yitiq [at] hotmail dot com = Ubuntu feisty Sonyericsson w810i file transfer via Bluetooth = '' # sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils bluez-passkey-gnome gnome-bluetooth bluez-pin* '' '' # hcitool scan '' '' Scanning ... '' '' 00:18:13:4B:C3:92 a1is3n '' ---- edit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf # # HCI daemon configuration file. # # HCId options options { # Automatically initialize new devices autoinit yes; # Security Manager mode # none - Security manager disabled # auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections # user - Always ask user for a PIN # security auto; # Pairing mode # none - Pairing disabled # multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices # once - Pair once and deny successive attempts pairing multi; # Default PIN code for incoming connections passkey "1234"; } # Default settings for HCI devices device { # Local device name # %d - device id # %h - host name name "%h-%d"; # Local device class class 0x3e0100; # Default packet type #pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1; # Inquiry and Page scan iscan enable; pscan enable; discovto 0; # Default link mode # none - no specific policy # accept - always accept incoming connections # master - become master on incoming connections, # deny role switch on outgoing connections lm accept; # Default link policy # none - no specific policy # rswitch - allow role switch # hold - allow hold mode # sniff - allow sniff mode # park - allow park mode lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park; } ---- edit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf # # RFCOMM configuration file. # rfcomm0 { # Automatically bind the device at startup bind yes; # # # Bluetooth address of the device device 00:18:13:4B:C3:92; # # # RFCOMM channel for the connection channel 8; # # # Description of the connection comment "Bluetooth device"; #} ---- '' # sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart '' ---- Default PIN code for incoming connections passkey "1234" ---- Dosya almak icin ; Uygulamalar -- Donatilar -- Bluetooth Dosya Paylasimi Gondermek icin dosyaya sag tikla ; send.. yada nautilus-actions kur. direk sag tiklayinca "send to Bluetooth" gibi bisi yapmak icin.. ---- = Uzaktan kumanda icin (Remote Control) = sudo nano /etc/default/bluetooth '' HIDD_ENABLED=1 '' '' # -D (nosdp) special hack for 700i and similar phones '' '' # -Z (nocheck) also needed in the setup procedure '' '' HIDD_OPTIONS="--master --server -D -Z" '' ---- CategoryBluetooth