## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with [[Johnc4510]] or [[IanMcewen]] == Agenda == 1. Announcements 1. Team Reports a. [[ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education|Education Team]] a. [[ArizonaTeam/Teams/Server|Server Team]] == Log == ## Put the irc log into {{{ Sun Dec 16 2007] [20:59:11] * johnc4510-laptop who is here for meeting? +1 please [Sun Dec 16 2007] [20:59:23] +1 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [20:59:28] +1 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [20:59:33] +1 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [20:59:36] +1 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:21] t00na: slofgren Polygon89 ianmcorvidae kennymc0 meeting time if your around [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:29] eh? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:38] howdy [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:40] t00na: Are you here? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:48] Well I'm speaking. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:52] :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:53] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:00:58] Hee hee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:01:21] kk let's get started then [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:01:34] no new members so announcement [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:01:58] We have a new team channel if you hadn't noticed. It's #ubuntu-us-az. If you have auto-joined enabled on your chat client, it will bring you here automatically since there is a redirect on the old channel. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:02:15] This change is due to compliance with the Community Council to make channelo names consistant. I have gone through and changed all the links I could find on our server, wiki pages, and forum threads [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:02:33] If you come across one that I have missed, go ahead and change it, or let myself or tyche know so we can. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:03:11] next [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:03:17] With the Holiday Season getting into full swing now, we will still have meetings [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:03:34] They may be a little bit more informal, but we feel it a good idea to show consistance by continuing at our regular schedule [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:03:49] I hope you all enjoy the peace of the season, and the blessing of family during this time. Happy Holidays!! [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:04:12] kk, that does it for the announcements [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:04:23] next is the Education Team project [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:04:42] We continue to add applications to the Education Team page, although at a slow pace. SloggerKhan sent in items to add to the Graphics list under the Optional category. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:05:00] Here is the link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education/Graphics you might want to take a look at it at your leisure to see what optional apps you can add to the graphics menu to round out this section of your install. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:05:27] We still need members to help us add items to the following pages: System Tools, Sound & Video, Programming, and Other. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:05:44] If you can find time to give us a few minutes it would be appreciated. You can look at any of the other pages to see what we're doing and then just email myself at johnc4510-cox@ubuntu.com or tyche. Tyche could you give your email address please? Thanks [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:06:03] My email address is tyche@cox.net [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:06:13] ty [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:06:39] any questions on the ed team project? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:07:12] ok then server project [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:07:26] enigmastrat: where are you at with the main page? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:07:41] http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/ [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:07:55] well, design wise, to tell you the truth, I have tried some different stuff with taht side, but I like what I've got the best so far [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:08] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:09] PHP wise, it'll be quick once we're ready for it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:18] ah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:30] have you spoken with slofgren about that? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:35] I have not [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:39] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:54] i'll try to speak with him this wk then [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:08:56] but with the map of the site, we may just need one or two pages in which case straight HTML would be fine [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:09:10] tyche: you might help me remember that [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:09:21] k [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:09:31] I'll try. But I have the mind of an amnesiac elephant. . .I always forget. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:09:57] if we start a second page, what do you all suggest we populate it with [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:09:58] ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:10:27] How about team purpose? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:10:41] like goals you mean? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:10:57] or why we're doing what we're doing [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:11:01] ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:11:16] Yea, and even more general - why we're doing what we're doing, and how we're doing it. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:11:24] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:11:27] good idea [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:12:02] another thought for a page would be to use it to imphasize the lugs of the state [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:12:16] emphasize [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:12:19] Oh, definitely. With links and logos, if any. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:12:25] sure [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:12:42] k, so that's ideas for a couple of pages then [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:13:12] enigmastrat: how hard to make a second html page [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:13:40] it could be a twin of the first as far as layout is concerned [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:13:44] johnc4510-laptop: How about keep the same basic features, just change the text. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:13:47] not at all [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:13:48] not content [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:02] tyche: agreed [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:15] enigmastrat: and linking them is no problem? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:18] nope [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:37] like putting a page two link on the first page [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:38] ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:39] just make a copy of the first with a different name, change the text [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:49] kk :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:14:55] yup and put a link [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:15:05] We're going to blow vorian away with a themed site. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:15:09] Hey, if I can do it, it can't be "that" hard! :-) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:15:18] heee heeee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:15:30] Agreed. I did it with a company web site. Not hard at all [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:15:48] k, enigmastrat could you maybe put something up this wk or next ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:00] you mean the second page? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:01] so i can start populating it? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:03] yeah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:03] yep [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:07] how about now? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:17] One, or two pages? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:19] kk, i would appreciate it when you have time [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:39] well, he might as well put up 2 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:46] ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:50] That would help. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:56] page 2 and 3 [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:57] like for a total of 3? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:59] ok [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:16:59] yeah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:05] Thanks [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:17] it would just be duplicating the same one twice right [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:24] http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/page2.html http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/page3.html [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:29] done [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:30] yep [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:34] cool [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:36] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:41] looking [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:43] that just happened [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:17:48] :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:10] oh, I'll drop a link on each [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:18] enigmastrat: Now you realize that you just made me work over the holiday. Hee hee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:27] yeah sure, now i can just go in and edit out and edit in the content [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:33] yup [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:36] hee hee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:38] nah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:52] we're going to take it easy till the first of the yr [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:55] somewhat [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:18:57] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:04] I heard that!!! [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:09] Hee hee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:10] i want all the enjoy the holiday [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:13] and family [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:20] all that good stuff [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:23] beside [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:24] s [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:43] * slofgren is here but late [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:46] tyche will be overeating and sleeping in his chair [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:50] EggNog! Oh, sorry... [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:51] slofgren: hi [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:54] HI [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:19:58] k [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:20:12] Couch. Or bed. LOL [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:20:25] slofgren: enigmastrat was asking about PHP you want to talk to him about that [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:20:27] ? