## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519 ## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110428 ## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110421 <> ||<>|| '''April21th, 2011, 15:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<
> = Agenda = == Meeting Links == * Link to previous meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110505]] * Link to next meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110525]] == Action Items from last meeting == * None == Standing Items == * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html * Unity 2D Status * Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati) * ARM Porting/FTBFS status ([[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]], janimo) * ARM Image Status ([[OliverGrawert|ogra]], [[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]]) * QA Status (GrueMaster) * Any Other Business = Meeting Outcome = {{{ [16:00] #startmeeting [16:00] Meeting started at 10:00. The chair is NCommander. [16:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:00] moop [16:01] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519 [16:01] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519 [16:01] * NCommander pokes ogra_'s moop [16:01] ouch ! [16:01] dont you touch my moop ! [16:02] [topic] Standing Items [16:02] New Topic: Standing Items [16:02] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html [16:02] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html [16:02] [link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html [16:02] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html [16:02] None of my specs are showing up ... [16:02] * ogra_ isnt done yet with spec writing [16:03] Oh right, it has to be approved, doesn't it [16:03] bah [16:03] NCommander, lets go over them to see if everything is set right (accepted etcd) [16:03] after meeting [16:03] * davidm is happy bp are getting done [16:03] but its good to see the tracker work [16:04] doesnt look like as much hassle for me as last round [16:04] * NCommander likes our '2.0' blueprints for A1 :-) [16:04] Right [16:04] so moving on [16:05] if my web browser didn't force quit ... [16:05] [topic] Unity 2D Status [16:05] New Topic: Unity 2D Status [16:05] use an ac100, its more stable :P [16:05] i think we can drop that [16:05] desktop team takes over now [16:06] i talked to didrocks in budapest [16:06] I think it's DX team and desktop team [16:06] cool [16:06] * NCommander brings dead to this standing item [16:06] well, i think upstream is still the same [16:06] not DX afaik [16:06] [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti) [16:06] New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti) [16:06] heh [16:06] NCommander, ppisati [16:06] :-) [16:07] and we should probably include the linaro platform guys that work on kernel bits in that [16:07] do you have any ? [16:07] send an SRU for bug 770679 [16:07] Launchpad bug 770679 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu) "Missing proper support for Beagle XM rev B and C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770679 [16:07] rsalveti: won't that require an item respin of natty, no? [16:07] still waiting for comments [16:07] NCommander: in theory yes [16:08] but we can just publish a new kernel file somewhere and update the wiki [16:08] like we did with maverick [16:08] well, we can alsways provice replacement uInitrd and uImage [16:08] yeah, that's what we did with maverick [16:08] right [16:08] but no other update [16:08] ti-omap4 kernel is kind of the same [16:09] will be sending another SRU for the drm driver next week [16:09] do you have anyone in your team that should be included in the topic ping ? [16:09] now that I got that sorted out with linaro kernel [16:09] ogra_: that depends on what exactly we want to discuss [16:09] same for any other of the standing topics :) [16:09] sure, we can solve this offline [16:10] yeah [16:10] that's all for me [16:10] ppisati, everything fine in your world ? [16:11] NCommander: put an action for you to include ppisati at this topic :-) [16:11] rsalveti: I already edited the wiki [16:11] well, seems he isnt around ... neither is cooloney [16:11] so move :) [16:12] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [16:12] New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [16:12] its horrid [16:12] fpc was bootstrapped on armel but beside that not much to add as the buildds drain [16:12] yeah, will still need a while to lighten up [16:12] * NCommander isn't going to touch it until the build queue is close to empty [16:13] i occasionally go over them and give back what looks like being worth it [16:13] ogra_: let me read... [16:14] * ogra_ wonders where jani is [16:14] still jetlagged from the 100km train ride probably :) [16:14] heh [16:14] ogra_: :-P [16:14] can I move on? [16:15] yeah [16:15] [topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [16:15] New Topic: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [16:15] well ... [16:15] waiting for live-build to be implemented for x86 [16:15] ah k :) [16:15] i guess then we have a very small window to make it work for A1 [16:16] the