April 6th, 2010, 13:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


Action Items from March 23rd, 2010

Standing Items

Meeting Outcome

Action Items


Weekly Reports

Paul Larson (plars)

This Week


Tobin Davis (GrueMaster)

This Week


Michael Casadevall (NCommander)

This Week

Jamie Bennett (JamieBennett)

This Week


Meeting Log

14:01 < NCommander> #startmeeting
14:01 < MootBot> Meeting started at 08:02. The chair is NCommander.
14:01 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
14:01 < davidm> Hello NCommander
14:01 < dyfet> hello
14:01  * ericm waves to all
14:02  * NCommander apologies for being tardy, laptop decided to fsck itself
14:02  * JamieBennett is here
14:02  * GrueMaster is present and/or accounted for.
14:02 < NCommander> [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100406
14:02 < MootBot> LINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100406
14:03 < NCommander> [topic] Action Item Review
14:03 < MootBot> New Topic:  Action Item Review
14:03 -!- anmar [~anmar@CPE001b63f29e4b-CM001ac318bd2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:03 < NCommander> [topic] cooloney to get karmic-proposed imx51 kernel with NEON fix in
14:03 < MootBot> New Topic:  cooloney to get karmic-proposed imx51 kernel with NEON fix in
14:04 < NCommander> No cooloney I guess
14:04 < JamieBennett> lets move on then
14:04 < plars> well
14:04 < anmar> NCommander: does that include the backport FEC ethernet driver?
14:04 < plars> I know a bit about what was going on there
14:05 < NCommander> anmar: not sure
14:05 < NCommander> plars: if you want to fill us in
14:05 < plars> it's still in progress... there's a kernel in proposed, with the new FEC driver
14:05 < plars> however, there was a regression in this updated driver, that can have a performance impact under load
14:05 < cooloney> i am here
14:05 < plars> it does, however, fix the initial problem
14:05 < cooloney> sorry
14:05 < NCommander> cooloney: np
14:06 < plars> no worries, just filling them in on the imx51 karmic kernel that you are working on
14:06 < cooloney> plars: thanks a lot
14:06 < plars> you have anything to add? did that sound reasonable as a summary?
14:07 -!- RodrigoPadula [~rodrigopa@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:07 < cooloney> the kernel in proposed for karmic is ok for neon fix
14:07 < cooloney> and smb pinged the pitti to accept it.
14:07 < cooloney> but for fec driver performance impact
14:07 < cooloney> i am still working on that
14:08 < NCommander> [topic] NCommander to extend invite to ericm and amitk to report on kernel status
14:08 < MootBot> New Topic:  NCommander to extend invite to ericm and amitk to report on kernel status
14:08 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ip120-108-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:08 < plars> hmm, I marked it verification-failed because of the regression.  I would not think we would want to accept it as is
14:08 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ip120-108-210-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Changing host]
14:08 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ubuntu/member/leoquant] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:08 < ericm> ok, mlv-dove topics today
14:08 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ubuntu/member/leoquant] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:08 < NCommander> I forgot to ping amitk, but ericm is here
14:08 < NCommander> so c/o
14:08 < NCommander> [topic] plars to follow up with crimsun on the sound bug and report back
14:08 < MootBot> New Topic:  plars to follow up with crimsun on the sound bug and report back
14:09 < ericm> 1. Karmic X0 support, which I'd guess should be necessary for us to get it in right?
14:09 < cooloney> plars: right, i also found the same impact on lucid
14:09 < plars> done, but still in progress
14:09 < JamieBennett> NCommander: slow down
14:09 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ubuntu/member/leoquant] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:09 < NCommander> ericm: we'll go over the kernel status in the standing item later
14:09 -!- leoquant [~leoquant@ubuntu/member/leoquant] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
14:09 < ericm> NCommander, ok
14:09 -!- JFo [~CrazyAce@unaffiliated/jfo] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
14:10 < NCommander> plars: why is the sound bug still in progress?
14:10 < plars> so sound is still broken,  but still being worked on
14:10 -!- JFo [~CrazyAce@unaffiliated/jfo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:10 < plars> hmm... because it hasn't been fixed yet? :)
14:10 < NCommander> plars: oh, you were saying done to following up :-)
