<> Need help? There are many [[http://www.ubuntu.com/support|Support Resources]] for Ubuntu including [[https://help.ubuntu.com/|Official]] and [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/|Community]] Documentation, [[http://www.ubuntuforums.org/|Forums]], [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC|IRC]] [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels|Channels]], and more... all available online. = Why Free & Open Source? = * [[http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html|The Free Software Definition]] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open_source_software|Wikipedia on Free and open source software]] = Why Ubuntu? = There are so many great reasons to switch to Ubuntu. It's stable, safe, and open source! For more go to [[/WhyUbuntu|Why Ubuntu?]] = Get Ubuntu = If you feel capable of installing Ubuntu yourself, you may go to [[http://www.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu.com]] to download it yourself or see the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Community|Documentation]] for more guidance. If you would like to have one of us help you install Ubuntu on your computer, come to our next [[InstallFest|InstallFest]] or email [[mailto:info@alabamaubuntu.org|info@alabamaubuntu.org]] == Where to Buy == === Online === If you are purchasing a new computer, these places offer Ubuntu pre-installed: * ZaReason - http://www.zareason.com/ * R Cubed - http://www.shoprcubed.com/ * System76 - http://www.system76.com/ * Dell - http://snurl.com/3ptnw - [Link goes to www.Dell.com Ubuntu section) === Locally === = Videos = * [[http://ubuntuclips.org/|Ubuntu Clips]] * [[http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu Screencasts]] * [[http://ubuntupodcast.net/|Ubuntu Podcast by Georgia LoCo]] = Activism = Take action and get involved with current issues and make a difference.