## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100427 <> ||<>|| '''April 27th, 2010, 13:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<
> = Agenda = == Meeting Links == * Link to previous meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100420]] * Link to next meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100504]] == Action Items from April 20th, 2010 == * dyfet to check update-manager sanity checks for ARM upgrades. * GrueMaster to determine what bugs that are good candidates to be fixed for lucid release * NCommander, GrueMaster, plars, ogra to test firefox on new images * NCommander to give debdiff to {ogra|asac} for fixing libgphoto FTBFS * NCommander to work with plars, GrueMaster and ericm on dove suspend/resume * asac/ogra to fix -omap driver to check for /dev/fb0 too if /dev/fb isnt avail * persia and NCommander to remove evolution from ubuntu-netbook images * asac and JamieBennett to take email client category discussion offline and report back == Standing Items == * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html * Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) * QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) * ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) * ARM Porting/FTBFS status ([[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]], dyfet) * ARM Image Status ([[OliverGrawert|ogra]], [[EmmetHikory|persia]]) * Any Other Business = Meeting Outcome = == Action Items == * To be added. == Minutes == * To be added. = Weekly Reports = * To be added. = Meeting Log = {{{ [14:00] #startmeeting [14:00] Meeting started at 08:00. The chair is NCommander. [14:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:00] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100427 [14:00] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2010/20100427 [14:00] * GrueMaster snorts [14:00] * JamieBennett is here [14:01] * NCommander beats people alive [14:01] is alive [14:01] [topic] dyfet to check update-manager sanity checks for ARM upgrades. [14:01] New Topic: dyfet to check update-manager sanity checks for ARM upgrades. [14:01] er [14:01] [topic] Action Item Reviews [14:01] New Topic: Action Item Reviews [14:01] [topic] dyfet to check update-manager sanity checks for ARM upgrades. [14:01] New Topic: dyfet to check update-manager sanity checks for ARM upgrades. [14:01] roll call first ? [14:02] here [14:02] ok, whos' here? [14:02] would be nice to ping everyone :) [14:02] now i am here ;) [14:02] Well, I was able to do a full upgrade from karmic to lucid on arm, no surprises happened [14:02] everyone: ping [14:02] * NCommander runs [14:02] asac, again eh ? :) [14:02] heh [14:02] yeah [14:02] *giggle* [14:02] * cooloney waves to everyone [14:02] dyfet: Using update-manager? [14:02] dyfet: that wasnt the idea i think [14:02] GrueMaster: JamieBennett, ericm|ubuntu ping? [14:02] yes [14:03] yep [14:03] * GrueMaster already snorted [14:03] dyfet: the idea was afaik to see if the checks for armv5/v6 are in place [14:03] NCommander: I've already said I'm here ^ ;) [14:03] that I did not see... [14:03] asac: Oh, so one would fail-to-upgrade if it wasn't ARMv7a? [14:03] dyfet, you should *not* be able to do an upgrade in case you have non v7 HW [14:04] persia: yes. thats the idea. refuse to upgrade rather than fail imo [14:04] dyfet: Do you have non v7 hardware on which you can test this? [14:04] no [14:04] persia: code sanity check was the idea [14:04] indeed your upgrade succeeds if you do it on v7 HW [14:04] but I can test in an old qemu... [14:04] dyfet: ^^ [14:04] the point was to do it on something karmic ran on but lucid wont run on [14:04] at least as a start ... real live confirm: even better [14:04] i.e. the older doves [14:05] yes, thats right. but first step was to idenficy if those checks exist in code and if they are theoretically right :) [14:05] and i'm very sure we dont have the check in place the question was what do we need to change in u-m [14:05] so instead of an upgrade you should justz have looked at the code [14:05] so i guess we can still SRU this ...even if its a bit late ;) [14:05] ogra: ah ;) [14:05] asac, no idea, ask mvo [14:05] NCommander: carry forward [14:05] i'm sure he'll love us [14:05] :) [14:05] [topic] GrueMaster to determine what bugs that are good candidates to be fixed for lucid release [14:05] New Topic: GrueMaster to determine what bugs that are good candidates to be fixed for lucid release [14:06] GrueMaster, thanks for the list ! [14:06] Email sent. Some bugs fixed. [14:06] NCommander: give dyfet the action to do verify that code has checks and that they are proper [14:06] the heavy ones aere fixed [14:06] etc [14:06] ogra, asac: sru is no problem, but you will need to help with the verification, I don't have anything like a arm [14:06] mvo: right. [14:07] [actopnm] dyfet to verify ARMv7 upgrade checks [14:07] wow [14:07] [action] dyfet