'''Andres Mujica''' Myself: {{attachment:andres-head.png}} Hi, My name is Andres Mujica and i'm the technical leader at SEAQ www.seaq.com.co, I'm also responsible for linux deployment and support services to our clients. I'm incharge of R&D division where we develop new customized solutions based on open source aiming a customer massive market. I've got about 12 years of experience with GNU/Linux but i'm a full time user and Linux supporter since 2002. Also i've got my RHCE about 2 years ago. And i just got my DCAP (Digium Certified Asterisk Professional) Certification. You can find me easily at IRC at #ubuntu-co #ubuntu, #ubuntu-bugs, #RHCE, #asterisk and some other channels as andresmujica About a month ago (Aug/2010) i was honored being elected as the Oficial Contact for Ubuntu Colombia. '''Open source Involvement:''' My support to Free Software and Open Source is somewhat varied, from some translations at different projects, bug reports in a lot of software, mailing list and forums support. Most of my help has gone to projects like ubuntu, asterisk, vtiger, vicidial, freepbx, ltsp. I cannot afford to be a full time contributor but thankfully i can contribute using some work time ;) Since 2009-01-07 i was recognized with the Ubuntu membership, which i feel really compelled to contribute *a lot* more to the Community. '''Ubuntu Vision''' * I want Ubuntu to be a solid, stable and easy Linux distribution for all the people. * I would love to see Ubuntu all over the Official entities in Colombia as is being done at the Superservicios. * And a dream is to see Ubuntu all over the schools of my Country. I cannot understand why on earth Computadores para Educar uses Windows. Maybe because the provider gives them for free. What few people can see is the long term damage that such actitude creates for our future. We need technology developed by us not by others... The Launchpad Page https://launchpad.net/~andres.mujica '''Some Contributions''' * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/GlobalBugJam - Preparation and support for the Colombian Team in order to ROCK at the Global Bug Jam 2009. * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#Intrepid/Updated%20Hardy%20current%20issues%20with%20webcams - Updated info about the Intrepid's webcam havoc. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingUbuntuOnADellVostro1500 - Laptop Testing. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingUbuntuOnADellVostro1700 - Laptop Testing. * https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFl_TeacherTool - Simple patches to make this work. * http://isecom.securenetltd.com/OSSTMM.es.2.1.pdf - Translation help. Ubuntu's specific contribs: * Ubuntu member since January 2009. * BugSquad member since October 2006. * EN-ES Launchpad Translations. * Commercial development in Colombia. '''Contacto:''' * '''e-mail:''' [[MailT(amujicaz AT SPAMFREE gmail.com)]] * '''msn:''' amujicaz at hotmail dot com * '''web:''' http://www.seaq.com.co ---- CategoryHomepage