every one who use fec.c 13:28 < ogra> and FSL just didnt do it yet 13:28 * ericm_ wonders why fec.c still hasn't been linked with phylib 13:28 < cooloney> ericm_: no idea 13:28 < ogra> ericm_, especially since that bug is known since jaunty 13:28 * persia doesn't press the ohmy button again, as it's too soon, but ... 13:28 < asac> ok. if there is info you need from fsl to work on this let us know offline 13:28 < cooloney> asac: no problem 13:28 < asac> anything else on imx51? 13:28 < ogra> persia, what for would you pressi it ? 13:28 < cooloney> oh, we found necessary patches for kexec 13:29 < asac> interesting. how intrusive are those? 13:29 < cooloney> but still need finalize 13:29 < asac> ok. is there a place to track that ? 13:29 < ogra> asac, they are in already as i understood 13:29 < ogra> (kexec patches) 13:29 < ericm_> cooloney, what's there still need finanlize? 13:29 < cooloney> back ported 5 patches to add kexec supporting for our armv7 13:29 < cooloney> ericm_: we still need patch kexec-tools 13:29 < ogra> oh from .32 to .31 13:30 < cooloney> or just kexec vmlinux 13:30 < cooloney> need a solution 13:30 < ogra> note that its fine to have but we wont do anything for lucid with kexec 13:30 < asac> when is the deadline for getting this in? 13:30 < cooloney> ogra: no, backport from .33 to .32 and .31 13:30 < ogra> we will do a lot with it in L+1 if its there though 13:30 < cooloney> so versatile, dove and imx51 can support that 13:30 < persia> Cool! 13:30 < ogra> since NCommander will revive softbootloader then 13:30 < ericm_> cooloney, ah right - we might need an updated kexec-tools 13:31 < ogra> so dont put kexec on higher prio than the other bugs please 13:31 < NCommander> ogra: I already had managed to get softbootloader working on dove partially weeks ago. I shelved the work this cycle after talking with asac 13:31 < cooloney> and i think ericm_ already pushed the kexec to lucid 13:31 < asac> i agree with ogra, lets not drop other stuff for kexec 13:31 < cooloney> i will do that later 13:31 < asac> ok 13:31 < ogra> they RC bugs are more important 13:31 < asac> cooloney: when is the last upload deadline? 13:32 < ericm_> 11th is the deadline for kernel freeze 13:32 < ogra> i think that was today 13:32 < ogra> or yesterday 13:32 < cooloney> ericm_: right, thanks 13:32 < ogra> apw said 8th 13:32 < ogra> to get everything ready before freeze 13:32 < ericm_> oh, I'm lucky then send him the git pull yesterday 13:32 < asac> ok so on imx51 we wait for regular patch, work on carrier detect for fec and look into kexec backports 13:33 < asac> anything else? 13:33 < ogra> (for packaging and testing etc) 13:33 < cooloney> so i need to do that soon, 13:33 < cooloney> at least for kexec patches 13:33 < asac> regulator 13:33 < cooloney> asac: good summary 13:33 < cooloney> right 13:33 < asac> ok ericm_ ;) ... your turn! 13:33 < ericm_> cooloney, right - we might want to get the basic stuffs in - anything broken can be fixed later 13:33 < cooloney> ericm_: exactly 13:33 < apw> freeze is thursday ... to get things up and built before then i 'closed' yesterday 13:34 < ericm_> ok, Marvell made another drop of patchset this week, and I was able to get them in in the git-pull to apw yesterday 13:34 < apw> is there something i am missing whcih is needed for freeze 13:34 < ericm_> basically, there will be three parts of changes 13:34 < cooloney> apw: so i missed that 13:34 < ogra> apw, yeah, we decided to switch FSL to .33 :P 13:34 * apw dies 13:34 * ogra hides 13:34 < plars> heh 13:35 < ericm_> kexec + basic Android support (not necessarily turned on in our kernel but to keep our code as close as possible to theirs) 13:35 < asac> apw: nothing planned, but you never know ;) 13:35 < ericm_> + BMM (a block memory management for physically contiguous memory allocation for their GPU/VPU acceleration) 13:35 < asac> ericm_: basic android support? what size is that patch? 