to verify ARMv7 upgrade checks [14:07] ACTION received: dyfet to verify ARMv7 upgrade checks [14:07] thx [14:07] * NCommander is really running blahhhhhhhhhhh [14:08] ok more actions ? ;) [14:08] [topic] NCommander, GrueMaster, plars, ogra to test firefox on new images [14:08] New Topic: NCommander, GrueMaster, plars, ogra to test firefox on new images [14:08] tested ok. [14:09] do we have the new one? [14:09] scroll bar issues all resolved now? [14:09] Well, asac's ppa release. [14:10] GrueMaster: it fixed the scroll bar issue? [14:10] yes [14:10] it did ... at least from me ;) [14:10] great [14:10] for me [14:10] please verify anyway on real image [14:10] if its still in there we need to go back to zero ;) [14:10] Did it get pushed into main? [14:10] [ACTION] NCommander, plars, ogra to test firefox on new images [14:10] GrueMaster: yes. === ogra_ is now known as ogra [14:11] GrueMaster: should be all in normal archive [14:11] * ogra grumbles [14:11] Then it will get tested as part of the release testing. [14:11] heh [14:11] ok [14:11] arent you doing release testing already? [14:11] oh, i can test that right now ... one sec [14:11] thought we shoud start testing before we cant fix anything anymore ;) [14:11] I just woke up. [14:11] heh [14:11] [topic] NCommander to give debdiff to {ogra|asac} for fixing libgphoto FTBFS [14:11] New Topic: NCommander to give debdiff to {ogra|asac} for fixing libgphoto FTBFS [14:12] * persia suspects we already can't fix anything anymore, based on traffic in -testing [14:12] [ACTION] NCommander, plars, ogra to test firefox on new image [14:12] done [14:12] ACTION received: NCommander, plars, ogra to test firefox on new image [14:12] NCommander: that action was done iirc? [14:12] gphoto? [14:12] asac: gphoto should be out of FTBFS and fixed [14:12] uploaded and fixed [14:12] [topic] NCommander to work with plars, GrueMaster and ericm on dove suspend/resume [14:12] yep [14:12] New Topic: NCommander to work with plars, GrueMaster and ericm on dove suspend/resume [14:12] Dove suspend/resume works on X0 as far as I know [14:12] seems to be fixed in the latest release... I had one hiccup with it, but putting my uboot to current levels seemed to clear it up [14:13] asac, i see no scrollbars on yahoo.de [14:13] Tested suspend/resume on dove both manually and with a script that repeats. Both worked ok. Only issue (known) is suspending with an SD card inserted fails. [14:13] seems fine [14:14] [topic] asac/ogra to fix -omap driver to check for /dev/fb0 too if /dev/fb isnt avail [14:14] New Topic: asac/ogra to fix -omap driver to check for /dev/fb0 too if /dev/fb isnt avail [14:14] The SD card issue is not arch specific. [14:14] NCommander, fixed [14:14] [topic] persia and NCommander to remove evolution from ubuntu-netbook images [14:14] New Topic: persia and NCommander to remove evolution from ubuntu-netbook images [14:14] GrueMaster, and also we don't have any appropriate fix in upstream so far [14:15] ericm|ubuntu: correct. [14:15] failed [14:15] I figured out how to do that, but the release team pointed out that if this had been a release-critical bug, it would have been fixed long ago, and didn't accept the change. [14:15] :( [14:15] yeah, was to late [14:15] and SRU doesnt work here [14:15] Part of the problem is we didn't have the webmail client until RC. [14:15] ogra: And thanks to you for helping the defence before the release team. [14:16] GrueMaster: right. [14:16] heh, didnt help much though [14:16] problem was that stevenk did this reseeding etc. as a side job [14:16] so it slipped through [14:16] yeah, lets blame him ! [14:16] of course [14:16] works for me. :P [14:16] :) [14:16] i am surely not to blame :-P [14:16] * persia really thinks folks should just do their own seed changes rather than poking other folks to do them. [14:17] persia: he had the meta seed responsibility this cycle [14:17] persia: considering that its a pain to change the seeds then get something to merge them, sometimes its a LOT easier to get someone else to do it [14:17] persia, pfft, seeeds we can fix them after RC [14:17] besides from that he didnt have any stuff ;) ... [14:17] Yes, my point is that assigning someone responsibility like that is an invitation to process failure. [14:17] NCommander: pain is relative. [14:17] i dont buy this ... i think it was just an oversight [14:17] well, its over now ... lets stop whining [14:17] he was clearly aware that it was a replacement [14:18] yep [14:18] persia: He was the designated seedling for mobile since I started. [14:18] so all fine ... lets start moving [14:18] also changing seeds requires meta upload etc. [14:18] he was the best to do that [14:18] as he did all the meta/seed changes etc ;) [14:18] anyway. i take the blame ... just so its official [14:18] [topic] asac and JamieBennett to take email client category discussion offline and report back [14:18] New