* TROPHY (1) Set up backup with Deja Dup * DEPENDS * LOGIC User will learn to make backups, exploration trophy * RISK * PROBLEMS Needs to properly document backup details and a guide on the most backed-up folders * TROPHY (2) Set up social media with Gwibber * DEPENDS * LOGIC User will learn to use Gwibber, exploration trophy * RISK (nil?) * PROBLEMS * TROPHY (3) Set up email with Thunderbird * DEPENDS * LOGIC User will learn to use Thunderbird, exploration trophy * RISK (nil?) * PROBLEMS * TROPHY (4) Import photos from digital camera / [iOS, Android] device * DEPENDS * LOGIC User will learn to import photos to their computer, exploration trophy * RISK (nil?) * PROBLEMS * TROPHY (5) * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS * TROPHY * DEPENDS * LOGIC * RISK * PROBLEMS