
I'm just this guy, you know.

I am a very active member of the Ubuntuforums.

I strongly beleive in Free Libre open source software. I am a big fan of Ubuntulinux. I think it's success is related to how well it can tap into the potential of it's community. It is technically excellent as well as a fine example of how a community-driven effort is done.

Forums are an excellent way to communicate, educate and motivate a community around a project. I have helped make the forums more aware of the wiki and pushed to coordinate the efforts of both mediums. I also try to motivate people on the forums to file bugs or bring their problems to the ubuntu mailing lists, when appropriate.

I spent most of my life in Montreal, Quebec. I am a clinical perfusionist at the Kingston General Hospital in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. I run the heart-lung machine during open heart surgery as well as operating a variety of other means of cardiac support. I first used Computers in the eighties and was active on the Montreal BBS scene (before the internet, there was 300 baud) (That ascii bunny was around then, too...)

I used to use Debian before Ubuntu came along. I like Debian because it is technically excellent, the Debian community truly represents Free Libre Open Source Software and it is marvelous to see so many different people working together.

I am married to my wife and have two little daughters; they all use Ubuntu.

arzajac at yahoo dot ca

* /comments


AndrewZajac (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:54 by localhost)