Topic: asac and JamieBennett to take email client category discussion offline and report back [14:19] NCommander: scratch that [14:19] no need to discuss further ;) [14:19] nothing happened here but I think its personal preference [14:19] [topic] Current Items [14:19] New Topic: Current Items [14:19] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html [14:19] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html [14:19] geez ! [14:19] we'Re deep red [14:20] (does anyone care at that point of release though) [14:20] Yes. [14:20] * ogra suspects we'll flush it anyway this week [14:20] The todo stuff is mostly documentation, and needs doing badly [14:20] ogra: we should always care [14:21] our line did much better than last cycle [14:21] definately [14:21] cheers to asac for great leadership ! [14:21] We're good at doing documentation badly. :P [14:21] GrueMaster: :p [14:22] good [14:22] ogra: there are a few itesm open [14:22] (thanks ogra) [14:22] :) [14:22] we definitly got a lot done [14:22] could have been more green ;) [14:23] foundations-lucid-dropping-sun-java6 ... why is that on *our* list at all ? [14:23] but well. some specs were just off so its ok [14:23] ogra: persia owns it ;)? (thats out of my head) [14:23] heh [14:23] so its all persias fault that we'Re red ! [14:23] [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) [14:23] asac has a work item on that [14:23] New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, ericm) [14:23] ogra: [asac] make plugin-finder aware of sun-java-plugin: TODO [14:23] JamieBennett: i have? /me checks [14:24] JamieBennett, aha [14:24] JamieBennett: ah yeah. thats on my list for this week [14:24] e.g. plugin finder DB run ;) [14:24] status of fsl-imx51 kernel: [14:24] For the regulator issue bug ##567157, i cherry picked 4 patches from Freescale public git tree and added one more fixing patch. [14:24] asac: You have the plugin task: did you sort that? [14:24] The testing kernel works fine, patches were sent out for furthur review now. [14:25] persia: read above (e.g. plugin finder DB run ;)) [14:25] For FEC driver ifdown issue bug #559065, i reworked on the patch which is v5 now. need more testing, please help me since my babbage board broke. [14:25] Launchpad bug 559065 in linux-fsl-imx51 "ifconfig eth0 down will cause system hang after fec.c driver update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/559065 [14:25] still don't have chance to work on suspend/resume regression and usb issue, [14:26] cooloney: Please update the bug when you make a new test release. It's the easiest way for us to communicate, since we are on different timezones. [14:26] cause my board dead [14:26] GrueMaster: yeah, i updated already, i think. [14:27] [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) [14:27] New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster, plars) [14:28] for dove, no more update except that I guess suspend/resume and hibernation/resume are all OK now === doko_ is now known as doko [14:28] we have new isos on the tracker, but they are respinning it seems [14:28] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuarm/all [14:28] omap needs SRU love for OTG and friends [14:28] LINK received: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuarm/all [14:28] 1.5-2h ETA for new images [14:28] also, looks like we got some good last minute fixes in for some of the netbook-launcher-efl bugs [14:29] yeah [14:29] so things like windows not having focus when they come up (very annoying) work now [14:29] omap netbook looks really fine ... i just finished one install here [14:29] thanks to asac and whoever else made that happen [14:29] respinning doesnt mean we cant test btw [14:29] ogra: right [14:29] the respin is for a plymouth bug thats a corner cases afaik [14:29] *case [14:30] plars: mterry did the cherry pick fix [14:30] Indeed, but we need to *also* test post-respin images. [14:30] i investigated too, but then he had a fix :) [14:30] yeah [14:30] ogra: in fact, omap needs to be tested even though it's not on the tracker... too late to bother adding it now, and at the time, images were in too much churn to think about adding it [14:30] plars, i'm caring, dont worry [14:30] ogra: as will I [14:30] Note though: "no arch-specific problems that turn up there are going to result in new uploads..." from a release manager, so you'd have to find something fairly critical to get *another* respin. [14:30] actually it seems that efl doesnt do any timestamping at all on windows, so enlightment desktop must be a bloody mess focus wise ;) [14:30] indeed, if anyone has spare cycles for omap, feel free :) [14:31] asac: Works nice with focus-follows-mouse :) [14:31] persia, bug 390677 could be one [14:31] Launchpad bug 390677 in hundredpapercuts "Hidden line during install wizard" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/390677 [14:31] persia: