|| '''Name''': || Andrew Alexander Barber || || '''Hackergotchi''': || [[http://planet.libervis.net/images/andrewb.png]] || || '''Launchpad''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~andrew-alex-barber|AndrewB]] || || '''IRC''': || AndrewB (''irc.freenode.net'') (''irc.oftc.net'') (''irc.indymedia.org'') (''irc.cluenet.org'')|| || '''Mobile/Cell Phone''': || ''+44'' 77 71 79 48 22 || || '''eMail''': || andrew.alex.barber@gmail.com andrew-alex-barber@ubuntu.com || || '''Homepage''': || [[http://andrewbarber.co.uk|andrewbarber DOT co DOT uk]] || || '''Weblog''': || [[http://www.libervis.com/blogs/23/AndrewB|AndrewBs Libervis Blog]] || || '''Linux User:''' || [[http://counter.li.org/cgi-bin/runscript/display-person.cgi?user=369819|#369819]] || == About == My name is Andrew Alexander Barber, a young contributor from Scotland. I am currently studying Software Development at the [[http://www.centralcollege.ac.uk/|Central College of Glasgow]]. I am an active Scout leader in the non-geek world, devoting a few hours per night on different Scout groups. == Usage == I use ubuntu on my server and also my iBook G4. The Apple iBook G4 is my daily machine as I don't spend large amount of times at home, meaning I need something portable. The book dual boots with Mac OSX. I have Ubuntu installed on home x86 machines however I never get to use these. I started using Ubuntu very early on, however it never stuck untill fairly recently. == Translations == I am a member of the Ubuntu translation team, helping out primarily with the [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/sco|Scots]] translation. I am slowly learning [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+lang/gd|Scottish Gaelic]] too, so may soon be able to contribute with that group also. == Support == === IRC === I often use Internet Relay Chat to communicate with many members of the GNU/Linux and F(l)OSS community. I am an active helper in the #ubuntu channel, as well as many other channels stretching across the network. Other semi-large channels include #tuxhacker and #tapthru. [[http://tuxhacker.org|TuxHacker]] is a community set up by myself and others to help GNU/Linux users in a friendly way. A lot of the other channels that I am part of, are channels that I have chan-op status and help maintain their community. I now moderate the official freenode channels; #freenode and #defocus === Fora/Forum Work === I currently only tend to use one fora, which is one that I also help moderate. The fora is called [[http://nuxified.org|Nuxified]], and is aimed at providing help to Free/Open source software. It is part of the [[http://libervis.net|Libervis Network]] and has thus made me more active in the network as a whole. I used to help out on [[http://linuxforums.org|LinuxForums]] but left due to my stance on many activities of the fora. Slowly but surely I am using more and more of ubuntu forums. === Launchpad === I often check on the answers section of the [[http://launchpad.net|Lauchpad site]]. == Documentation == I have started working on community documentation for the Ubuntu Documentation team. Submitting articles on things I have worked on in the past and learning new things to document to help other members of the Ubuntu Community. == Testing == I have helped out with the laptop testing team, producing the following two articles; * [[LaptopTestingTeam/FujitsuAmiloL7300]] * [[LaptopTestingTeam/Apple_Macintosh/iBookG4]] == Promotion == I have handed out many, many live and install disks during my years as a GNU/Linux enthusiast. Even when not an Ubuntu user in my past, I would still pass out the Ubuntu distro as I thought it was best for new users. I also have asked local computer shops to keep a pile and hand out if possible. Along with that, I semi-regularly email my member of parliament (currently John McFall) about my views on F(l)OSS and Open Source matters. Including GNU/Linux usage in Schools, and within the local Council. I hope to help out, and promote Ubuntu Linux (if the chance a rises) at any GNU/Linux event I attend this year. == Events == This year I should be attending; * [[https://debconf7.debconf.org|DebConf]] * [[http://akademy.kde.org/|aKademy07]] * [[http://www.lugradio.org/live/2007/index.php/Main_Page|Lug Radio Live]] == LoCo == I am fairly active on the [[UKTeam]] mailing list, as well as the IRC channel. Much of the chat is genreal discussion but I help out with any problems too. Also designing the new look loco pages, still in progress though. == Membership == I officially became an Ubuntu Member on April 3rd 2007.