I am currently 31 years old, have a degree in Engineering Physics from the [[http://www.fhm.edu|Munich University of Applied Sciences]] and a degree in Physics from the [[http://www.uni-koeln.de|University of Cologne]]. At the moment I work on my Ph.D. theses in the field of experimental medium energy physics at the [[http://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/anke|ANKE experiment]] of the [[http://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp|Nuclear Physics Institute]] (IKP) of the [[http://www.fz-juelich.de|Research Centre Jülich]]. I have been using linux in various flavors since 1998 both at work and at home. == Contact Info == * Email: muszilla@users.sourceforge.net * Website: http://www.mussgiller.de * ICQ: 103995220 * GPG key: 0x4CFC1157 * Languages: German and English * Location: [[http://www.hamburg.de/|Hamburg]], Germany == Software-related Publications == * [[http://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/anke/en/annual_reports/04/IKP2_AR_mussgill_Anke_Simulation_V0.pdf|A New Geant4 based simulation framework for ANKE]] (IKP Annual Report 2004) * [[http://www.fz-juelich.de/ikp/anke/en/annual_reports/02/RootSorter.ps.gz|RootSorter: a new analysis framework for ANKE]] (IKP Annual Report 2002) == Software Projects == * [[http://kzenexplorer.sourceforge.net|KZenExplorer]] - a KDE application to manage tracks and playlists on Creative Labs Nomad Jukeboxes == My Packages (breezy) == * [[http://avasarala.homelinux.net/kde-apps/KTemperature.html|KTemperature]] - a small KDE tray application to monitor the temperature on laptops * [[http://kzenexplorer.sourceforge.net|KZenExplorer]] - a KDE application to manage tracks and playlists on Creative Labs Nomad Jukeboxes ---- CategoryHomepage