<> == Agenda == 1. Introductions 1. Announcements 1. Newsletter Team 1. Education Team 1. Server Team 1. Comp4Kids Team(Donations) 1. Team Approval Process 1. Next Weeks Agenda == Log == {{{ 21:03[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting is on! Reminder to all members; please try to keep side conversations down during the meeting in order to keep it understandable and controllable. 21:04< ianmcorvidae> First, we have introductions. 21:04-!- Irssi: #ubuntu-arizona: Total of 20 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 19 normal] 21:04< t00na> http://xkcd.com/c293.html 21:04< t00na> oh, oops... 21:04< ianmcorvidae> Heh. 21:04< t00na> i forgot there was a meeting :D 21:04< ianmcorvidae> Ok, so. Introductions. 21:04< ianmcorvidae> johnc4510: You know who's new :) 21:04< johnc4510> nichipet is 21:05< johnc4510> paul is 21:05< johnc4510> think that's all 21:05< ianmcorvidae> Well, ok. 21:05< ianmcorvidae> paul928: Are you around, and would you be so kind as to introduce yourself briefly? 21:05< johnc4510> paul is marked gone 21:05< ianmcorvidae> Hmm, ok. 21:06< ianmcorvidae> nichipet: Are you around, and would you be so kind as to introduce yourself briefly? 21:06< nichipet> sure, ianmcorvidae 21:07< ianmcorvidae> Go ahead :) 21:07< nichipet> hi all. I live up in Flagstaff and attend NAU. 21:07< johnc4510> nice 21:07< nichipet> I've been familiar with Linux for about ten years, starting with Red Hat 21:07< johnc4510> expert 21:07< t00na> fun! 21:08< nichipet> hehe, not quite, I took a few years off and just ordered a laptop yesterday with Ubuntu 21:08< nichipet> I've been active on ubuntuforums.org for a week or so now 21:08< nichipet> that's about it :) 21:08< johnc4510> good stuf nichipet thanks for coming and welcome 21:09 * t00na applauds 21:09< nichipet> thanks, johnc4510 21:09< johnc4510> nichipet: can we know your first name please 21:09< nichipet> oh, sure. it's John 21:09< johnc4510> ty 21:09< johnc4510> i think i might be able to remember that 21:09< ianmcorvidae> Hehe :) 21:09< nichipet> hehe 21:09< johnc4510> :) 21:10< t00na> Hiiiiiii Joooooohn... 21:10< ianmcorvidae> I'm presuming that's all for Introductions. On to Announcements: johnc4510? 21:10< johnc4510> yes 21:10< johnc4510> Ubuntu Live Conference started today in Portland. You can join #ubuntulive here on Freenode to see what everyone there is talking about. Converstions have been rapid today. Conference is on thru Tuesday. 21:10< johnc4510> some good stuf today i sat in a bit 21:10< johnc4510> :) 21:11< johnc4510> Tucson members are having a meetup at Bookmans on east Speedway this next Saturday from 7-9pm. All team members are welcome. I encourage Phoenix people to hold similar get togethers to get to know your fellow team members. I also hope to get a full in state team meet together before the end of the summer and the start of the school year. 21:11< johnc4510> :P 21:11< johnc4510> Ian is going to work on the CafePress account this week, so hopefully soon we will be able to get stuff with team logo on it. Tshirts, mugs, hats, polos, etc Thanks for setting this up for us Ian! 21:11< ianmcorvidae> lol, when I get to it. 21:12< ianmcorvidae> ;) 21:12< johnc4510> :) 21:12< t00na> CafePress is fun, 21:12-!- dx01 [n=ssjgolle@ip70-190-146-74.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-arizona 21:12< dx01> hello all 21:12< ianmcorvidae> Hello. 21:12< evilgourmet> hello 21:12 * johnc4510 says that's about it for announcements unless a team member has any 21:12-!