Amir E. Aharoni is a musician, linguist and programmer.
Amir E. Aharoni really wants to participate in the Ubuntu community more, but he needs to boot into MS-Windows to edit this page, because Ubuntu cannot easily connect to Amir E. Aharoni's ISP, which is a Windows-centric VPN. Bummer.
But Amir E. Aharoni uses GNU/Linux offline as much as possible and reports some bugs and Hebrew translations ever now and then. Not directly related to Ubuntu, Amir E. Aharoni also contributes to Wikipedia in English and in Hebrew.
Amir E. Aharoni can program Perl 5 pretty well and even some Perl 6. And also Python, C, Java and HTML with attention to standards.
Amir E. Aharoni is short for Amir Elisha Aharoni, but most of the time he just calls himself Amir Aharoni.