#format wiki #language en ||<>|| My name is Ian !MacGregor, I use the nickname ''ardchoille'' online, and I am a member of [[http://www.clangregor.org/|Clan Gregor]]. My nickname (ardchoille) was taken from the phrase "Ard Choille!", which is Scottish Gaelic for "To the high trees!" - the war cry of my clan. I served in the US Navy, as a field medic (NEC HM-8404), where I visited several countries and participated in UNITAS 85. Fraternities I joined during my time in the US Navy include Order of the Golden Dragon (crossed the international date line), Order of the Ditch (passed through the panama canal), Order of the Shellback (crossed the equator). I am an ordained minister and hold two Doctorate degrees. I have been using computers since the 1970's and building computers since the 1990's. I have been using Linux since it became my sole operating system in 2001 and been using Ubuntu since 2005. '''My Interests''' * Android OS * Bible Study * Computers * ebooks * Hiking * Kilts * Kindle * Linux OS * Philosophy * Physics * Reading * Traveling '''My Contributions''' * Contributions and artwork to GNOME * Contributions and artwork to !PmWiki * Contributions to Ubuntu Linux * Contributions and artwork to the Android community * Design icon themes * Designed graphics for !DistroWatch * Design GTK and Metacity themes * Design html templates * Design skins for conky, gKRELLm, mplayer and other apps * Design themes for almost any need * Write documentation * Write shell scripts * Write tutorials '''My Location''' * Seattle, Washington, United States [[http://ardchoille.nfshost.com/|Homepage]] [[http://ardchoille.nfshost.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Contact|Contact]] ---- CategoryHomepage