The following notes document the feedback judges left for the applications they rated for the Ubuntu App Showdown Jury Vote. Note that there was a huge number of submissions, which made the review and rating work quite time intensive. As such, the level of feedback varies and might be brief or not present in some cases. In any case, [[|all apps that qualified]] were rated by the judges. * '''Alg3py''': * GUI correct, but not intuitive or innovative, only appealing to a minority of users? * Found this app to be cool esp for kids to easily generate matrices of desired order and have fun with transpose, adjacent. scalars and vectors. I would really like to see this app get into the edubuntu repos Only one small nitpick I found was description is too short to understand what the app does. * '''Anagram finder''': * Gets a -1 for using a standard Ubuntu icon, limited functionality, esp. for those who don't know what anagrams are * Finds and solves anagrams for simple verbs such as "how". Would love to see anagrams generation anagram generation for complex words for example pls refer this link * '''Anagram solver''': * Quick, does what it's supposed to, but basic. Most users will not be interested in seeing the time to completion * Finds and solves anagrams for simple verbs such as "how". Would love to see anagrams generation anagram generation for complex words for example pls refer this link * '''Armorforge''': * It'd be better to ask password whenever you want to do an admin task, not at the start of the program, created documentation. Missing maximize button, would be useful in smaller screens * Nice GUI for App armor functionalities * '''Blub``Phone''': * This is another app that I loved to use while testing out. Works just perfect with my Samsung Galaxy and I can send SMS from my Ubuntu desktop to my contacts. Would really love to see it in the Ubuntu world (Kudos to the developer) * '''Centric''': * Interesting idea! The logger does not save your notes... but it seems like it probably should. * Artwork would need some major improvements * I couldnt find any difference in arrangement of file structure having run this program on my home folder * '''Cookety''': * Nice little app, could not figure out what the 'select this recipe' does. Cook mode is innovative, but needs more work, as it's not very intuitive right now * A nice recipe app for Ubuntu but I found the Tastebook app better and would really like to see inclusion of some vegetarian dishes * '''Cuckoo''': * Nice little app, but should not go away when closed. Perhaps it would be better added to the messaging menu rather than as a standalone app * A nice alarm app but I really didnt find any basic functionality difference when compared with alarm clock app in Ubuntu * '''Circle''': * Could not figure out what it does, perhaps a tutorial or a hint could help there. The 'Done' button did not close the app * It provides shortcuts mostly to ask Ubuntu and forums and other parts of the Ubuntu world as opposed to what I thought while I looked at the description (getting started with Ubuntu 12.04) would have liked a better description of what the app does and what are the benefits of using this app * '''Cuttlefish''': * Pretty cool app, innovative in terms of functionality, needs better artwork to be more appealing to users, though * A nice response based app for Ubuntu (tested out with Firefox) * '''Dark Secret software''': * Not auto scrolling makes difficult to play. I'm not sure how many users will find a text adventure useful, -1 for using the standard Ubuntu icon * I got confused trying to findout how the app works and there was no help system too * '''Dayjournal''': * Does what it's supposed to, but pretty basic * Maybe a exact copy/clone of Almanah? * '''Deltify''': * Kudos for launcher integration, but not sure if many users will find it useful * Found some bookmarks added and deleted being detected. But would like to see a help system explaining the working of app * Does not make it clear when first run what it's for or what it does * '''Desktop Facebook App''': * Works well, not sure about copyright issues, no maximize button, some parts of the interface are in German * A nice app featuring Facebook for desktop but would really like to see English tooltips and how it compares with Gwibber and fogger. * Ran, but has German as its default interface language. Also doesn't need two sets of navigation buttons. * '''Desk``Wiki''': * Would have expected a more visible way to log in, on the main screen, and not in preferences. Also would recommend a catchier name. Not all pages render well * Did not get how to use the software because I tried to get info on mark shuttleworth from wikipedia there and it took forever to load the page and hence not rating the app * '''Dime Calc''': * Only useful to a small portion of users, not very innovative, crashed * A nice app which calculates standard pixel dimensions from close non