## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or [[CraigAEddy]] == Agenda == 1. Introductions 1. Announcements 1. TBA 1. TBA 1. TBA 1. Agenda for next week == Log == {{{ [Sun Aug 3 2008] [20:58:22] * johnc4510-laptop asks who is here for meeting? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [20:58:22] I usually just save the scrap from my woodworking projects and use that. I tend to have a "lot" of scrap! "Oooops, cut that one a half inch too short..." [Sun Aug 3 2008] [20:58:22] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [20:58:37] +1 [Sun Aug 3 2008] [20:59:29] kennymc0: word azteech slofgren soldats meeting is starting [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:00:50] hmmm, not very many around. we'll wait a few if that's ok?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:02:18] I'm not going anywhere - at least, not unless there's a big *boom*! [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:02:31] right, same could happen here [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:02:42] you getting any rain [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:02:55] had a good one on the west side [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:03:10] Mid-town never gets any rain. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:03:45] west side has had a great monsoon this yr. for a change [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:04:27] johnc4510-laptop: any Free Software classes at unis or CCs in Tucson? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:04:43] we got maybe a dozen little drops when I was taking the trash out earlier - most of those found my bald-spot though! [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:04:47] i'd have to check not sure [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:04:54] pima should have some [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:13] i know a prof there that is into linux [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:23] johnc4510-laptop: would you check into it? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:27] sure [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:35] we need to promote the classes :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:38] danke [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:39] ok im here sorry that im late [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:45] Away You are no longer marked as being away. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:49] which campus, johnc4510-laptop? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:49] kennymc0: evening [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:55] same question for other places in the state [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:05:56] west [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:28] they host the tfug meetings so they have wifi [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:33] or use to [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:51] that'd be cool, I'd even look into taking some. :-) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:52] kennymc0: thx for showing, not many here [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:56] kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:06:59] np [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:08] kennymc0: tyche had a cat emergency [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:09] family was over so i was a little late [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:14] howdy [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:15] * xHans rouses the rabble. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:18] slofgren: yes [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:20] !! [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:23] haha [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:27] finally able [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:30] slofgren: how's the wife [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:36] ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:42] Hey kennymc0 , hi slofgren [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:44] not doing any better [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:45] oh good, i was concerned [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:50] oh [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:54] :/ [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:54] slofgren: Free Software classes in Prescott or Flagstaff? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:07:54] yeah [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:03] ? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:09] xHans: ? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:16] are there any at the CC [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:17] slofgren: asking if you know of any :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:27] I don't know of any [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:29] * xHans wishes Mrs. slofgren well. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:35] I live in Chino out in the sticks [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:08:43] xHans: thanks [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:01] ok, since there are so few tonight lets keep it informal [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:03] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:14] sounds like a plan [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:26] Mrs. slofgren says thank you [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:29] ;) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:33] Join azteech1 has joined this channel (n=stevan@0-1pool121-251.nas9.tucson1.az.us.da.qwest.net). [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:41] so, xHans along with the list has picked a conference name [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:44] i think [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:47] hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:09:59] xHans: ablecon<-----is that right [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:10] okay, will see how long I last ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:15] k [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:17] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:20] see my twin is here ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:23] yes [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:25] ghost [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:28] johnc4510-laptop: ableconf [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:30] yep [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:38] acronym for ?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:45] Hi azteech1 [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:54] ablecon...nice [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:10:56] able+con becomes a positive negative :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:09] all about linux enpowerment?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:11] Arizona Business Liberty Expo [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:15] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:16] nice [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:18] darn az storms [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:33] or Arizona Business Liberty Experience, but tyche isn't here to get credit for that [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:35] azteech1: fo shizz [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:41] wolf_45 evening ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:11:43] yep [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:04] slofgren: can i ask about the wiki page for conference and the calendar [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:05] ? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:11] slofgren: yeah, I figure we can do lots with that, e.g.: enABLE, sustainABLE, capABLE, etc. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:13] oops [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:16] * slofgren hides [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:20] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:27] maybe this week [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:27] slofgren: evening [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:31] azteech1: hi [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:33] it's xHans you have to hide from [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:49] mayb eit would be best for someone else to help get it running [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:12:54] johnc4510-laptop: we want to put the wiki on the ableconf domain, but wiki.ableconf.tld could be anywhere [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:02] I will be out of tow half on next week [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:08] johnc4510-laptop: read the email I haven't yet sent :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:09] town [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:14] lol k [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:39] slofgren: who could set it up do you think?