<> <> * When: 27 July 2016 * Where: #ubuntu-africa on Freenode. * Website: http://ubuntu-africa.info/ * Meeting link: irc://freenode.net/ubuntu-africa * IRC Introduction: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat == Agenda == * Meeting chair: '''[[Na3iL|Na3iL]]''' * Welcoming and Introduction * Review [[AfricanTeams/Meetings/20150826#Summary|minutes of previous meeting]] * Awareness and action * Get more Africa Linux users to join us * Get more Ubuntu users to apply for official membership * Help to find the missing/tired LoCo's and active LUGs in Africa - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams * Encourage existing members to be more active and give ideas * Encourage dead LoCo's to rebuild * Get more people to get launchpad ID's and join us at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa * raise awareness of not so official mirrors but widely used in some areas ('''ongolaBoy'''). * e.g: [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/miroir.cm.auf.org-archive | This ]] mirror is in review since september 2014 :( - get feedback from '''ongolaBoy''' * '''More items to be added here''' * Events * Plan events in your area and give feedback at next meeting * Miscellaneous * All other matters of interest * Discuss moving the meeting time an hour later * Elect chairperson for next meeting * Next meeting: 26th October == Summary == {{{ Minutes ======= PASTE SUMMARY OF MINUTES HERE AFTER THE MEETING Present ======= PASTE LIST OF ATTENDANTS HERE AFTER THE MEETING Raw Log ======= PASTE RAW LOGS HERE AFTER THE MEETING }}}