standard dimensions. Would love to calculate for any dimension and convert it to standard dimensions for the app to find more scope of usage I believe * The name made me think it was a currency convertor; has example quickly preferences dialog * '''Discvur''': * Icons could benefit from tooltips, good work with the Gwibber integration * A nice app for timepass which contains some pics which seemed funny but the app would crash when I click forward and back to browse * '''Do``Stuff''': * The application seemed unfinished, some options did not work. Tasks get added twice * A nice simple app to note down todo and prioritize your todo * '''Download Monitor''': * An interesting idea. Could do with better design (better choice of colors), I could not get it to update data in real time, though * A simple app which shows bandwidth usage and statiscs. Would really love this app to get into Ubuntu as a GUI alternate for CLI bandwidth monitor * '''Easy Stop``Watch''': * Not very innovative, could do with a more attractive design and more options, such as a countdown timer * A nice simple GUI stopwatch app * '''F5 Notifier''': * The icon could do with some work, the about box should explain what the app does, not very intuitive * A nice app to monitor changes in directory paths * '''Fcm-it-app''': * No launcher, and failed to run from the command line: {{{fcm-it-app/", line 38, in __init__ self.titolo=(self.result.xpath("//div[@class='entry-content']/h3/text()")) AssertionError: ElementTree not initialized, missing root}}} * Not rated, as I dont know Italian * '''Format Junkie''': * Some more thought to be put on the UX and a more cohesive design, webm output missing. Icon artwork looks really out of place compared to the desktop theme * A nice simple app to convert audio video images iso's in no time :) in short multi utility :) Really loved the look of the app. Thanks to the developer for bringing in such stuff :) * Should use native system icons * '''Flash``Box''': * Good idea, but 90% of users won't know how to use it. I'd suggest adding a hint on the main window * When I tried to run it, just a window opened with no help system to get around using the app * '''Flashgen''': * Liked the look of the app but not rating since I have little knowledge about Japanese * Should not instruct users to run the "rm -r" command via a notification bubble if things aren't working * '''Fogger''': * Very nice, good dash integration, very impressed by the idea and the thought gone into designing the backend: an awesome app! * Loved the app because it turns any website into a desktop app. The developer quickly responded very quickly on questions about exposing a javascript for desktop on the app review board list * '''Full Circle Bookshelf''': * Pretty basic, but does the job well * Gave a feedback on the arb mailing list like the below) At first I thought it was a browser which enables us to browse full circle magazine in a window looking at the description instead a window opened with small cover of fcm in a window (which didnt enlarge while maximised) and I kept hitting left and right and tapping the cover thinking that nothing is happening then I opened up my browser to see it connected to the url of a particular issue of fcm. Would really like a dialogue/message saying like connecting to fcm issue xx through your browser when we tap on a particular issue cover to avoid confusion. (The developer was quick to respond and this has been fixed in the latest version I think) * '''GNOME Modem Manager''': * Could not test without modem * A nice GUI with my bsnl modem being detected * '''Gr8s''': * Could not really figure out what it did * A nice simple GUI for concatenating and joining commands * '''GTumbler''': * Unable to run, `ImportError: No module named gtumbler` * A cool app which I used for merging 2 PDF's but when trying to merge both than 2 the app gets stuck. * '''GWOffice''': * Had to login multiple times * Seemed a cool app which integrates google office in desktop but only sort of thing on the other side was it asks password again to login to goffice when we have given at the first instance during app launch * '''Hackwork''' - A nice timepass game but IMHO I dint know how to play the game and what the game does at first look * '''Harmony Organiser''' - Nice simple GUI for arranging mp3's in a particular file sequence * '''Holeg''': * No launcher, and “holeg” was not in the /bin/, but I got it to work. * Nice simple timepass game but I had to run the script manually to run the game with absence of Unity integration * '''Houston''': * Could not fully test, due to logins on services I don't have an account. * Providers should be made more human-readable. It did not load my servers on Amazon EC2 * Not rated, as I don't have a cloud setup. * '''Human``Task''': * Looks great! However, breaks when trying to add a list: {{{** Message: console message: undefined @0: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object}}} * Icon