## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110526 ## page was renamed from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110525 ## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519 ## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110428 ## page was copied from MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110421 <> ||<>|| '''May 26th, 2011, 15:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''.<
> = Agenda = == Meeting Links == * Link to previous meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110519]] * Link to next meeting * [[MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110602]] == Action Items from last meeting == * None == Standing Items == * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html * http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html * Unity 2D Status * Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati) * ARM Porting/FTBFS status ([[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]], janimo) * ARM Image Status ([[OliverGrawert|ogra]], [[MichaelCasadevall|NCommander]]) * QA Status (GrueMaster) * Any Other Business = Meeting Outcome = {{{ [15:59] #startmeeting [15:59] Meeting started at 09:59. The chair is NCommander. [15:59] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:00] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110526 [16:00] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/20110526 [16:00] *is having some issues with the wiki and 500 errors* [16:00] There are no action items from last meeting so ... [16:00] [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html [16:00] New Topic: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html [16:00] [topic] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html [16:00] New Topic: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-1.html [16:01] still lots missing [16:01] and of course the WI tracker doesn't see any of my specs [16:01] but davidm said he would do an approval round [16:02] NCommander, they need to be approved first [16:02] Yep I want to to approvals today [16:02] and have a prio [16:02] and indeed need to be assigned to oneiric [16:02] i see 6 for NCommander btw :) [16:03] yeah, a number thats bound to go up :-( [16:03] yes [16:03] I see none for me. Yippie! [16:03] heh [16:03] I sent a list of all the server specs to davidm. With the exception of the security/entropy one, they're all drafted and ready for review [16:03] you have at least two items on my specs [16:03] damn. :( [16:03] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/~davidm?searchtext=o-arm === Guest40648 is now known as davidm [16:04] that should be all our specs [16:04] if anything is missing we need to fix that === davidm is now known as Guest68947 [16:04] * ogra_ sees david has fun with nickserv [16:05] I don't think there's anything else on burndown charts [16:06] [topic] Unity 2D Status [16:06] New Topic: Unity 2D Status [16:06] well, action; everyone get their specs in the right state [16:06] before end of the week [16:06] * ogra_ guesses release team wants to review in the release meeting tomorrow [16:06] [action] everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week [16:06] ACTION received: everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week [16:06] NCommander, we too that one out btw [16:07] unity-2d is desktop team now [16:07] * ogra_ though we discussed that last week) [16:07] See if I stay davidm this time [16:07] heh [16:07] just be nice to nickserv :) [16:07] sometimes nickserv hates me [16:08] flower and candy are a good way to sooth rough feelings [16:08] heh [16:08] [topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati) [16:08] New Topic: Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti, ppisati) [16:08] davidm_, since you missed it [16:08] well, action; everyone get their specs in the right state [16:08] before end of the week [16:08] ACTION received: everyone to get their specs in proper shape before end of the week [16:08] davidm_, i suspect the release team will want to review [16:08] Actually I need to get to it today as today is the deadline [16:08] bug 770679 is now fixed commited [16:08] Launchpad bug 770679 in u-boot-linaro (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Missing proper support for Beagle XM rev B and C" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770679 [16:09] so we need to get them ready before meeting [16:09] only major change for kernel [16:09] still long way to hit the archive [16:09] * ppisati is here too [16:09] rsalveti, thats .proposed though [16:09] any oneiric news you want to share ? [16:09] ogra_: not yet proposed [16:10] well, will be :) [16:10] nothing i'm aware off: at last TI call someone mentioned a .39 