- bribri124 [n=bribri12@ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-arizona 21:12< johnc4510> hi guys 21:12< t00na> hey dx01 21:12< ianmcorvidae> Well, I have one. 21:12< t00na> hey bribri124 21:12< johnc4510> go ianmcorvidae 21:12< bribri124> greetings all 21:13 * t00na shuts up 21:13< ianmcorvidae> I'd like to announce, for john and myself, that we have new blogs up (johnc4510.wordpress.com and imcewen.wordpress.com, respectively) - we'd appreciate it if you stopped by, but don't feel obligated :) 21:13< ianmcorvidae> Any other announcements from anyone? 21:13< johnc4510> ty ianmcorvidae 21:14 * t00na feels very obligated... 21:14< ianmcorvidae> I guess no more announcements. 21:14< ianmcorvidae> lol, sorry ;P 21:14< johnc4510> t00na: you should 21:14< ianmcorvidae> Ok, Newsletter team. 21:14< johnc4510> jacob2440: you have anything for ys 21:14< johnc4510> us 21:14< ianmcorvidae> jacob2440 and johnc4510, I think you're the last two I knew associated with it:P 21:14< ianmcorvidae> Yep. 21:15< jacob2440> nothing regarding the newspaper team 21:15< johnc4510> i do 21:15< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 21:15< ianmcorvidae> Go ahead, john. 21:15< johnc4510> Jacob got the edition out last week. Nice job Jacob. 21:15< johnc4510> thanks jacob2440 21:15< johnc4510> also 21:15< jacob2440> oh, thank you. I hadn't heard anthing from anyone so I was hoping it went out wll 21:15< jacob2440> well* 21:15< evilgourmet> newspaper team? 21:16< johnc4510> bribri124: Brian, you going to explore any new teams this week for us? 21:16< ianmcorvidae> It was excellent, thanks jacob :) 21:16< evilgourmet> like press releases? 21:16< jacob2440> every wed. I send out a newletter 21:16< jacob2440> it has information regarding the last meeting and annoucments for the next meeting 21:16< johnc4510> evilgourmet: newsletter https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Newsletter 21:16-!- br24 [n=bribri12@ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit [Connection timed out] 21:17-!- bribri124 is now known as br24 21:17< johnc4510> wb 21:17< evilgourmet> ok, yeah I thought you typed "newspaper" sorry 21:17< jacob2440> John, how do the new members get on the mailing list? 21:17< ianmcorvidae> jacob2440: They subscribe to ubuntu-az-us from the site. 21:17< johnc4510> jacob2440: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 21:17< ianmcorvidae> There's a link for the Mailing List on the wiki. 21:17< ianmcorvidae> Yeah, it points to that :) 21:17< evilgourmet> I get the newletter, every wednesday 21:18< johnc4510> new members can subscribe at that link 21:18< johnc4510> :) 21:18< jacob2440> ah gotcha 21:18< johnc4510> should have stated that sorry 21:18< johnc4510> you won't get newsletter 21:18< johnc4510> if you don't 21:18< johnc4510> sign up for mail list 21:18< johnc4510> :) 21:19< johnc4510> br24: you going to do a new team next wk 21:19< br24> right now, I have been talking with Michigan 21:19 * johnc4510 says br24 looks at other team to see what we might use to improve our team 21:19< johnc4510> br24: sounds good ty 21:19< br24> they are just trying to start up their team, so I encourage everyone to stop in and say hello 21:20< br24> I will also be taking a look at Pennsylvania 21:20< br24> who just got approved a few weeks ago 21:20< johnc4510> ok ianmcorvidae that's ut for newsletter 21:20< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 21:20< johnc4510> ty br24 21:20< ianmcorvidae> Education: br24 again :) 21:20< johnc4510> hee hee a busy man 21:20< br24> weeeeeeee 21:21< johnc4510> :) 21:21< br24> I am in the process of creating a page on Email Clients 21:21< br24> I am also working on developing the Beginners FAQ 21:21< johnc4510> oooooooooooh nice 21:22 * slofgren is here 21:22< ianmcorvidae> Excellent :) 21:22< ianmcorvidae> welcome, slof. 21:22< br24> if anyone has any ideas, enter a post at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Education 