not very visible on the dash, nice design, but the app did nothing, could not get it to work. * Ran the app, kept adding to the list but then I couldn't see any lists anywhere after adding the lists * '''Indicator Remindor''': * I'd suggest a catchier name, especially as remindor can be interpreted as bad spelling. UI design could need some work, too * A totally lovable app which reminds the tasks in a form of indicator app. * '''Indicator Odometer''': * An app which traces pixels traced by mouse but would have liked better integration wrt Unity and Unity launcher eg. icon was missing * Indicator Odometer: Funny, but I'm not sure how useful this is. =) * '''Interest Calculation''': * Artwork could do with some better integration into the Ubuntu theme, not all currencies in the world are $! * A nice simple app to calculate interests. Would like to see this in Edubuntu repos as it enables kids to play around with and learn the basic concepts of interest calculation * '''Ivolution''': * Unable to run: `ImportError: No module named cv` * Would not run as it would crash at launch on my system * '''Journey''': * Too basic, didn't even have a description in the about box * A nice simplistic app which I used to test as a trip planner * '''JpiiIRC''': * Not particularly innovative, does not bring anything new that existing IRC clients already have * A nice IRC GUI app but not upto the standards of some program like XChat I believe * '''Kenny''': * Extra points for innovation * A nice simple app for generating script-like actions through simple commands * '''Klout''': * Unable to run: `ImportError: No module named pyklout` * Klout would not run on my system due to the below error: {{{$ ./klout Traceback (most recent call last): File "./klout", line 45, in import klout File "/opt/", line 26, in from klout import KloutWindow File "/opt/", line 26, in from pyklout import Klout ImportError: No module named pyklout}}} * '''Koza''': * Not in English... so unable to test fully. But I liked the fade to dark animation. * Could do with better quality icon and with a scrollbar * A nice English to Gujrati dictionary (I had been looking out for one since I have started learning Gujrati) Thanks to the developer! PS: requires python-pyside package installation. * '''Kping''': * Could not get it to ping my machines * As I couldnt find out what exactly the app does and it lists list of i/p in a given range. (Maybe gives the hostnames in a specified subnet?) * '''Kwikly''': * Failed to create quickly project, so I am unable to test completely. * Could do with a better icon in the dash, good idea, though * A simple GUI for quickly (liked it personally :) ) * '''Labtools''': * Fonts are a bit too big. The program crashes if no values are entered and Calculate is pressed. Nice design and nice app, though * The app crashes when giving values in the mixer tab * Interface would work better if buttons, fields were the same size as in other apps * '''Liber``Edit''': * Could not create a project... so unable to test fully. * Ran the app but I couldnt find out how the app works (No help system too) * '''Lightread''' - A lightweight rss reader which lets you to subscribe and view RSS feeds. * '''Lockbox''': * Failed to create volume unfortunately, I liked the UX * A simple app to lock the drive integrates well with Unity indicators and runs at startup * '''Mangar''': * Not very intuitive, blocks when downloading chapters * Pages were a bit slow to load and I dint understand what those stories meant * '''Maps''': * Not very innovative, blocked for quite a while when searching for directions * A simple openstreet map viewer on desktop * '''Mass Renamer''': * Not very innovative, would benefit from a 'dry run' mode * A nice app to do renaming en mass. Liked it personally when I tested. * '''Menu``Libre''': * A simple menu management utility for Unity liked it again * Very useful, love it! * '''Minicast''' - Nice simple app to view TED videos * '''Mirrorcam''': * Nice simple app again which shows mirror image of us be default * Nifty idea, but should use flat monochrome icons rather than glossy buttons so as to stay in keeping with the rest of Ubuntu * '''Miv''' - A simple screenshot viewer but I cannot compare it to the standard of Shotwell, GIMP etc. * '''Modem Manager GUI''' - Again a nice simple GUI for modem manager. Found the GUI more attractive than the GNOME Modem manager submission * '''Monxckeyr Soundboard''': * `ImportError: No module named phonon` * Ran the program but couldnt know what the program does. * '''My``Shortcuts''': * It'd be nice not to use the default Ubuntu icon for the app's icon, would suggest using buttons for shortcuts, make shortcuts configurable * A nice simple program with links to commonly used stuff in Ubuntu world (Would have loved a link to ask Ubuntu and facebook too for instance) * '''My``Agenda''': * Very nice artwork, it would be nice if