## page was renamed from OpenOffice '''Task name:''' Open``Office.org -- daily office suite tasks '''Description:''' Perform everyday tasks like typing a letter or editing a spreadsheet in Open``Office. '''Procedure:''' * Launch ''Open``Office.org Writer'' via the Applications menu * Type a brief document into Writer * Run a spell check work * Launch Help from Writer * Create a PDF and view it in the default viewer * Launch ''Open``Office.org Calc'' * Enter some numbers in some cells * Perform a simple sum over some cells * Try a more complicated formula via the Insert -> Function menu * Make a simple line plot or pie chart '''Comments:''' * Please include the release you are testing with in your comment. Include your launchpad ID at the end of your comments: * Click on https://launchpad.net/people/+me * Look at the URL bar, everything behind the ~ sign is your Launchpad ID. == v1 == Menu items are enlarged when a ''Large Print'' theme is used, but the body text is not larger by default and the icons do not change to high visibility ones. The various dialogs do not have larger text. [[http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21105|bug #21105]]- HNO == v2 == == v3 == == m1 == == m2 == == m3 == == h1 ==