13:35 < ericm_> and turning off OABI_COMPAT as discussed 13:35 < asac> right. thanks for that 13:35 < asac> ;) 13:35 < ericm_> asac, it's a series of patches 13:36 < ericm_> asac, but we didn't turn on any Android related options - so to keep the impact to minimized 13:37 < asac> ericm_: right. wonder what size are those patches? 13:37 < asac> whats the topic? powermanagement? 13:37 < ericm_> asac, it's not much, lemme check 13:38 < ericm_> asac, < 1M, oh my 13:38 < asac> ok 13:38 < asac> lets take that offline 13:39 < asac> any important issues outstanding for dove? 13:39 < asac> what about bug 528524: pulseaudio "Sound not working in all apps on dove" 13:39 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 528524 in totem "Sound not working in all apps on dove" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/528524 13:39 * ogra saw something similar for imx51 today ? 13:40 < asac> plars: is it really a regression compared to x86? 13:40 < ericm_> mmm.. and mplayer crashes in sound as well - Marvell is working on this 13:40 < asac> ok so thats still on the radar? 13:40 < GrueMaster> Yes. But it may be driver related. 13:40 < plars> asac: it seems specific to that board 13:40 < asac> ok good 13:40 < plars> asac: but we have another similar (but different) pulseaudio issue on imx51 13:40 < asac> let me add the kernel package 13:40 < asac> just in case 13:40 < ogra> Bug 534815 13:41 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 534815 in pulseaudio "imx51 some audio files play, others do not" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/534815 13:41 < asac> ericm_: do you know where they want to fix it? in kernel? 13:41 < asac> ogra: some audio files? e.g. codecs? 13:41 < asac> or apps? 13:41 < ericm_> asac, the crash looks like a kernel bug, so yes - most likely 13:41 < ogra> asac, no idea, not my bug 13:41 < plars> ogra: right 13:41 < plars> I spent a good deal of time looking at that one yesterday 13:42 < GrueMaster> the mplayer crash on dove is definitely kernel related. mplayer segfaults when opening the audio device. 13:42 < asac> plars: so on imx51 all apps play sound ... just some codec/format/frequency doesnt work well? 13:42 < asac> GrueMaster: ok thanks. so the dove thing is kernelish ... done. 13:43 < cooloney> ogra: never looked at that bug before 13:43 < plars> asac: actually that seems to be the case on both boards, but the sampling rates at which they will play is different 13:43 < asac> hmm 13:43 < ogra> cooloney, reported 11h ago :) 13:43 < ogra> cooloney, nobody expected you to look yet :) 13:43 < asac> interesting bug. we should keep that on the radar 13:43 < ogra> ++ 13:43 -!- bladernr_ [~bladernr@nc-71-54-45-201.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:44 < asac> targetted for lucid 13:44 < cooloney> ogra: oh, thanks, 13:44 < asac> ok anthing else for dove? 13:44 < ericm_> asac, nope 13:44 -!- bladernr_ [~bladernr@nc-71-54-45-201.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:45 < asac> lets move on ;) 13:45 < asac> NCommander: ^ 13:45 < NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) 13:45 < MootBot> New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) 13:45 < GrueMaster> Image builds continue to be hit and miss. Currently, 3/7 is the last image built. 13:45 < GrueMaster> Tested hibernate multiple times on Dove with latest available image, no issues to report. 13:45 < GrueMaster> Tested image install on Babbage 3, no immediate issues seen during imaging. Sound still appears to be an issue. System sounds are ok, but no playback from alsa tools. 13:45 < GrueMaster> That's all from yesterday. 13:46 < plars> Looks like the suspend/resume tests may go into checkbox main, but I have some things to fix/cleanup on it based on a review I got back from Marc yesterday, so I'll be taking a look at that this week 13:46 < ogra> how about test kernels (which are due to be uploaded today) 13:46 < GrueMaster> I need to backtrack and put some notes together for last week. 13:46 < ogra> if you get such things it would make sense to add them to the report 13:46 < GrueMaster> ok 13:46 < asac> GrueMaster: today we had no image? 