it could be made to sync with online services * A simple desktop program to make notes and set remainders on the same. Liked the UI design * '''Nitroshare''': * A simple UI again to share files over LAN (liked the simplicity again) * Would not run in autoconfigure mode, it stayed in looking for machines status forever, looked like a very promising app, but unfortunately couldn't get it to work * '''Notifis''': * A simple timepass program which parses given text files and notifies the content line by line. Personally liked it * Not particularly innovative, the design and integration with the desktop theme could have been made better * '''Nudge''' - Again a simple reminder app with nice Unity integration * '''Nulloy''': * Very nice, I like the skins, could have been made to integrate with the sound menu * Needs a way to choose a music folder * A simple lightweight music player esp. on memory (tested with mp3 worked fine here) here is my top output: ` 9933 20 0 289m 41m 28m R 13 2.1 0:07.54 nulloy`. Apart from that I liked the Mac-style UI * '''Number Tic-Tac-Toe''': * The design could have been made more attractive * A timepass app of the old classic game. Would have liked a customisation of number of squares for more challenging tic tac toe! * '''Open Macro Generator''': * Not intuitive, could not really figure out what it does * The description said generate open macros and I tested it for modifying images :) Couldnt find the link here wrt the description of the package * '''Orthcal''': * Did not do much other than show a dialog, would not start from the Dash * Learnt about Christian orthodox beliefs using this calendar * '''Parcel Tracker''': * Does what it's supposed to, it would be nice to be able to add new services * Liked the UI and the number of services it tracks, but not rating as I couldn't test it (no parcel delivery present in process to test for me) * '''Password Generator & Memorizer''': * The idea is good, but the interface could be made much simpler and attractive * An app to generate remember able passwords based on the severity and priority of usage. Thanks to the developer for acting very quick on my feedback on UI changes and inclusion of help/about dialogues and tab on the arb queue. Would like to see this in Ubuntu personally. * '''Picsaw''' - By far the best app I have tested in the developer showdown. Perfect compliance of scratch an itch I guess. (Its real cool playing a jigsaw puzzle on your own pic) Kudos to the developer for a superb app. Recommended highly to be in the Ubuntu universe but would have liked a functionality to select folders which have pictures in it and load them. * '''Pictag''': * It would be nice if there would be some integration with Shotwell * A nice simple app for geotagging pics. Liked the functionality but would like a demo/help system to be integrated on how to use the software * '''Pictoric''': * No way to quit the program, does something some default wallpapers do already * A nice app to change desktop backgrounds but when I selected one picture a different picture was applied as a desktop background when I clicked on apply. The picture I selected was applied after a system restart and the new version of the PPA package fixed a crash cf: * '''Pingdom Indicator''': * Would crash upon start * Unable to run: `sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: u1db_config` * Would not run with the following error on my system with a default precise installation {{{$ ./indicator-pingdom Traceback (most recent call last): File "./indicator-pingdom", line 52, in indicator_pingdom.main() File "/opt/", line 52, in main indicatorinstance = indicator.Indicator(get_api_key()) File "/opt/", line 72, in __init__ self.database =, 'accounts.u1db'), create=True) File "/opt/", line 41, in open path, create=create, document_factory=document_factory) File "/opt/", line 98, in open_database sqlite_file, document_factory=document_factory) File "/opt/", line 87, in _open_database raise err # go for the richest error? sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: u1db_config}}} * '''Positive''': * `"Unable to run: Cannot open assembly '/opt/positive/lib/positive/positive.exe': No such file or directory."` * Would not run on my system (maybe executing an exe?? ) {{{$ ./positive Cannot open assembly '/opt/positive/lib/positive/positive.exe': No such file or directory.