* Meeting [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-11-25-18.00.moin.txt|2011-11-25]] * Chair: Andrew Mitchell * Present: Allison Randal, Stéphane Graber, Bhavani Shankar, Jonathan Carter, Luke Faraone * Apologies: Shane Fagan * Action Review * DONE: Explore a "patch pilot" program, where ARB members take scheduled slots. * DONE: Checked that nothing was copied over to the Precise repository * MyApps access * ARB members have access, https://launchpad.net/bugs/886366 is blocking downloading some apps for review. * Review pilot scheme * Allison had taken the first session a week prior to the meeting, creating packaging for a few applications & submitting one to Debian * Issues to resolve * Quickly creates packages that build-depend on the deprecated python-support, instead of dh_python2 * [ACTION] Luke to look into fixing [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-distutils-extra/+bug/894582|bug 894582]] * Applications submitted without source, which need to be * [Action] Allison to create https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppReviewBoard/Review/Responses * Applications submitted that aren't 'useful' * Discussion of what guidelines we should use for rejecting applications summarised on http://pad.ubuntu.com/arb-guidelines *Submissions should be applications, not stand-alone documentation or media (image bundles, fonts, movies). *Apps should not be forks of existing applications in the Ubuntu archive (main/universe/etc). *Apps must be useful or interesting to a general audience. *The process only applies to a specific version of an application (e.g. PyJunior 1.0 or PyJunior 1.2). *No other software can depend on the application being submitted (e.g. development libraries should be submitted to main/universe or upstream to Debian instead). * Applications must be Free/Libre/Open Source software. We follow the Ubuntu Licensing Policy [http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-archive.html#s-ulp]. * When an application is approved as part of this process, Ubuntu developers may make changes or improvements to a package before it is uploaded to the archive or after it is in the archive. * Applications must be able to be built with tools & libraries in the Ubuntu archive. Apps may bundle additional libraries they depend on, but may not include new versions of already packaged libraries. * Backports & ARB submissions * ARB applications should be able to depend on backported libraries * [ACTION] Andrew to ask about technical limitations of ARB apps depending on backported packages * Next meeting time: * Last Friday of December doesn't work well for most people, next meeting time was decided as 9th december, 18:00 UTC where we'll decide if we need a mid-January meeting. * Next chair for meeting is Stéphane Graber