13:46 < GrueMaster> Nope. 13:46 < asac> what is currently out of sync? 13:46 < ogra> asac, see the page :) 13:46 < ogra> i reported it 13:47 < ogra> under image status 13:47 < asac> kk 13:47 < asac> ok thanks plars and GrueMaster 13:47 < asac> plars: will check with you on the final work items of suspend resume 13:47 < asac> offline ;) 13:47 < plars> sounds good 13:47 < asac> ok next 13:48 < asac> NCommander: ^^ 13:48 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) 13:48 < MootBot> New Topic: ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) 13:48 < GrueMaster> I also spent a good chunk of Sunday trying to get likewise working. First order is to get it working on x86. Still no luck, even with the help of a Windows guru. 13:48 < JamieBennett> Looking OK, netbook-launcher-efl has a few bugs but nothing out of the ordinary 13:48 < asac> GrueMaster: do you have a win server for likewise testing? 13:48 < ogra> GrueMaster, thats been moved to the server team last week 13:48 < GrueMaster> yes 13:48 < asac> ok cool. i dont think its high priority though 13:48 < ogra> GrueMaster, please coordinate with them and comment on the bug if you test it 13:49 < GrueMaster> Does the server team have access to arm? 13:49 < asac> what we want to tes tis whether it doesnt crash ;) 13:49 < asac> GrueMaster: we can run the tests for them if they make a proper server setup available with instructions how to setup the client 13:49 < asac> ;) 13:49 < ogra> GrueMaster, we offered them help so if you have a setup that would be good 13:49 < asac> so we dont need to fiddle until x86 works first 13:49 -!- mok0 [~mok@ubuntu/member/mok0] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 13:49 < GrueMaster> ok 13:49 < ogra> but let them know and ask what they need 13:49 -!- rgreening [~rgreening@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:49 < GrueMaster> Client side is easy. Getting an NT server going is hard. 13:50 < asac> [ACTION] ogra to check with ttx on what server team needs to help likewise testing on arm 13:50 -!- Adri2000 [~adri2000@ubuntu/member/adri2000] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:50 < ogra> NCommander, ^^ 13:50 < NCommander> [topic] 13:50 < MootBot> New Topic: 13:50 < NCommander> er 13:50 < ogra> heh 13:50 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) 13:50 < MootBot> New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) 13:50 < NCommander> C&P fail 13:50 < ogra> err 13:51 < asac> libplist -> i have that fixed for armel 13:51 < NCommander> [ACTION] ogra to check with ttx on what server team needs to help likewise testing on arm 13:51 < MootBot> ACTION received: ogra to check with ttx on what server team needs to help likewise testing on arm 13:51 < ogra> [ACTION] ogra to check with ttx on what server team needs to help likewise testing on arm 13:51 < ogra> thanks 13:51 < asac> squid i havent done yet 13:51 < ogra> asac, oh, dyfet wanted to look at squid and libpt 13:51 -!- Adri2000 [~adri2000@ubuntu/member/adri2000] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:51 < ogra> err libplist 13:51 < asac> i did plist over the weekend 13:51 < asac> i can keep it private ;) 13:51 < ogra> right, dyfet whats the status for squid then ? 13:51 < asac> anyway, there are plenty of ftbfs so fix 13:52 < asac> libpst 13:52 < asac> iirc 13:52 < ogra> right, last week there were only these two pressing 13:52 < dyfet> ogra: sorry, missed squid... 13:52 -!- highvoltage [~highvolta@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:52 < asac> libgtk2-perl and libpst 13:52 < asac> dyfet: can you work on one of these today? 13:53 < asac> and squid ;) 13:53 < dyfet> asac: yes, I can 13:53 < asac> libtommath libtunepimp and ossp-uuid 13:53 < ogra> great 13:53 < asac> also look like worthwhile candidates 13:54 < asac> ok lets move on 13:54 -!- highvoltage [~highvolta@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:54 < GrueMaster> Not sure if it is helpful (and I don't have all the details), but apparently there is a fix for gcc for the -fPic issue. 