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:21:39] http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/page2.html http://ubuntuaz.selfip.com/page3.html [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:21:49] slofgren: you here still? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:21:53] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:05] yep [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:18] enigmastrat: talk to slofgren about PHP please [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:20] sorry distraction [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:23] np [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:24] what about PHP [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:39] enigmastrat: had some questions [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:22:45] can we do it, and do we need it? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:00] we set up two more pages to mess around with btw [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:02] what are you wanting to do with it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:11] johnc4510-laptop: ok [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:12] make it easier to maintain a site [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:22] with just two pages, it's not needed [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:28] yeah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:38] if it gets much bigger, page management get annoying with straight HTML [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:43] we can install it if needed [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:46] ok [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:51] for now, I'm ok with not having it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:23:54] k, that was easy [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:05] if we need it later we can do it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:05] css without PHP can be fine on larger sites [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:18] PHP ussually adds a service [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:29] how hard a transition if we do it later? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:35] ok, I'll accept that [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:41] not very [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:44] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:24:47] :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:00] no harder than it is to create it in PHP now [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:26] slofgren: we are going to populate the 2 new pages with state lug stuff and team purpose things [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:31] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:32] imho - php is ugly and terible to write in [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:39] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:42] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:47] unle4ss you code pretty like me [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:51] hehe [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:25:54] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:05] that's the code is pretty, not me [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:07] hey I will admin what ever the web team decides [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:14] I'll drink >hic< to that. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:21] enigmastrat: I am not so sure you are either [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:23] ;) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:25] slofglol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:30] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:53] do we have a web team [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:26:58] <--- [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:06] let me be foreward - I am not it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:08] slofgren: as far as the state lugs go and populating the page, do you have any suggestions? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:36] have we made succesful contact with each state lug? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:37] we need to get Wolf_45 on the web team lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:42] no [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:44] not yet [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:52] I thin we need to do that [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:27:57] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:08] let them know we are here to support a link and Ubuntu support for them [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:13] btw, any response to uninstalling that stuff yet [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:16] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:17] maybe offer install fests and stuffs [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:22] right [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:24] agreed [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:37] johnc4510-laptop: liek apache and stuff? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:43] i want to have an install fest in march [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:46] slofgren: yeah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:28:53] apache [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:00] johnc4510-laptop: I have not done it [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:05] ah [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:05] I need to [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:10] thought you had [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:18] let set a due date on that and I will attack [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:25] i was refering to the stuff dx put on the server [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:29] Huh?! Hey, I just know a little bit of html... [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:36] cool [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:41] your hired [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:42] oh that stuff was gone befpre I loged off or contacted you [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:43] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:44] Wolf_45: You're hired. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:29:47] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:04] you're all we've got if I get hit by a train [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:10] when can we apt-get --purge remove dxh [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:11] i just wondered if anything was said about it yet slofgren [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:19] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:22] hehe [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:30:41] Wolf_45: you want to help out on the web stuff? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:31:32] I can probably manage some of the simple stuff......sure :-) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:31:41] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:31:44] ty [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:07] i'll try to get in contact with the lug over the holidays [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:07] Wolf_45: do you have an account [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:20] on the server [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:21] oh right, that would help [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:24] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:43] if you don't mind "1992-ish design" ;-> [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:32:44] wolf I am on gmail so just email me [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:03] That's why the design is done :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:05] Ummm....not that I'm aware of. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:12] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:28] Wolf_45: this will be mostly filling in the content [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:35] as design is done [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:33:48] kk? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:00] Ah, good - "fill in the blanks". [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:08] yep [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:09] :) [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:16] kk [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:20] enigmastrat: ty [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:28] And between johnc4510-laptop and I, we've got lots of blanks. [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:29] nice job [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:36] agreed [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:34:38] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:35:05] slofgren: anything else you want to dicuss about the server? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:35:41] * johnc4510-laptop nudges slofgren [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:35:44] hee hee [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:03] kk, he's obviously busy [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:05] so [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:14] anyone have anything else? [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:21] floor is open [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:30] except to tyche [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:31] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:32] "Please watch your step" [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:37] lol [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:36:58] oops [Sun Dec 16 2007] [21:37:00] kk, then we'll dismiss and thanks to all :) }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam