Today, 1st of June, 2007, I decided to rewrite my introduction to you. After using Linux for almost two years, I can no longer claim to be a newcomer to this operating system. The transition from my previous operating system to Linux as well as to Ubuntu has been and still is challenging and exciting. The excitement comes from having the freedom, too long denied, of being able to fiddle about under the bonnet until everything works just the way I need it to work. Having access to a local as well as worldwide support and information-sharing network is a most welcome bonus. Every now and then I check out other Linux distros just to see what is different. I come back to Ubuntu satisfied with the choice I made way back when. Now it is May, 2010 and almost three years have gone by. Ubuntu Lucid Lynx is my current operating system. There is so much to learn and it seems that it will never stop. As I have become more proficient in using Ubuntu Linux, I have been busy helping others to enjoy Ubuntu as much as I do.