13:54 < asac> i think the image status is quite well documented on the wiki 13:54 < asac> i dont have questions. anyone? 13:54 < GrueMaster> upstream in svn. 13:54 < asac> GrueMaster: which -fPIC issue? 13:54 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, persia) 13:54 < MootBot> New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, persia)) 13:55 < ogra> GrueMaster, talk to doko ? 13:55 < asac> 4:57 < asac> i think the image status is quite well documented on the wiki 13:55 < asac> 14:57 < asac> i dont have questions. anyone? 13:55 * ogra doesnt :P 13:55 * StevenK neither 13:55 < NCommander> [topic] Any Other Business 13:55 < MootBot> New Topic: Any Other Business 13:55 < persia> We only currently have server images, but expect to have Ubuntu netbook ones tomorrow. 13:56 * ogra wonmders how server could build 13:56 < StevenK> No glib gets dragged in 13:56 < ogra> if basic debootstrapping doesnt work 13:56 -!- njpatel_ [~njpatel@5ac61426.bb.sky.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:56 < ogra> weird 13:56 < StevenK> ogra: Ah, because the server is alternate 13:56 < ogra> server uses plymouth 13:56 < asac> yeah. alternate probably does the trick 13:56 < asac> do we still produce them? 13:56 < ogra> server 13:56 < StevenK> It would fail to install, but it would still build 13:57 < StevenK> asac: Yes 13:57 < ogra> yeah, right 13:57 < ogra> anyway, we'Re at AOB ... 13:57 < ogra> did anyone have an idea for gSoC 13:57 -!- rgreening [~rgreening@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 13:57 < ogra> or do we have intrested students attending that would like to run a gSoC project ? 13:58 < ogra> (and look for a mentor in the mobile/arm area) 13:58 < asac> porting the rest of thumb2 ;) 13:58 * ogra was pondering to put rootstock up for gSoC 13:58 < ogra> asac, that doesnt fit the timeframe :) 13:58 < ogra> gSoC will be L+1 13:58 < asac> 3 month? full time ;)? 13:58 < asac> ogra: universe will have plenty of stuff left 13:58 < GrueMaster> Too bad it is restricted to current students. I have someone that would be interested otherwise, but won't be going to college until fall. 13:59 < ogra> GrueMaster, i'm not sure its restricted that closely 13:59 < StevenK> Neither 13:59 < GrueMaster> It is, we checked. 13:59 < ogra> probably its enough to prove that you are starting to study soon 13:59 < ogra> gah 13:59 < asac> i think a "flexible image building" project would be helpful ... or softbootloader maybe 13:59 < GrueMaster> Need to be enrolled. 13:59 < ogra> elasitc images, heh 14:00 < GrueMaster> Does that mean they bounce back after a hard crash? 14:00 < ogra> yeah ! 14:01 < asac> ok 14:01 < ogra> well, doesnt look like we have anything concrete yet 14:01 < asac> so one more thing: next week part of the team will be in london for training 14:01 < asac> so probably out of office from mon to wed 14:01 < ogra> yeah 14:01 < asac> i think persia likes the idea to write meeting minutes ;) 14:01 < asac> or someone else :) 14:02 < asac> out of office will be asac, jamie and ogra 14:02 < persia> I think them to have been written. I'll write them if nobody else does, but it's easier to write when people stay on topic. 14:02 < persia> s/think/like/ 14:02 * persia doesn't really like writing minutes in the middle of the night 14:03 < asac> persia: for today? i mean next week when we are in london ;) 14:03 < asac> ok. i think thats it ;) 14:03 < persia> Oh that's fine. Have fun :) 14:03 < asac> lets go back working/sleeping ;) 14:03 < ogra> zzzzZZZZ 14:03 < asac> whatever is appropriate for the timezone you are in ;) 14:03 < ogra> damned 14:04 * ogra had hopes 14:04 * persia hopes the chair will exercise the MootBot command soon 14:05 * StevenK too 14:05 < asac> NCommander: ^^ #endmeeting please, sir 14:05 * ogra thinks the chair is not looking 14:06 -!- ericm_ [~ycmiao@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"] 14:06 < ogra> NCommander, E N D M E E T I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14:07 < NCommander> #endmeeting 14:07 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 08:09. }}}