}}} * '''Postman''': * Awesome, very original, love the graphics and animations * Not rating as the app gets stuck when its executing on my system. * '''PPA Software Center''': * Would have expected it to manage local (installed) PPAs too * It searches only ppa apps for the app showdown quickly I guess as for other packages it takes forever to search on my system * '''Protoborsa''' - Nice app to get quotes and trends of companies. But would like a option to add a few more markets and companies (like I tried to add Samsung and it dint show up) and a about tab as to from where the trends are fetched * '''Ptnotes''' - A simple notes application again but I think sticky notes/xpad is better personally * '''Py``Counter''' - A nice time pass app but would have been nice if the developer had done automatic updating of other counters based on user input * '''PYEnglish''': * Could not figure out what the play button does, but looked like a solid app * A really nice app to learn english. Would love to see this in the Edubuntu repos. * '''PyMI''' - Did not use medical imaging software till date but liked the look and feel of this. * '''Python Trainer''': * Unable to run... no launcher, no command in /bin/ * Nice simple app to start learning python but would have liked more test cases by default. * '''Qtiko''' - Liked the simple UI but there are no ways to load music/radio lists from the system * '''QTranscribe''': * I'd recommend showing the main UI before asking to configure foot pedal, the name could be improved with something more original and catchier without containing the 'Q' letter * A simple app for transcribing audio. Liked the simplicity. * '''Quickly GTK''': * Could not set an active project. * Should do an action after starting project, needs sexier name * A front end again for quickly but I felt its more appealing esp HUD integration than the other front end in the app showdown i.e kwikly personally On the contrary quickly-gtk doesnt start if I create a sample project dir and delete it {{{$ ./quickly-gtk /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/ Warning: g_object_set_property: construct property "type" for object `Window' can't be set after construction Gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=type, **kwargs) Switched to create section Traceback (most recent call last): File "./quickly-gtk", line 46, in quickly_gtk.main() File "/opt/", line 45, in main window = QuicklyGtkWindow.QuicklyGtkWindow() File "/opt/", line 46, in __new__ new_object.finish_initializing(builder) File "/opt/", line 83, in finish_initializing File "/opt/", line 55, in load self.set_current(self.get_by_name(conf.get('current', 'project'))) File "/opt/", line 100, in set_current os.chdir(self.current_project.project_path) OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/user/test_proj'}}} Is this the standard way maybe? Edit: thanks to the developer for the explanation that it could be a possible bug Reported here: * '''Radiowave''': * A simple app for playing radio from desktop but could not play some of stations from india after adding URL's and there was lack of help system for using this in this regard * Some form of feedback when a feed is playing would be helpful. Maybe Unity quicklist to stop/skip feeds, too. * '''Red``That''' - A nice timepass app which gets pictures (sometimes can be funny) from reddit and we can add links too in the browser bar which seems cool * '''Rfus''' - A simple GUI tool for scalpel for backup. Liked the simplicity while testing * '''Ridual''' - Ran this app but could not get how the app works and could not understand what is the purpose of the app. * '''Roundball''': * Unable to run: Error opening file: No such file or directory * Not rating as it shows the below error on my system at startup {{{Unable to load page Problem occurred while loading the URL file:///home/user/data/game/roundball.html Error opening file: No such file or directory}}} Tried to download the latest PPA version but was a FTBFS btw `` * '''Sbk''' - A simplistic GUI for backup and restore at a single click. Liked the simplicity of UI * '''Shopping calculator''' - Simple app again to calculate shopping expenses but ran with /usr/bin on my system instead of running out of /opt bhavani@bhavani-spagetti-monster:~$ locate shopping-calc /usr/bin/shopping-calc * '''Show my Faves''' - A simple app to load ones bookmarks and share them over facebook which I liked personally * '''Slidewall''' - Liked the functionality of live wallpapers but crashes on my system after executing for some time * '''Smartshine Photo''' - Photos take time forever to load on my system * '''Smiler''': * Loved taking pictures with webcam and single click effects * "Record" button should read "take photo" or similar. Record implies it will be continuous; it's not clear that you double-click on an effect to apply it; some effects do not apply. * '''Snare''' - A simple drummer program, loved to get the beats beating and drums rolling on my system. * '''Spellathon''' - Nice jumble app to learn spellings. It is fun and esp for kids it would be really helpful I guess. Would like to see this get into Edubuntu repos * '''Sprite Creator''' - Not rating as I have minimal knowledge on CSS * '''Src-Install''': * Unable to run * Would not run on my system with the below error {{{$ ./src-install Traceback (most recent call last): File "./src-install", line 45, in import src_install File "/opt/", line 26, in from src_install import SrcInstallWindow File "/opt/", line 19, in