14:10 < plars> NCommander: right
14:10 < GrueMaster> crimsun and I have been working on this all last week.  We now think it is related to arm specific code in pulseaudio.
14:11 < plars> so removing .pulse seems to workaround a lot of the issues, but not all
14:11 < GrueMaster> crimsun is investigating further.
14:11 < NCommander> GrueMaster: ARM specific code in pulse? Last time I looked there wasn't a lot, and that could easily be checked by forcing a fallback to the C code
14:11 < GrueMaster> Did that yesterday.
14:11 < GrueMaster> That's how we know it is arm specific code.
14:11 < NCommander> GrueMaster: ugh *grumble*
14:12 < NCommander> GrueMaster: keep us informed, we want a working pulse
14:12 < GrueMaster> yep
14:12 < NCommander> [action] GrueMaster and plars to continue to keep working with crimsun on ARM PulseAudio
14:12 < MootBot> ACTION received:  GrueMaster and plars to continue to keep working with crimsun on ARM PulseAudio
14:12 < NCommander> [topic] asac to upload libplist with -marm
14:12 < MootBot> New Topic:  asac to upload libplist with -marm
14:13 < JamieBennett> asac doesn't seem to be around, does anyone know if this was done?
14:14  * NCommander is looked at LP ATM
14:14 < NCommander> No, it wasn't
14:14 < JamieBennett> c/o
14:14 < NCommander> I don't see an outstanding bug for this either
14:15 < NCommander> [actoin] asac to upload libplist with -marm
14:15 < NCommander> [action] asac to upload libplist with -marm
14:15 < MootBot> ACTION received:  asac to upload libplist with -marm
14:15 < NCommander> [topic] asac and dmart to get firefox rendering issue upstreamed
14:15 < MootBot> New Topic:  asac and dmart to get firefox rendering issue upstreamed
14:15 < NCommander> hrm
14:15 < NCommander> no dmart
14:15 < NCommander> c/o
14:15 < NCommander> [action] asac and dmart to get firefox rendering issue upstreamed
14:15 < MootBot> ACTION received:  asac and dmart to get firefox rendering issue upstreamed
14:15 < NCommander> [topic] Standing Items
14:15 < MootBot> New Topic:  Standing Items
14:16 < NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html
14:16 < MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html
14:16 < NCommander> [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html
14:16 < MootBot> LINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html
14:17 < NCommander> so beta 2 is upon us
14:17 < JamieBennett> ouch, beta-2 work items need some love
14:17 < NCommander> JamieBennett: indeed
14:17 < NCommander> webservice-for-email is the one thats really hurtting
14:19 < NCommander> [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)
14:19 < MootBot> New Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm)
14:19 < ericm> cooloney, you first
14:19 < cooloney> ok
14:20 < cooloney> actually, nothing important from my side these days
14:20 < cooloney> i just noticed fsl is pushing their code to their public git tree
14:20 < GrueMaster> what about hibernation?
14:20 < plars> not supported on imx51
14:20 < cooloney> oh, fsl-imx51 does not support hibernation
14:20 < GrueMaster> Or suspend/resume?
14:21 < cooloney> i think you guys reported suspend/resume regression after new fec driver applied
14:21 < plars> yes
14:21 < cooloney> but i am still working on the performance impact
14:22 < cooloney> that's all from my side
14:22 < ericm> ok, for dove
14:22 < ericm> I've merged the latest LSP 5.1.0 from Marvell
14:22 < ericm> yet it seemed to introduce a suspend/resume regression
14:23 < ericm> I was verifying this with Marvell this afternoon and basically concluded this to be HW issue
14:23 < plars> ericm: so they no longer think it's uboot related?
14:23 < ericm> I've borrowed a good board from them, everything works fine here
14:24 < NCommander> ericm: isn't the A0 out now?
14:24 < ericm> plars, I'm now downgraded to 4.4.0, but it seemed not uboot related
14:24 < plars> ok :(
14:24 < ericm> NCommander, not sure that A0 stepping
14:24 < ericm> but, hibernation still failed
14:25 < plars> ericm: what is the rev of the board you borrowed?
14:25 < ericm> plars, it's no newer than ours
14:25 < GrueMaster> then why does it work when ours don't?
14:25 < ericm> plars, so I doubt there are some HW differences, e.g. ECOs we'd like to confirm with Marvell Israle site, yet they seem to be all on holidays this week
14:26 < ericm> GrueMaster, I have no idea of the possible HW difference
14:26 < NCommander> ericm: ask what version of the BootROM they're using
14:27 < NCommander> ericm: that's been a source of odd behavior across otherwise identical boards
14:27 < ericm> NCommander, ok - I'll follow up
14:27 < ericm> NCommander, give me an AR to track the HW difference of the suspend/resume regression