21:22< evilgourmet> br24: if you want to send anything my way I will gladly write some 21:22< johnc4510> new members can link to our teams thru here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 21:22< ianmcorvidae> Yeah. I'm working on a blog post on terminal programs, I might throw that in for ya :) 21:22< johnc4510> nice 21:22< johnc4510> ty ianmcorvidae 21:22< ianmcorvidae> That all, br? 21:23< johnc4510> ty br24 nice work again :) 21:23< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 21:23< ianmcorvidae> Well then. Server Team: dx01 ? 21:23< johnc4510> oh boy 21:24< ianmcorvidae> Presuming, of course, you're the same as dx00 21:24< dx01> hello all 21:24< johnc4510> howdy 21:24< dx01> yup 21:24< ianmcorvidae> heya :) 21:24< dx01> good news 21:24< dx01> i heard that we got a cdrom in 21:24< johnc4510> whoopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21:24< slofgren> nice 21:24< slofgren> OS installed? 21:24< johnc4510> i'm so happy 21:24< dx01> not yet, we are trying to set up a date where we can go 21:24< ianmcorvidae> Excellent. 21:25< dx01> hopefully this week 21:25< slofgren> has it been tested to work? 21:25 * johnc4510 tells new members we have been waiting for a new cdrom to get our team server up and running 21:25< dx01> yes 21:25< slofgren> good 21:25< johnc4510> excellent 21:25< dx01> thats it for me 21:25-!- bribri124 [n=bribri12@ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-arizona 21:25< ianmcorvidae> Sweet. 21:25 * bribri124 growls 21:25< johnc4510> dx01: ty nice work 21:25< ianmcorvidae> Computers4Kids: Who's up? 21:25 * johnc4510 give dx01 a high five 21:25< martyd215> cdrom drive? 21:26< ianmcorvidae> Yes, to use to install Ubuntu Server 21:26< johnc4510> bluecat 21:26< martyd215> Oh okay 21:26< martyd215> I was confused as to why you were waiting for a cd when you could just download it 21:26< johnc4510> bluecat is not here but 21:27< johnc4510> jacob2440: you were working on tax exempt status were you not for donations to comp4kids team 21:27< jacob2440> i am 21:27< johnc4510> cool how is that going 21:27< jacob2440> I have to classify our group as a certain non-profit, so i am reading tax codes to make sure I file us properly 21:28< johnc4510> great 21:28< jacob2440> I think I have the correct one, and will be contacting the IRS next week to make sure 21:28< jacob2440> then I will get everything finished 21:28< johnc4510> excellent 21:28< ianmcorvidae> Sweet. 21:28< jacob2440> then we need to talk about who can pull money out of the account 21:28< johnc4510> nice work and ty for the update 21:28< johnc4510> ok 21:28< ianmcorvidae> Team Approval, then: john, do you mind if I do the initial stuff on this? 21:28< johnc4510> np please do 21:28< johnc4510> :) 21:29< ianmcorvidae> Ok. All team members that haven't should go look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Teams/Approval_Outline/Resources 21:29< ianmcorvidae> The first is the outline for approval, the second is the volunteering sheet. 21:29< ianmcorvidae> They have both been updated since last week's meeting. 21:30< johnc4510> nice 21:30< ianmcorvidae> As the volunteer page especially shows, we can use all the help we can get on these projects. 21:30< johnc4510> true 21:30< ianmcorvidae> So, if you might be interested in a small role, please feel free to volunteer; we won't force you to be the leader :) 21:30< johnc4510> hee hee 21:30< ianmcorvidae> The CD donation and burning as well as the printer, ink, and paper sections are quite easy. 21:31< dx01> slofgren: got it your message, will do 21:31< ianmcorvidae> Since, they pretty much just involve donating materials for others to use. 21:31< ianmcorvidae> So, please look into these two pages and volunteer where you'd like. 21:31< ianmcorvidae> We'll continue to update these pages with more tasks that may need completion. 