yeah. now that you say it, I see why its like that :) [14:32] ogra: Dunno: that's an *old* bug. [14:32] persia, just showed up on pittis and my installs [14:34] Hrm. And probably more so at 1024x600, but it's *not* arch-specific, which makes it more likely to land. [14:34] persia, omap has 1280x720 and i see it too [14:34] i thik its a translation isse since i dont see it in english installs [14:35] (and the font has the same size and there are no extra lines in _de) [14:36] anything else on this topic [14:37] My point was about arch-specific stuff. Non-arch-specific critical stuff is obviously open for consideration (depending on tester time, etc.) [14:37] anyone take the action to talk to ubiquity falks? [14:37] folks? [14:37] * ogra just commented on the bug [14:37] to see what is planned to make this more suitable for small screens? [14:37] and i guess cjwatson and ev are getting bugmail for it [14:37] Indeed. [14:37] actually i thought we had such an effort in the past ... might just need a mental refresh [14:37] i really dont think its a small screen issue [14:38] there are not more lines in the german translated screen i dont see how it could move offscreen [14:38] hmm. not sure [14:39] do you have a screen with german? [14:39] no, pitti has added one to the bug [14:39] http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45702650/ubiquity-hide-encryptedhome.png [14:39] LINK received: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/45702650/ubiquity-hide-encryptedhome.png [14:39] the last line is missing there [14:39] ogra: sure that the free text fields are not just one line in english? [14:39] like "... machen." [14:39] hmm, i dont have the linewraps in omap [14:40] maybe that breaks line in gereman? [14:40] yeah it des in his screenshot [14:40] it doesnt in the only-ubiquity mode omap uses though [14:40] the window appears to be bigger [14:40] ogra: but oyu still have a cut of line there? [14:40] It is, kinda, because of a lack of decoration [14:40] asac, yep [14:41] there is decoration [14:41] but no desktop around it [14:41] i.e. no panels etc [14:42] ok [14:42] NCommander, move [14:42] lets wait on input from the installer gurus [14:42] definitly not armel only ;) [14:42] [topic] ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) [14:42] New Topic: ARM Application status (JamieBennett, dyfet) [14:42] Nothing much to report there [14:42] 130 FTBFS [14:42] in universe [14:43] there seem to have been a mass give-back on the 18th [14:43] but didnt clean up much apparently [14:43] Almost nothing, given the previous mass-giveback on the 14th (lamont and I failed to communicate) [14:43] heh [14:43] main is clean though [14:43] We cleared a few misc things later, but only a few, and a good chunk of that was all-arch FTBFS stuff. [14:43] ok so plenty of stuff for maverick to fix in universe ;) [14:44] hopefully we can tap the community better now that we have omap images [14:44] yeah [14:44] ++ [14:44] Oh, yeah. Some stuff isn't even Thumb2-safe yet. [14:44] in univeres? yes. [14:44] Right. [14:44] gauche is an easy fix if it wasnt such a retarted pain to change the build system [14:44] we should convince canonical to send out 50 beagles to the community :) [14:45] they had the great idea to remove all makefile.am files [14:45] from source [14:45] not all ... but most :( [14:45] not sure what folks are thinking sometimes [14:45] asac: WTF .... [14:45] ow [14:45] i had seen that a few year ago elsewhere [14:45] haskell is really the only universe code-generator that got ported. fpc *should* be ported, except for some confusion between those who have done the port and those who can upload the results. [14:45] really hoped it was a one timer :( [14:46] just moan at upstream and be done ? [14:46] let them fix it :) [14:46] the build system? or fpc? [14:46] yes. so we should be better communicating [14:46] the build system [14:47] we could also file upstream bugs for the porting issues and point them to our website and instructiouns how to use qemu etc. [14:47] asac: fpc is done: just waits for someone to upload the known working binaries. [14:47] ok [14:47] for thumb2 in unvierse i mean [14:48] we've certainly come a long way from the 800+ftbfs that used to exist [14:48] http://people.canonical.com/~plars/dashboard.html [14:48] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~plars/dashboard.html [14:48] I believe haskell and fpc to be Thumb2 safe. I'm unsure about stuff like eiffel, gdc, parrot, etc. [14:48] has a small graph that is neat [14:49] heh, i thought it was a distortion first :) [14:49] heh [14:49] do we have a ftbfs graph somewhere? [14:49] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:49] New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:49] plars: How do you calculate uninstallable packages? I can find *heaps* of them. [14:49] maybe the ubuntuwire folks genearte something like