I am 21 (1987.11.28) years old and a student at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA USA. I am a double major Mathematics and Computer Science. I enjoy collecting vinyl, and am an avid cyclist and member of Philly's bike community. You can almost always find me at [[http://www.philamass.org|Philly Critical Mass]]. Your city probably has one too, look it up. If not, start one! I like to surf, bike, skateboard, play music, and compute. I play guitar, trombone, and cello. I play guitar in a band, [[http://www.myspace.com/whatisamind|f(x)]] (E-mail me to book us! We'll play anywhere!). I started using Ubuntu in October of '06 shortly after edgy was released. I started going to the [[http://www.phillylinux.org|Philly Linux User Group]] and began to get more involved. I frequented the forums giving support to people who needed it. I joined the Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo Team and became active in that. Free software is something I'm very passionate about and I love spreading Ubuntu and free software to people all over the world. == Contact == {*} '''E-Mail:''' alex.launi@gmail.com {*} '''Jabber:''' alex.launi@gmail.com {*} '''IRC (freenode/GIMPNet):''' lamalex {*} '''Website:''' http://www.lamalex.net/ {*} '''Launchpad:''' [[LaunchpadHome:alexlauni]] {*} '''Forums:''' http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=224599 {*} '''Facebook:''' hhttp://www.facebook.com/cooldude666 {*} '''Twitter:''' http://www.twitter.com/lamalex_ == Contributions to the Ubuntu Community == === Ubuntu Pennsylvania LoCo Team === {*} Website admin {*} Set up original www.meetlinux.com domain, remain one of the admins of www.ubuntupennsylvania.org {*} Manage team [[http://www.ubuntupennsylvania.org/calendar/|Calendar]] {*} Team [[https://launchpad.net/~pennsylvania/+members|Launchpad admin]] {*} Team [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-pa|Mailing list]] admin {*} Helped organize first PA team [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=462693|install fest]] {*} Worked with PA Team, and Ubuntu Women/Linux Chix on [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=465276|Girls inc. project]] {*} Helped plan [[/PennsylvaniaTeam/EventsTeam/PhillyGutsyRelease|Gutsy]], Hardy, and [[/PennsylvaniaTeam/EventsTeam/PhillyJauntyRelease|Jaunty release parties]] {*} Worked on [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-pa/2008-November/000702.html|NTR dual boot imaging project]] {*} Distribute Ubuntu CDs to Temple University students {*} Worked the Ubuntu table and helped organize [[http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/northamerica/PA/Phila_Area_Computer_Society|Free Software day 2007]] {*} Appeared with [[lyz|Lyz Krumbach]] on WCOJ's Computer Corner radio show twice to promote and discuss Ubuntu {*} Liaison between Philadelphia Universities, and PA team === General Ubuntu Ecosystem === {*} Bug reporter {*} Provide forum support {*} Provide local irc support in #ubuntu-us-pa when needed {*} Early release adopter {*} Uses alpha releases on production machines to make sure releases perform (speed, usability, etc.) under a normal load {*} Will be attending UDS Barcelona (thank you Canonical :D) {*} Ubuntu Cyclists member {*} Participating in Project Ayatana {*} Ubuntu-devel ML lurker/poster when I have something valuable to contribute {*} Attended the first Ubuntu Live! Conference in Portland, OR. === Upstream === {*} GNOME Foundation member {*} [[http://do.davebsd.com|GNOME Do]] core developer {*} [[https://launchpad.net/do-plugins|GNOME Do plugin]] coordinator {*} Tasque [[http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/tasque/?view=query&dir=&file=&file_match=exact&who=&who_match=exact&comment=**Alex+Launi**&comment_match=glob&querysort=date&hours=2&date=all&mindate=&maxdate=&limit_changes=100|Contributer]] {*} Banshee [[http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/banshee/?view=query&dir=&file=&file_match=exact&who=&who_match=exact&comment=**Alex+Launi**&comment_match=glob&querysort=date&hours=2&date=all&mindate=&maxdate=&limit_changes=100|Contributer]] === Future === I plan to continue to be involved in Ubuntu and F/OSS. I have attended GNOME Developer Summit. I feel that Ubuntu is the distro best poised to revolutionise the desktop experience. As an upstream developer, I have made fixes to GNOME Do to make it work better with Ubuntu technology, such as the new notification system in Jaunty. I will be attending UDS later this spring in hopes of talking to other developers and Ubuntuers to open their applications up over d-bus so that we can provide an innovative, and highly integrated desktop experience. In the Ubuntu community I will continue to advocate F/OSS and specifically Ubuntu. I have given out many Ubuntu CDs to classmates, and supported them through their transition. I plan to continue this and help keep fresh minds coming into F/OSS and Ubuntu. === Testimonials === Alex has been very involved with the Philly Area of the PA LoCo since [[http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/main.php?g2_itemId=30 | our first meeting.]] Some of his appearances at events have even become [[http://gallery.ubuntupennsylvania.org/main.php?g2_itemId=202 | infamous]], as this photo from the Girls, Inc computer give-away event will confirm. As an older member (mid 40's) of the community, I am impressed with Alex's willingness to help and share his experiences with everyone at events, in the forums, and in our irc channel. I like to think of him as our 'Video Specialist' at events. As a member of the LoCo, I am very proud of his work with the Gnome-Do project; it's great having a developer in the LoCo. I think that Alex has fulfilled all requirements necessary and would be a fine Ubuntu Member! -[[https://launchpad.net/~jedijf | jim fisher ]] [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jedijf | (jedijf) ]]