14:27 < NCommander> [action] ericm to track HW/SW differences across Dove revisions for suspend/resume regressions
14:27 < MootBot> ACTION received:  ericm to track HW/SW differences across Dove revisions for suspend/resume regressions
14:27 < NCommander> done
14:27 < ericm> Bug #541399, NCommander, it seems to be an issue of mkimage command line
14:28 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 541399 in linux-mvl-dove "netboot image fails to boot." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/541399
14:28 < NCommander> ericm: saw that one, on my TODO
14:28 < ericm> incorrect setting of Load Address and Entry point, should be easy to fix
14:28 < NCommander> ericm: thanks for looking into it, I think that bug dates to initial dove bringup since that was the first thing we implemented and I guess at some point it stopped getting regularly tested
14:28 < GrueMaster> make sure that gets fixed immediately as we are now in Beta 2 and images are present for testing.
14:28 -!- nigelb [~nigelb@ubuntu/member/nigelb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:29 < NCommander> GrueMaster: I suspect the fix will land after B2; I'll talk to cjwatson if he's willing to upload d-i
14:29 < ericm> Bug #530432, it's actually a kernel bug yet the proposed patch in upstream seems not acceptable at the moment
14:29 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 530432 in linux-mvl-dove "suspend with sd card inserted fails to suspend, hangs, and loses USB" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/530432
14:29 < GrueMaster> Yes, that one spans architectures iirc.
14:29 < ericm> I'd recommend we implement a hook to umount the card before suspending
14:30 < ericm> at the moment, until there is a clean patch merged
14:30 -!- Tonio_ [~tonio@ip-47.net-82-216-36.nice.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:30 < ericm> Bug #457536, it seems to be fixed in latest ubiquity
14:30 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 457536 in ubuntu-meta "Dove install will fail without network access" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/457536
14:30 < NCommander> [action] ericm to continue working on SD card suspend issue
14:30 < MootBot> ACTION received:  ericm to continue working on SD card suspend issue
14:31 < GrueMaster> yes, that was fixed.  Tested yesterday.
14:31 < ericm> maybe we can close it
14:31 -!- randa_ [~Maria@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:31 < plars> um
14:31 < ericm> there some other bugs maybe we can close, e.g. Bug #451553
14:31 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 451553 in linux-mvl-dove "Lots of errors during install on dove" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/451553
14:31 < plars> iirc the real fix for that was never implemented
14:31 < plars> see bug comments
14:31 < plars> speaking of 457536 that is
14:31 < ericm> plars, it seems to be uboot-mkimage is absent, and need to get from network
14:32 < NCommander> ericm: plars: we had that fixed
14:32 < GrueMaster> Some of these bugs are in karmic and fixed in recent lucid images.
14:32 < GrueMaster> Meaning they will still exist in karmic.
14:32 < ericm> plars, cjwatson has made ubiquity depend on that so should be there in the ISO by default, right?
14:32 < plars> iirc, it was worked around, but slangasek mentioned in the bug that there was a better way that it should be fixed
14:32  * NCommander thought we fixed it by putting uboot-mkimage in the ship seed
14:32 < ericm> looks someone needs to follow this up
14:33 -!- RoAkSoAx [~andres@stub8cf.fiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:33 < ericm> get an AR for someone, anyone?
14:33 < plars> see the last couple of comments
14:33 < ericm> NCommander, we also need to take a look into karmic
14:33 < plars> the recommendation was to fix it in the recommends on the kernel image package
14:34 < NCommander> [action] ericm, plars, NCommander to investigate uboot-mkimage breakage and offline dove installation
14:34 < MootBot> ACTION received:  ericm, plars, NCommander to investigate uboot-mkimage breakage and offline dove installation
14:34 < ericm> NCommander, ok thanks
14:34 < NCommander> plars: its already a recommends of initramfs-tools/flash-kernel I think
14:34 < ericm> let's move on, plars, GrueMaster, there might be other bugs we can close, e.g. Bug #451553
14:34 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 451553 in linux-mvl-dove "Lots of errors during install on dove" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/451553
14:35 < plars> hmm, is that the one with the double bit errors?
14:35 < plars> I still get screenfuls of those
14:35 < ericm> plars, it seems to be the one with unalignment faults