that? [14:50] plars: Seems to be 373 in armel for me today. [14:50] persia: could be it's looking in the wrong place [14:50] asac, http://people.canonical.com/~plars/dashboard.html has it behind "build failures" [14:50] http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/lucid_probs.html lists nothing for armel [14:50] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/lucid_probs.html lists nothing for armel [14:50] plars: That only checks main [14:50] ogra: thats not a whole cycle graph i would love ;) [14:51] asac, indeed [14:51] of course guess its not available ... so we dont have it ;) [14:51] right, we dont [14:51] just wondered if ubuntuwire gnerates something like that already [14:51] Nope. [14:51] kk [14:51] Could though, if someone has code ... [14:51] persia: if you have a better location to pull that information from, I can replace it [14:51] too late for get the lucid picture ;) [14:51] Yep. [14:51] we could draw one :) [14:52] yeah. so overall we are in pretty good shape imo [14:52] well done everyone [14:52] NCommander, move ? [14:53] plars: You'd have to run the generator against the whole archive. I tend to count with `apt-cache unmet -i | grep ^Package | wc -l` [14:53] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:53] New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, dyfet) [14:53] NCommander: you repeat youreself ;) [14:53] * NCommander is lagging increadibly badly [14:54] *twiddle* *twiddle* [14:54] NCommander: move forward ;) [14:54] * NCommander beats asac [14:54] hehe [14:54] *twiddle* *twiddle* [14:54] [topic] Any Other Business [14:54] New Topic: Any Other Business [14:54] you skipped one :P [14:54] * ogra cleans the coffee from his kdb [14:55] *kbd [14:55] So, the images are being respun, and we should have fresh ones soon. They are expected to work for all three flavours for imx51 and dove, but there's other issues with USB and omap. [14:55] image staus is fine overall [14:55] persia, ?? [14:55] whats the issue ? [14:55] USB works fine here [14:56] asac told me to move forward [14:56] NCommander, you skipped image status [14:56] [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, persia) [14:56] New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, persia) [14:56] you should move one step at a time ... else you'll stumble [14:56] ogra: Ah. I thought you said there was a USB-related SRU for omap. Could be a data collection mistake on my part. [14:56] persia, we dont have OTG drivers [14:56] Ah, that's it. [14:56] because nobody has the HW to actually test OTG [14:57] Nobody? [14:57] What? What HW does one need? [14:57] so amit pulled them out before release [14:57] No one asked me. [14:57] persia, something you need to solder one pin on the ground for [14:57] Oh, HW issues. [14:57] GrueMaster, you claimed you wouldnt test omap because its your own board and not from the company [14:57] so i didnt hesitate to ask [14:58] s/n't// [14:58] ogra: I NEVER said any such thing. [14:58] ogra: no, he said it was his board to keep, not that he was against testing [14:58] ok i have to run to a call ... my comments on AOB: i wanted to say kudos to all for this great cycle ... was fun for me and hope for others too. And I think we did a great job in various areas (also not technical areas) [14:58] persia, its a special OTG cable [14:58] ogra: I have OTG cables. [14:58] Oh, I have heaps of those. Anyone want several at UDS? [14:59] if you have comments on my part this cycle feel free to shoot me an email. i am happy to get constructive critique after all [14:59] ;) [14:59] persia, yes, one for me please [14:59] * NCommander will take one [14:59] ogra: Sure. [14:59] [topic] AOB [14:59] also please look at launchpad.net/ubuntu-arm and subscribe to sessions you are interested in [14:59] New Topic: AOB [14:59] anyway, we dont have drivers now [14:59] * ogra has an AOB topic [14:59] * persia will bring 5 and y'all can fight over them then [14:59] might be that you end up with owning a spec as we lack assignees somewhat [14:59] someone has created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/LucidReleaseNotes [14:59] what do we do with it ? [15:00] persia: cable deathfight? [15:00] ogra: lets take an action to flesh out final release notes [15:00] me and you and plars maybe [15:00] [action] asac and ogra to flesh out release nots [15:00] ACTION received: asac and ogra to flesh out release nots [15:00] ogra: Add arch-specific notes, and reference the main release notes. Stuff that comes to mind is: weboffice/webmail, efl, funny installer issues, etc. [15:00] asac, oki [15:01] yeah, certainly some stuff around omap install that needs to go on there [15:01] Oh, and someone should mention *not* to use Kubuntu Netbook with < 512MB RAM or > 1G RAM and expect it not to have horrid performance on first boot. [15:01] * asac out [15:01] Also of note that fspot crashes. [15:01] (mono in general) }}}