== Abhejit Rajagopal ==
Name: Abhejit Rajagopal
>Location: Santa Barbara, CA, USA
>Occupation: Student, UCSB
>Experience: Linux, web, scientific computing. ( PHP, Python, C++, MySQL )
>Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~sirgogo
=== About ===
I am a graduate student at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). I am interested in applications of signal processing, information theory, and physics simulation. I have been using Linux since 2005 when I was first introduced to Ubuntu Hoary. In recent years, I have become a fan of Fedora.
=== Contributions ===
The web is a wonderful place, and I enjoy reading and giving back to open-source / open-information communities. I am always available for installation and configuration help, but often times the Ubunut Forums are the best place to ask. (Even for other distributions like Fedora!)
=== Goals ===
A personal goal of mine is to develop an open-source physics engine. For the broader community, I hope linux will become prevalent and mainstream. The best way to make this a reality is to keep using it and advocate free software to everyone you know.