tree, wwaiting for it to appear [16:10] omap4 still remains a separate source for O ? [16:10] yes [16:11] still a topic branch [16:11] yup [16:11] we will cherry pick CVE and stable updates from master [16:11] no rebase (unfrotunately) [16:11] until mainline is on par feature wise [16:11] actually i'll try (but since ompa4 is so big i'm pretty sure i'll fail) [16:12] btw, can anyone add me to the invitation of the weekly TI conf call? [16:12] ppisati, talk to ndec in #ubuntu-arm [16:12] he owns the invitation iirc [16:12] ok [16:13] NCommander, move ? [16:13] ppisati, done, you are added [16:13] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [16:13] New Topic: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [16:14] davidm_: thanks [16:14] nothing here [16:14] * NCommander hides in fear of the FTBFS list [16:14] a bit of bug triaging in the KInaro Jam [16:14] 31 packages in main isnt that bad [16:14] the nasty oes from natty are still here [16:15] as they are upstream issues [16:15] only 8 arm specific [16:15] true [16:15] and some of that seems to be ghc blew up [16:15] dbus, upstart and libnih look serious [16:15] yeah [16:16] i gave back dbus and upstart already [16:16] and the failures are weird segfaults [16:16] ld segfaults iirc [16:16] Great [16:16] yep [16:16] Has anyone reproduced out of the data center? [16:16] same in chromium [16:16] do we know if anyone is inspecting that on the toolchain side ? [16:17] Linaro know about it, I am not sure what the status is [16:17] oh, also note that we will switch seeds this release [16:17] Buh??? [16:17] to ubuntu-desktop? [16:17] so look at the desktop seed once the first images roll in [16:17] right [16:17] ok [16:17] netbook will go away [16:18] ogra_: do you want to follow up with Linaro w.r.t. binutils segfaults? [16:18] so our images get larger as well? will we ship the same ubuntu desktop metapackage? [16:18] NCommander, well, would at least be good to know a bugnumber [16:19] janimo, do you know if there is one (since you seem to know that linaro knows about it) [16:19] We might need to make our own seed, I don'think we want all of desktop on ARM [16:20] thats fine [16:20] ogra_, no idea, I just saw it discussed on #linaro [16:20] we can do per-arch excludes [16:20] no need for an extra seed [16:20] NCommander, then put an action item on for me [16:20] did not follow FTBFS lately as it seemed there were large rebuilds and I was waiting for it to settle down [16:20] [action] ogra to trim down desktop seed on ARM [16:20] ACTION received: ogra to trim down desktop seed on ARM [16:20] NCommander, ?? [16:20] ogra_: what? [16:21] " ogra_: do you want to follow up with Linaro w.r.t. binutils segfaults?" [16:21] oh [16:21] i was referring to that one [16:21] wrong followup :-P [16:21] i dont need an action item for my day to day work :P [16:21] [action] ogra to follow up with Linaro on binutils segfault [16:21] ACTION received: ogra to follow up with Linaro on binutils segfault [16:21] Hard to follow the multiple topics of the meeting. [16:21] * ogra_ has nothing else for ftbfs [16:22] [topic] ARM Image Status (NCommander, ogra) [16:22] New Topic: ARM Image Status (NCommander, ogra) [16:22] dead [16:22] but i think cjwatson built the first x86 images today [16:22] eta for live helper? [16:22] * NCommander is making funeral perperations :-( [16:22] so it shouldnt be long anymore [16:22] and its still 2 weeks to A1 [16:22] then we get to re-implement evertyhing for l-h [16:22] yesterday [16:22] so chances are good we can make it [16:23] I estimate image availability the day before A1. [16:23] janimo: not necessarily for a1 [16:23] cjwatson, wohoo [16:23] still using livecd-rootfs for now [16:23] ah [16:23] when do you plan the final switch ? [16:23] when it's ready [16:23] heh [16:23] good plan. [16:23] k [16:23] I don't think their is much mor eon this point [16:24] if I can make it before a1, I will, but I'm not promising anything [16:24] k [16:24] thanks cjwatson [16:24] the CD image cron jobs are back on now [16:25] wrt netboot images, make sure we have both uImage/uInitrd & vmlinuz/initrd.img available [16:25] \o/ [16:25] so we should have something to test (if it builds) [16:25] so unless GrueMaster knows something I don't, they should build tomorrow [16:25] GrueMaster, will do [16:25] GrueMaster, i also plan a "mini iso" as well [16:25] I'm just speaking from experience as the QA guy that has last minute image testing to do...always. [16:25] anything else on this subject or can I move on? [16:25] :P [16:26] move [16:26] * NCommander moves to New York [16:26] :-P [16:26] [topic] QA Status (GrueMaster) [16:26] New Topic: QA Status (GrueMaster) [16:26] haha [16:26] Hey, that's me. Isn't that special. [16:26] Work continues on