* How many bug reports do you work with on a weekly basis (approximately)? 10 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000 === Ease of Use === * With the current Launchpad web interface, how difficult is it to figure out which bugs to look at? very easy [] [] [] [] [] very difficult * Do the current bug features make it easy or difficult to interact with users? very easy [] [] [] [] [] very difficult * How difficult is it to hand a bug report off to another team? very easy [] [] [] [] [] very difficult * How difficult is it to get user testing for a fix? very easy [] [] [] [] [] very difficult * How difficult is it to triage bug reports? very easy [] [] [] [] [] very difficult * Have you experienced difficulty triaging bugs for any of the following reasons (check all that apply): * [ ] sheer quantity of bugs; too much work * [ ] hard to know what information a developer will need * [ ] hard to understand the user's bug report * [ ] users don't respond to questions in a timely fashion * [ ] unclear how to decide what importance to assign bugs * [ ] unclear what status to give bugs * [ ] don't have permission to set bug's status or importance * [ ] forwarding a bug upstream is too hard * [ ] I don't know how to forward a bug upstream * [ ] forwarding a bug upstream is too much work * [ ] the package doesn't have an upstream tracker registered * Are there common bug tasks not listed above that seem difficult in Launchpad? * What process takes the most time when working with bug reports? * Do you do more manual work than you should? * For the bug reports received during the Natty cycle, but not fixed by the day of release, what percentage do you suspect were critical bugs that should have gotten fixed pre-release? 0% | 1% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 50% | more * With the volume of bug reports that Ubuntu receives, do you believe that it's possible to look at every bug report long enough to assess whether it's critical or high? Yes | No * Do you think that different/better tools could make it possible to review every bug? Yes | No * Do you use API clients for Launchpad bug reports? If so, which ones? (With URLs if possible.) === Communication === * When you hand off a bug report, are you confident that the person you’ve handed it off to will be able to find the bug report? * When you hand off a bug report, are you confident that the person you’ve handed it off to will take action on that bug report? * How do you track whether the bug report you handed off has stalled? * How do you determine who needs to take action on a bug report next? * How often do you indicate what the next action should be for a bug report by: * Personalized comment [Never] [Sometimes] [Often] [Always] * Stock reply via greasemonkey script [Never] [Sometimes] [Often] [Always] * Automatic comment via other script [Never] [Sometimes] [Often] [Always] * Tags [Never] [Sometimes] [Often] [Always] * When do you choose to communicate with others about a bug report over IRC, email, voice, or other channels instead of in the bug? * What tasks are you trying to accomplish when you need more direct communication? * How do you find out about bug reports that are important to you? (order by most common) IRC | email | bug subscription | bug assignment | the release meeting * How to you let others know a bug report is important to you or your team? * What features do you use to prioritize which bug reports you will work on? (order by most common) importance | release target | milestones | assignment | bug tags | users affected | number of duplicates | bug heat * When do you assign a bug to yourself? * Do you think the meaning of assignment is clear, accurate, and consistently used? Yes | No === States === * Are the current options for bug status a good fit for your needs? Excellent | Usable | Tolerable | Poor * What does the “New” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Incomplete” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Confirmed” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Triaged” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Fix Committed” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Opinion” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Won't Fix” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What does the “Invalid” status mean to you, or when do you use it? Is it useful to you? * What status(es) do you use when a bug needs testing? * Would a “Needs Testing” status be useful to you? * Are there other states in your workflow that aren't represented by the current status options? * Have you experienced users setting the wrong status? What do you think caused that? * How do you identify when someone else needs to take action on a bug report next? * How would you handle a bug report that needs to be addressed upstream? * What status would you use to mark a bug that was fixed by an archive update (where it's not clear exactly which package caused the fix)? === Tags === * How often do you use tags for a bug report? For every bug | For most bugs | For some bugs | Rarely | Never * Do you use tags to make it easy to find related bug reports across multiple packages? Which tags? * Do you use tags to separate similar bug reports, to make it easy to find a subset of bugs? Which tags? * Do you use tags to filter *out* types of bugs you're not interested in? Which tags? * Do you use tags to mark stages in the workflow? (Whether a patch has been submitted to Debian, whether a patch needs work, whether stable release update verification has been done.) Which tags? * Do you use tags to mark Ubuntu release name? * Do you use tags to mark symptoms (crash, corruption, etc.)? Which tags? * Do you use tags to mark hardware types or variants? Which tags? * Are there other ways you use tags? === Bug Heat === * How often do you look at the heat of a bug report? For every bug | For most bugs | For some bugs | Rarely | Never * Do you use bug heat as part of assessing the priority of a bug report or whether to work on a bug? * How often do you look at the list of "Hot bugs"? Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Rarely | Never * Do you feel that you understand why a bug has high or low heat?