== Contact Details == || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~alexmurray|alexmurray]] || || '''IRC''': || '''amurray''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Twitter''': || http://twitter.com/alex_murray || == About Me == I work as the Tech Lead on the Ubuntu Security Team, since joining Canonical in 2018, helping to keep Ubuntu secure and deliver new security features for Ubuntu. I also host the [[https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/|Ubuntu Security Podcast]], a weekly podcast discussing Ubuntu and Linux security topics and covering the work done by the Ubuntu Security Team. I also act as one of the [[https://snapcraft.io|Snap Store]] Reviewers, providing guidance to snap developers on how to ensure their snaps can be sucessfully published in the store and reviewing / processing requests for privileged snap interfaces etc. Prior to being employed by Canonical, I have been a longtime user of Ubuntu and have been active in the Ubuntu community for many years, on both the [[https://ubuntuforums.org|Ubuntu Forums]] (username [[https://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=748826|alexmurray]]) and [[https://askubuntu.com|Ask Ubuntu]] (username [[https://askubuntu.com/users/218/alexmurray|alexmurray]]). Many years ago I created [[https://launchpad.net/sensors-applet|GNOME Sensors Applet]] which then informed the more recent [[https://launchpad.net/indicator-sensors|Hardware Sensors Indicator]] which I created originally for the Unity desktop but which thanks to the GNOME Shell AppIndicators extension, can also be run on the modern Ubuntu desktop based on GNOME as well.