usbboot. [16:26] wowie [16:27] Issues still with aboot, but we have enough to enable the buildd farm. [16:27] GrueMaster, btw, it would be good to know if there is a usb0 after boot [16:27] then we wouldnt need the conventional network for netcatting the tarball but could pull it via usbnet [16:27] There is. Networking and usb ports both function (My keyboard/mouse is on one, usb drive on the other). [16:27] i mean a usbnet device [16:28] (the g_ether module being loaded) [16:28] well, lets discuss that offline [16:28] Missing are mmc and reboot. mmc is mia, reboot causes the kernel to hang at the end with message: Rebooting. [16:28] hmpf [16:28] Oh, that requires musb to work. [16:28] we dont need mmc so i dont care [16:28] Which it doesn't. [16:29] in kernel ? [16:29] I need mmc for automation testing. [16:29] hmm, i thought that worked [16:29] Nope. [16:29] gar [16:29] k, then its conventional network, sad [16:29] IIRC musb is broken upstream [16:29] usb would have been sexier [16:29] since .38.x where i don't remeber the x [16:30] musb has never worked in .38 that I know of. [16:30] Last worked in .35. [16:30] iirc. [16:30] well [16:30] moot discussion then [16:31] Back to usbboot. I am very concerned about the copyright issues with the source. [16:31] well, for internal use thats a non issue [16:31] for packaging it thats a disaster [16:31] Right. [16:32] did you start conversation with upstream ? [16:32] ogra_: w.r.t. to copyright, if the code is invalid, we can't use it, internatl or not. [16:33] For initial deployment, I should have it working fully by eod tomorrow. For packaging and future automation, I am looking to do a rewrite, at least for the host side. Not much to it, shouldn't take too long (2-3 days max). [16:33] NCommander, as long as we dont distribute it ... [16:33] ogra_: I'm not going to argue specifics during this meeting, but I'll be glad to discuss in private [16:34] sure [16:34] The mods needed for immediate deployment are fairly trivial and can be pushed upstream. [16:35] can I move on? [16:35] I am also gearing up to review lava for our use. [16:35] Currently, it will not work with our images. Looking to see what modifications need to be in place for that. [16:35] Done. [16:36] I'm sure we can sort license issues, I'm in contact with upstream [16:36] [topic] AOB] [16:36] New Topic: AOB] [16:36] is it a requirement that all images get tested with lava ? [16:36] or could we just define a certain set of i.e. images that work ootb [16:36] * ogra_ could imagine the mini iso might work just fine [16:37] or any other alternate ones [16:37] I was told to get lava working on some of our images. headless & server are prime candidates. [16:37] well, mini iso with server preseed file should get you that [16:37] it can test isos too, right ? [16:38] no. [16:38] (i mean for x86) [16:38] err [16:38] It currently works with linaro style images & hw packs. [16:38] why the heck are we forced to use it then ? i thought its the "save the world" solution for all image testing automation [16:38] * ogra_ wasnt aware thats only used for linaro tarballs [16:38] Not my call. Way beyond my pay grade. [16:39] hmpf [16:39] then i dont understand the hype [16:39] That's why it is called the Linaro Automated Validation App. [16:39] right, still i thought the plan was to have all images tested on it [16:40] The front end is pretty good. It is the back end that needs rework. Unfortunately, it is all combined in one atm. [16:40] It isn't modular. [16:40] oh, like livecd-rootfs :) [16:40] Never having seen that, I can only guess. [16:40] * ogra_ likes non modular after looking at live-build today :P ) [16:41] anyway, no more questions for QA here [16:41] You want modular, but in an intelligent way. [16:42] Otherwise we would be stuck with a hugh kernel binary that loaded every driver under the sun. [16:42] * ogra_ doesnt want too modular :) [16:42] * NCommander would rather just refactor livecd-rootfs into modules [16:42] :-P [16:42] NCommander, ++++++++++++ [16:42] +++ [16:42] and + [16:42] The proper way to do it is with libraries and function calls. [16:42] but i guess we cant have that pony [16:42] At least that was what I did in my old days of automation development. [16:43] well, for shell scripts thats different :) [16:43] Not just shell scripts. [16:43] i agree for C code though ... [16:43] but we somehow get offtopic :) [16:44] I'm done unless someone has other questions on QA. [16:44] anything got anything else? [16:45] if not, I'll close the meeting [16:45] go for it [16:45] closing in 3 [16:45] 2 [16:45] 1 [16:45] #endmeeting [16:45] Meeting finished at 10:45. }}} == Action Items == * ogra to trim down desktop seed on ARM * ogra to follow up with Linaro on binutils segfault