locale.bindtextdomain('src-install', '/opt/') NameError: name 'locale' is not defined}}} * '''Stacklens''': * Unable to run * A nice lens for viewing stackexchange questions * Needs a lens icon * '''Switz''' * It would be nice to be able to come back to initial screen * A nice all in one app I found till now in the app showdown. Personally liked it * Such a great idea. Some serious layout/spacing/padding issues but nothing that can't be sorted out with more time; the 'home' icon would better placed on the main toolbar, too. * '''Tastebook''': * Search did not work, but otherwise very nice. * More appealing in functionality and looks compared to cookety app. Would like more vegetarian recipies (PS: liked the pasta recipies btw) * '''Temperature Converter''' - A simple app to get the desired temperature rating on multiple scales * '''Tickit''' - A nice app to create tasks and remainders on priority and add notes too. only contrary thing I found was it doesnt allow you to edit a task once entered and saved (tested in critical priority) * '''Tic``Tac``Toe''' - A classic timepass game again but would have liked customisation of the 3x3 matrix thereby including greater challenges * '''Time Control''': * It'd be nice to be able to enter the time more easily * Nice UI but I really dint get hold of what the app is supposed to do functionally * '''Timesheet Widget for Harvest''': * Could not fully test, due to logins on services I don't have (i.e. Harvest account) * Liked the simplicity of timesheet entry but only thing is it requires a registered harvest account (Would have liked if the app was more general in nature) * '''Trading cards''': * It'd be a great improvement to use margins and separation between widgets * Could not get what does the app try to achieve also I found like that there is no way that one can add more cards to store them as a book/collection of vcards * '''Trip Planner''': * Unable to run: `ImportError: No module named xhtml2pdf.pisa` * Not rating as it fails to launch on my system with the below error {{{$ ./tripplanner Traceback (most recent call last): File "./tripplanner", line 45, in import tripplanner File "/opt/", line 26, in from tripplanner import TripplannerWindow File "/opt/", line 35, in import xhtml2pdf.pisa as pisa ImportError: No module named xhtml2pdf.pisa}}} (PS: I have python-pisa installed on my system btw {{{$ dpkg --get-selections | grep python-pisa python-pisa install bhavani@bhavani-spagetti-monster:~$ apt-cache policy python-pisa python-pisa: Installed: 3.0.32-1build1 Candidate: 3.0.32-1build1 Version table: *** 3.0.32-1build1 0 500 precise/universe i386 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status}}} * '''Tube``Reply''': * Froze my computer, menu stopped working. * Liked the functionality of adding comments and replying to comments from the desktop (One small question here: Why does it ask for API connectivity from desktop? (Tested in case of youtube videos)) * '''Tuxxit''': * Unable to run: `gi._glib.GError: :1:0: Failed to import: Error opening file: No such file or directory` * Not rated. as reddit app crashes on launch on my system * Ubatar - Liked the ribbons for pictures (although limited) and the services part but the flip side I found the downloads option not working in my system. * '''Uber``Writer''' - Liked the UI simplicity esp the focus mode. * '''Ubuntu Application Manager''': * Unable to run: `IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: u'/usr/share/applications/extras-hackwork.desktop'` * Not rated, as it fails to launch with the below error on my system {{{$ ./appmanager /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/overrides/ Warning: g_object_set_property: construct property "type" for object `Window' can't be set after construction Gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=type, **kwargs) Traceback (most recent call last): File "./appmanager", line 46, in appmanager.main() File "/opt/", line 45, in main window = AppmanagerWindow.AppmanagerWindow() File "/opt/", line 46, in __new__ new_object.finish_initializing(builder) File "/opt/", line 71, in finish_initializing for app in self.apps : File "/opt/", line 69, in next file = open( i, "r" ) IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: u'/usr/share/applications/extras-hackwork.desktop'}}} (if this directory is removed hackwork fails to validate with desktop-file-validate on my system) * '''Ubusound''': Not rating as I could not find any change in login sound from /usr/share/sounds/Ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg to /usr/share/sounds/Ubuntu/stereo/desktop-logout.ogg on my system (Not tested other ogg files though) * '''Unity Bookmarks''' - Liked the simplicity of the standalone app with which we can add bookmarks from the desktop and save and browse them. Also liked the Unity integration also starts up on startup which is the coolest thing I found while testing. Would like to see this