<> ||<>|| = Services = * Supply Ubuntu (CDs & CD images) to the general public * Hold on demand community classes and symposiums * Conduct outreach programs via local schools, colleges community centres and libraries = Events = * Organize an Open Source Software Seminar * Organize an [[LoCoRunningInstallfests|installfest]] and [[LoCoComputerFairHowto|fair]] and mini-Ubucon. We currently are looking for * See: UbuntuAtConferences * Space * A demonstration laptop * Marketing materials (someone should contact Canonical or JonoBacon) * CDs (We have to handle this) * Very easy once we're approved - LoCoGettingCds * Get involved with [[LoCoTeamEducation|education]] * Gather [[LoCoTeamSpeakers|speakers]] for events, etc. = Organization = * See: LoCoTeamRunning, LoCoTeamHowto, and LoCoTeamRunning * Getting team resources set up so that the team can become an approved team (More information on this process is online at LoCoGettingApproved) * Support several members who are setting up Edubuntu at their schools * Create a team logo for our LoCo '''DONE''' * Create a team [[LoCoCreatingMap|Member Map]] '''DONE''' [[http://snurl.com/ubuntualmap|Google Map]] * Possibly creating a [[LoCoCreatingPlanet|planet]] for the team once it's big enough * [[LoCoRecruitingVolunteers|Recruit volunteers]] * Work with other groups to improve peoples computing experience by increasing awareness of GNU + Linux, open source, copyright software