14:35 < ericm> plars, double bit errors are actually warning, and we don't care about NAND, do we?
14:36 < NCommander> ericm: not this cycle, but I'm hoping to have something w.r.t. to NAND based installing for 10.10
14:36 < GrueMaster> Interestingly I do not see this on my dove.
14:36  * NCommander hasn't seen it on his X0 either
14:36 < NCommander> plars: it might be that you need to reinitialize your NAND flash
14:36 < plars> GrueMaster: you don't see the double bit errors?
14:36 < GrueMaster> no
14:36 < ericm> GrueMaster, this happens randomly as it's totally depending on the content of the NAND already there
14:36 < NCommander> GrueMaster: they usually should up in the dmesg
14:36 < plars> interesting
14:37 < NCommander> [action] NCommander and plars to work together to reinitialize plars's NAND flash on his X0
14:37 < MootBot> ACTION received:  NCommander and plars to work together to reinitialize plars's NAND flash on his X0
14:37 < NCommander> :-)
14:37 < ericm> GrueMaster, NCommander, a clean NAND is supposed not to issue any such warnings
14:37 < plars> sounds good
14:37 < ericm> NCommander, ok
14:37  * plars has a dirty nand :(
14:37 < NCommander> plars: I think we can knock that one down to wishlist at the very least, NAND is a very much "we don't care" thing rightnow
14:37 < ericm> move on, the last item, I'm thinking of getting X0 support back into Karmic
14:37 < plars> will do
14:37 < NCommander> or low
14:37 -!- hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:37 < NCommander> ericm: that just needs a kernel SRU (and a custom image respin)
14:38 < ericm> as Karmic is still in it's supporting phase, yet the change might be BIG, so we do need to do a careful regression
14:38 < ericm> test
14:38 < NCommander> ericm: the userland support side is fine; I ran karmic on the X0 witout issue once I forced a new kernel on it
14:39 < ericm> NCommander, cool - as long as plars, GrueMaster have some time to do a QA, I'm fine to push it right away
14:39 -!- nealmcb [~neal@ubuntu/member/nealmcb] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:39 < GrueMaster> Maybe end of week/early next week.  This is release week.
14:39 < ericm> NCommander, give me an AR, and I'm done with the status update
14:39 < NCommander> ericm: I think we can accept it into proposed, and if need be, I can spin a custom image with it and stuff it on p.c.c
14:39 -!- hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:39 < NCommander> [action] ericm to drop X0 enablement into karmic-proposed
14:39 < MootBot> ACTION received:  ericm to drop X0 enablement into karmic-proposed
14:39 < ericm> ok
14:40 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet)
14:40 < MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet)
14:40 < JamieBennett> webservice-office-zoho is waiting on new icons, other than that nothing much to report
14:40 < GrueMaster> erm, did you skip us?
14:40 < dyfet> There will also be a new blueprint for this for lucid+1
14:41 < dyfet> And we may re-introduce canola2 then if it looks supportable
14:41 < dyfet> but otherwise, yes, not much to report
14:41 < NCommander> GrueMaster: whoops, sorry, Still not caffinated (ENOCOFFEE)
14:42 < NCommander> JamieBennett: dyfet anything else?
14:42 < NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)
14:42 < MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)
14:42 < NCommander> er
14:42 < NCommander> whoops
14:42 < JamieBennett> no move on
14:43 < GrueMaster> Between 3/23 and 4/3, there were no new images to test due to gtk library respin.
14:43 < GrueMaster> My focus shifted to app testing and debugging pulse audio issues.
14:44 < GrueMaster> Along with kernel testing.
14:44 -!- hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
14:44 < plars> oh, I thought they weren't done
14:44 < plars> iso tracker is updated with milestone images
14:45 < plars> so we have begun testing on that
14:45 < plars> TI kernel has improved greatly
14:45 < plars> the omap image boots to netbook desktop, and all, but no usb at the moment
14:45  * GrueMaster has no Ti system to test with (yet).
14:45 < plars> working on getting that sorted out, may be able to hand build an image today that should work when my kernel compile completes
14:46 < plars> and the sound problems were discussed earlier
14:46 < NCommander> plars: GrueMaster anything else?
14:47 -!- nigelbabu [~nigelb@ubuntu/member/nigelb] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:47 < GrueMaster> I sent a list of bugs to ogra and asac that need some attention.
14:47 < plars> GrueMaster: was that the one you cc'd me on?
14:47 < GrueMaster> yes
