This document describes the policy for updating the ADSys package in a stable, supported distro, including LTS.

Adsys is a tool for managing and applying GPOs from Active Directory on Linux. It comprises a set of services and commands which enable administrators to manage policy updates and ensure compliance with business rules.

Since Adsys interacts directly with Active Directory and must meet new business requirements on LTS releases, the package must stay up-to-date with the latest changes. Therefore, in addition to bug fixes, implementations of new GPO are allowed as long as the conditions outlined below are met.

In case of new features need to be added, distinct from the implementation of new GPO, then SRU team approval will need to be obtained.

QA Process

Adsys follows a robust continuous integration and testing process. It is covered by a comprehensive automated tests suite. All changes are thoroughly reviewed and approved by at least two core team members before integration. The requirements for an SRU to be considered include:

Packaging QA

When preparing the package for upload, the following procedures must be completed to ensure quality:

Requesting the SRU

The SRU should be requested as usual (StableReleaseUpdates) with the bug description containing links to automatic testing results so that anyone can verify the testing occurred and its results. Additionally, the SRU bug should be verbose in documenting any manual testing. The SRU should be done with a single process bug for this stable release exception instead of individual bug reports for individual bug fixes.


[SRU Information]

ADSys has a stable release exception, including for major version updates,


State the impact of the change, including a summary of changes from the archive version.

Provide a link to the bugs targeted.


Provide a link to the successful CI test run.

Provide affirmation of manual testing of the proposed package.

AdsysUpdates (last edited 2023-07-05 07:34:02 by jibel)