in Ubuntu. * '''Unity Launcher Toggle''': * Did not seem to work. Does this support Unity 2D? * Not rating as I donot know how the app is useful when there is auto hide feature of the Unity bar is present in 12.04 ( Control > System settings > Appearance) * '''UTrails''': * Could benefit from using a toolbar * Not rating, as I could not know how to load pictures from a file path as the app suggests and lack of help system again. * '''V2aconverter''': * Not rating again, as it uses full cpu load while converting video to audio on my system and hence gets stuck. Below is the snippet from my top command output `3606 user 20 0 32596 12m 2960 R 100 0.6 0:40.85 avconv` * Using an embossed version of the Apple App Store logo probably isn't a good idea * '''Variety''': * Should have way less preferences, be more graphical * Liked the functionality usability and overall looks of the app. Would like to see this in Ubuntu subject to the condition that NSFW content is removed. * '''Virtuam''': Abstaining from voting as it launches qemu finally?? In which case Qemu can be used standalone I guess * '''Wake on Plan''': * It should be user-based and not not modify the main system Web Form-er - nice drag and drop editor for the forms * A nice app which can be used to set alarm and wake on alarm. But on the side note I dont know why does it require admin access for modification * '''Web-Former''' - A nice app to create webforms on the go would have liked a bit more customisation options such as loading one's own template for creation of the form for instance. * '''Webbar''': * Unable to run: `ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'webbar'` * Abstaining from rating as it crashes on startup on my system. Moreover it runs out `/usr/bin` and throws out the below exception on my system {{{$ ./webbar Traceback (most recent call last): File "./webbar", line 43, in import webbar File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/webbar/", line 28, in core_instance = AppCore() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lib/", line 70, in __init__ self.tray_icon = TrayIcon(self) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lib/", line 33, in __init__ self.icon.set_visible(self.core_instance.settings.get_boolean_config('show_tray_icon')) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lib/", line 49, in get_boolean_config return self._config.getboolean('webbar',name) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 368, in getboolean v = self.get(section, option) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 607, in get raise NoSectionError(section) ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'webbar'}}} * '''Wiimap''': * Looks cool, but unable to fully test... no wiimotes. * Abstaining from voting as I do not have a Wii console to test. Added to that would have liked a small in app help/demo feature as to how the app works. * '''Wikitron''' - A nice app to browse wikipedia from desktop also viewing of bookmarks and history makes it a lovely app. Would like to see this in Ubuntu universe (Thanks to the developer) * '''Winconn''' - A nice simple UI with features *close* to rdesktop packages. Was tempted to abstain voting on this one because many rdesktop packages exist but rated the app based on the developer's explanation here: * '''Wizz RSS''' * `Ubuntu: "Unable to run: glib.GError: Failed to open file '/usr/share/wizzrss/media/None.gif': No such file or directory"` * A nice appealing UI and liked its features like tabbed browsing in site search (weather didnt work unfortunately for me) and a nice descriptive help system makes it one of the most liked apps for me in the showdown (Thanks to the developer for his effort) (The latest version of PPA package worked on my system although previous ones had some launching problem with the error as below: {{{$ ./wizzrss Traceback (most recent call last): File "./wizzrss", line 46, in wizzrss.main() File "/opt/", line 64, in main window = WizzrssWindow.WizzrssWindow() File "/opt/", line 47, in __new__ new_object.finish_initializing(builder) File "/opt/", line 195, in finish_initializing self.pixbuf_none = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("/usr/share/wizzrss/media/None.gif") glib.GError: Failed to open file '/usr/share/wizzrss/media/None.gif': No such file or directory}}} which has been fixed now on my system and app runs fine now) * '''XKCD Browser''': - nice app to view xkcd cartoons from the desktop. Esp liked the offline mode functionality * '''Zlizer''': * `Unable to run: Problem occurred while loading the URL file:///home//data/game/zlizer.html Error opening file: No such file or directory` * Abstaining on this one as it fails to run on my system with the below error `Unable to load page Problem occurred while loading the URL file:///home/user/data/game/zlizer.html Error opening file: No such file or directory` Tried to download the latest PPA version but found it was FTBFS