14:48 < plars> GrueMaster: right, planning to go through the list and make sure those are appropriately set wrt importance, milestone, etc.  If you know of any that need immediate fixing though, let me konw
14:48 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
14:48 < MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
14:49 < dyfet> I had worked on some strange ftbfs packages, including basilisk and condor, but they were not arm specific issues
14:49 < GrueMaster> The major visible one that I can think of is the maximus bug.  Bug 528887
14:49 < ubottu> Launchpad bug 528887 in maximus "maximus does not give default focus to newly started apps in combination with efl launcher" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/528887
14:49 < NCommander> oh,*grumble*
14:49 < NCommander> [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)
14:49 < MootBot> New Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster, plars)
14:49  * plars has a flashback
14:49 < GrueMaster> I'm done.
14:50 -!- nigelb [~nigelb@ubuntu/member/nigelb] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:50 < NCommander> GrueMaster: hrm, on #52887, I don't think I've had that issue on Dove
14:50 -!- highvoltage [~highvolta@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
14:50 < plars> yes
14:50 < plars> it does
14:50  * NCommander must be misremembering or is clicking automatically out of habit
14:51 < NCommander> anyone, can I move on?
14:51 < plars> yes
14:51 -!- kees [~kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:51 < GrueMaster> It is an issue on both.  The easiest way to reproduce it is to click on the terminal icon and then try to type in the window once the prompt comes up.
14:51 < GrueMaster> move on, please.
14:51  * plars notes that zoho is now in the images and needs testing :)
14:51 -!- ameetp [~ameetp@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:51 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
14:51 < MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet)
14:52 < NCommander> So. OOo is broken. Again.
14:52  * NCommander twiches
14:52 < dyfet> I think I just commented on this one :)  feeling dejavu...
14:52 < plars> dyfet: it's going around
14:52 < NCommander> Looks like it *might* be a buildd issue with the new babbage 3 buildds; I had issues with building OOo on my Babbage 3 (I got quite a bit of hardware stability, but that was written up to faulty board)
14:53 < NCommander> s/stability/instability
14:53 < NCommander> lamont ran a test build on the old lange based buildds, and I have one going on jocote (I'll have one running on my Dove post-beta if the jocote build fails)
14:54 < NCommander> [action] NCommander to coordinate with lamont on determining if OOo build failure is HW specific
14:54 < MootBot> ACTION received:  NCommander to coordinate with lamont on determining if OOo build failure is HW specific
14:54 < NCommander> dyfet: anything else to add?
14:54 -!- hyperair [~hyperair@ubuntu/member/hyperair] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:54  * NCommander notes he's also working on a fix and improvement for Dove netboot images
14:54 < dyfet> Only what I did earlier, that I had been looking at other ftbfs packages not arm specific though
14:55 < NCommander> [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, persia)
14:55 < MootBot> New Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, persia)
14:56 < JamieBennett> plars: zoho stuff has a few fixes already sitting in my bzr branch waiting for icons
14:56  * NCommander pokes persia and ogasawara 
14:56 < NCommander> er
14:56  * NCommander notes we lost ogra
14:56 -!- abhijitb [~abhijitb@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
14:57 < NCommander> We're almost out of time so moving on
14:57 < NCommander> [topic] Any Other Business
14:57 < MootBot> New Topic:  Any Other Business
14:57 < GrueMaster> Well, not hearing from them, I can state that the image builds were essentially down for gtk respin which took quite a while.
14:57 < persia> server images are in poor shape.   netbook images look up-to-date.
14:57 < NCommander> persia: define poor shape
14:58 < persia> Last updated 3/23
14:58  * persia will investigate more
14:58 < NCommander> persia: we can look at fixing and debugging the dove ones for B2/RC
14:58 < persia> Right.
14:58 < NCommander> [action] persia and NCommander to test and improve server image experience
14:58 < MootBot> ACTION received:  persia and NCommander to test and improve server image experience
14:59 < NCommander> anything else?
14:59 -!- Claudinux [~claudio@unaffiliated/claudinux] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:59 < NCommander> #endmeeting
14:59 < MootBot> Meeting finished at 09:00.

ARM/Meeting/2010/20100406 (last edited 2011-07-28 17:58:44 by pool-96-226-234-14)