21:32< ianmcorvidae> So check back every so often, although every Sunday, we'll tell you if they've been updated. 21:32< ianmcorvidae> johnc4510, take it from here :) 21:32< johnc4510> nicely done ty ianmcorvidae i do have some more on this though 21:32< johnc4510> ignore last part 21:32< johnc4510> hee hee 21:32< johnc4510> We need to get an idea of how many, of what version of Feisty, and who has burned CD's for the team. I think the best way is to add an area on the volunteer page so that the people who volunteered to burn them can edit in that information. 21:33< johnc4510> Ian, as our resident guru on wiki page setups, could you add that to the page for us? 21:33< ianmcorvidae> Sure. 21:33< johnc4510> ty much appreciated 21:33< johnc4510> so, then as you burn cd's or make flyers you can add it to the wiki page 21:34< johnc4510> does that seem appropriate to all 21:34< johnc4510> ? 21:34< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: ? 21:34< ianmcorvidae> Seems effective tome. 21:34< ianmcorvidae> Adding right now :) 21:34< johnc4510> good 21:34< johnc4510> ty 21:34< johnc4510> next 21:35< johnc4510> Next, we need to work on the flyer and the jewel case insert. 21:35< ianmcorvidae> Actually, waiting a bit. Someone else was editing :) 21:35< ianmcorvidae> Yes, we do. 21:35< johnc4510> Most of us that are working on that project are going to be at the Saturday get together for the Tucson members. 21:35< johnc4510> So you folks need to be thinking about what we want in the way of design and content. 21:35< johnc4510> Then we can get it formatted correctly to let the people who volunteered to print them set up. 21:36< johnc4510> And of course present it to the other members for approval. 21:36< johnc4510> how does that sound to all 21:36< johnc4510> ? 21:37< johnc4510> ? 21:37< dx01> good 21:37< johnc4510> ty 21:37< jacob2440> good 21:37< johnc4510> ty 21:37< ianmcorvidae> Excellent. 21:37< johnc4510> just trying to make sure you are paying attention :) 21:37< johnc4510> hee hee 21:38< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: anything else on this project from you 21:38< johnc4510> or anyone else for that matter 21:38< ianmcorvidae> Nothing more from me. 21:38-!- br24 [n=bribri12@ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net] has quit [Connection timed out] 21:38< johnc4510> br is having troubles 21:38< johnc4510> :) 21:38< johnc4510> he's going to be cussing cox 21:38< johnc4510> ok 21:39< johnc4510> ianmcorvidae: agenda for next wk? 21:39< johnc4510> is that next 21:39 * johnc4510 nudges ianmcorvidae 21:40< ianmcorvidae> Sure. 21:40< johnc4510> hee hee 21:40< johnc4510> lo 21:40< ianmcorvidae> Anything different from this week? 21:40< johnc4510> olo 21:40< johnc4510> not from me i hope to present flyer and jewel insert next wk 21:40< johnc4510> but that's all from me 21:40< johnc4510> except 21:41< johnc4510> while we don't want cross talk at meeting 21:41< ianmcorvidae> We do want talk :) 21:41< johnc4510> we do want participation 21:41< ianmcorvidae> :) 21:41< johnc4510> :) 21:41< ianmcorvidae> Agreed. 21:41< ianmcorvidae> Feel free to speak. Just don't get off-topic :) 21:41< johnc4510> yes 21:41< johnc4510> please participate 21:41< johnc4510> ty 21:42< johnc4510> that's all from me ian 21:42< johnc4510> ok i'll adjure meeting then thanks everyone 21:42< jacob2440> haha 21:42< jacob2440> thank you 21:42< johnc4510> :) 21:42< johnc4510> lol 21:43< ianmcorvidae> Ok. 21:43[notice(#ubuntu-arizona)] Meeting off. Logs in a minute :) }}} '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam