
Revision 3 as of 2010-01-05 17:35:37

Clear message

This page is for tracking packages identified as needing further investigation.

Raw Search Output

Note that there are a lot of false positives and other extraneous content here. It should be possible to filter this down to get a much more compact list of issues for investigation.

  •  /(^|\W)swp(.*,){2,}/i  (deprecated SWP instruction usage)

  •  /(^|\W)(v(ldr|str|mov)|f(ld|st)[msd])([a-z]|\W)(.*,){2,}/i  (hand-coded floating-point and NEON assembler)

  •  /(^|\W)(mov|add|sub).*\Wpc(\W|$)/i  (PC arithmetic which may cause Thumb compatibility problems and interworking bugs)

  •  /(^|\W)(ldr|str)ex/i  (hand-coded exclusives; may require additional memory barriers for SMP-safety)