risk is high that we wont make A1 though [16:16] Always is. [16:16] Yeah [16:16] in other news i worked the week on preparing everything for the ac100 image [16:16] right now all CD image work is depwait A1, though cjwatson said if we implement stuff in livecd-rootfs, then he'll migrate it to livehelper [16:16] the bits from https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa will land in oneiric next week [16:17] so that we can start rolling images [16:17] look, its a jani :) [16:17] * NCommander throws a pokeball at wild janimo [16:17] sorry, forgot what time it was [16:17] :-P [16:17] well, thats all about images atm ... toboin ? [16:18] anything to say about nook ? [16:18] GrueMaster, ^^ [16:18] Not yet. Main focus has been on usbboot for panda. [16:18] yeah, thought so [16:18] though you had lots of converation going on about nook images in the channel :) [16:18] Although one user has gotten some work towards making it boot natty. [16:18] *conversation [16:19] can I move on? [16:19] go [16:19] [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster) [16:19] New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster) [16:20] Hey, that's me! [16:20] wohoo ! [16:20] My focus this week has been gitting panda to boot via usb blob from a host system. [16:20] for automated image testing ;) [16:21] GrueMaster, this means no SD card needed at all? [16:21] yeah [16:21] This will help a lot for the new buildd deployment, and also help to build an image automation framework. [16:21] sweet [16:21] No SD card was harmed in the making of thisproduction. [16:21] lol [16:21] some SD cards deserve to be harmed though [16:21] hehe [16:22] Currently I am hung on getting the usb & network ports initialized. I have a working kernel & initrd. [16:22] Reviewing x-loader & u-boot code tosee what they do to enable them. [16:22] i'll get you the initrd bits until monday [16:23] GrueMaster: seems like a lot of it is hte board just isn't happy coming up OTG. could be an issue of whats being iniialized vs what isn't? [16:23] I'm using the headless image as a test base. I have the rootfs on a USB drive andam pushing down the kernel with a modified initrd. [16:23] Yes. [16:24] Not sure if it is the otg port getting in the way,but it shouldn't as they are completely separate circuits. [16:24] NCommander, well, its the decision of putting half the board init code into x-loader and u-boot [16:24] well yes [16:24] if it would live in the kernel as it should, there wouldnt be any probs [16:24] btw: u-boot doesn't appear to support usb. [16:24] GrueMaster, rsalveti is working on it [16:25] yes, I know. [16:25] GrueMaster: u-boot supports usb now ;-) [16:25] and martyn told me yesterday that the PXE support patch landed upstream [16:25] and TFTP [16:25] Hopefully we can work together today and get a solution. [16:25] on my branch [16:25] Nice. [16:25] but I still prefer to jump into the kernel directly [16:25] \o/ [16:25] ++ [16:26] but at least we have something even if that doesnt work [16:26] anyway, just working with GrueMaster to see what we can get [16:26] yup :-) [16:26] The aboot->kernel method is much cleaner, but what ever it takes to get forward progress is semi-acceptable. [16:26] the good thing is that we could even use it in the images and boot *way* faster [16:26] let's spend some more time trying to get this to work [16:27] we should inspect that [16:27] once I get this working (critical priority), I'll focus on blueprint refinement and nook color. [16:27] yeah, can add that at my u-boot tftp bp [16:27] I'll be changing it to "alternatives to boot ubuntu images" [16:27] something like that [16:27] omap4boot [16:27] cool ! [16:27] u-boot with TFTP and PXE [16:27] and u-boot with fastboot [16:28] that should cover most of the cases, if not all [16:28] That's all from me. Questions? [16:28] not here [16:29] [topic] Specification Status [16:29] New Topic: Specification Status [16:29] probably a good idea to go over this [16:30] I have two spcs drafted, one reviewed, one I mostly completed then handed off, and one that still needs a writeup [16:30] * ogra_ has nothing to report yet ... mine will be ready by monday [16:31] janimo, GrueMaster ? [16:31] I have work items more or less written up on my specs [16:31] but no other work. Drafting means filling up the wiki template? [16:31] (and anyone else having specs on the team tracker :) ) [16:31] janimo, yeah [16:31] I think NCommander has been plastering me with work items. I have been toofocused to check. [16:31] team tracker == burndown charts? [16:31] you dont need all topics from the tamplate, only what makes sense in your context [16:32] yeah team tracker == burndown [16:34] [topic] ABO [16:34] New Topic: ABO [16:34] * NCommander has nothing [16:34] ABO??? [16:34] ABO ? [16:34] OBA ? [16:34] [topic] AOB [16:34] New Topic: AOB [16:34] BOA ? [16:34] BOA? [16:34] * NCommander beats ogra_ [16:34] BAOBAB [16:34] BAO? [16:34] BLAH :) [16:34] * ogra_ doesnt have anything for this topic [16:34] I'm guessing we don't [16:35] closiging the meeting in 3 [16:35] 2 [16:35] 1 [16:35] #endmeeting [16:35] Meeting finished at 10:35. }}} == Action Items == * None