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:42] I am temp on one of those split keyboards sop my typing is even worse [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:48] ah [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:53] * slofgren looks over at xHans [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:13:59] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:02] or kennymc0 ?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:10] yeah [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:13] I dunno [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:18] me either [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:20] kennymc0: ping [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:25] work is killing me plus all the traveling [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:30] sure [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:37] sorry long weekend fell asleep there for a sec [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:38] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:42] johnc4510-laptop: mail is in the ether [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:43] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:14:47] xHans: kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:03] slofgren: did you install what was needed? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:14] does it just need configuring? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:25] well...I worked on the wiki then uninstalled it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:29] ah [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:30] k [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:32] I ran into some issues [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:43] * xHans hands slofgren a subscription. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:49] it is not clear instructions [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:57] haha [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:15:57] xHans: slofgren was installing moinmoin and ran into some problems [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:13] you ever install and configured moinmoin?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:14] plus there are some security concerns if not installed correctly [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:23] johnc4510-laptop: on every email :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:35] you want to do this one?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:35] Quit azteech has left this server (Connection timed out). [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:16:37] xHans: lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:02] johnc4510-laptop: let's see if we get a bite on the email I just sent [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:06] kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:16] well, the space is there [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:20] if needed [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:56] ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:17:58] ok, xHans i wanted to talk to you about one of the topics i'm interested in [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:06] johnc4510-laptop: shoot [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:09] Community [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:13] or add it to the topic thread [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:13] and support [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:27] johnc4510-laptop: community is one of the tracks I'm going to push for [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:40] i'd like to give that talk if possible :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:18:49] and you think i'd be ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:15] johnc4510-laptop: I want a couple of talks on that, so that would be awesome if you did one [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:23] kk, [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:34] it would be something i'm interested in [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:41] and could handle i think [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:43] hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:50] of course you could handle it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:19:59] if you can handle tyche you can handle anything [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:20:00] ROFL [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:20:05] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:20:05] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:20:51] . social and community building [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:21:07] I did forget support [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:21:54] xHans: all three mesh, and i would love to hype up the coming together of the state user groups [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:22:28] try to bring everyone together [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:23:05] i have some drupal experience too, in answer to your email [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:01] kennymc0: have you seen the suggested tracks for the conference? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:09] not yet [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:19] have you joined the mailing list?/ [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:38] i tried once but i screwed up somehow and it was on my way out to work so i didnt get a chance to try it again [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:43] * johnc4510-laptop hits kennymc0 with 2x4 hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:24:45] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:20] * kennymc0 takes the blow from the 2x4 and says "thank you sir may i have another" [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:24] ROFLMAOPMP [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:34] johnc4510-laptop: yeah, most of us have used drupal [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:34] just send a blank email to the subscribe addy with "subscribe" as the subject [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:45] ah that was the problem [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:53] what was the addy again? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:25:58] hang on [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:08] what am i hanging on to? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:13] my keyboard? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:18] borg+subscribe@stilyagin.com, I think [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:32] not familiar with it ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:42] drupal, that is .. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:26:45] mailto:borg+subscribe@stilyagin.com [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:05] azteech1: it's an easy to use web content mgt system [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:24] * johnc4510-laptop encourages all the members to subscribe to the mail list [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:24] ok hopefully that worked [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:37] kennymc0: see my previous mail to the list on how to read previous mails to the list :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:44] or ask johnc4510-laptop for how to do that [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:53] ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:53] ah, something I need to look into ... since I do play with web design for a company .... from time to time ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:27:58] i'll forward my instructions on that to kennymc0 [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:28:03] kk thx [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:28:35] kennymc0: sent [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:28:42] azteech1: look at the most recent version rather than the one that's in whatever distro you use [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:29:26] xHans: am on 8.04 [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:29:31] slofgren: we still need to work on the prescott demo when you get some free time later [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:29:35] no hurry [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:29:41] ok i think i just confirmed the subscription [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:29:56] kennymc0: yes, you did [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:30:09] cool [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:30:30] johnc4510-laptop: ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:30:36] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:15] will subscribe after this storm is over ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:24] slofgren: i'm going to MO from aug.14th - sept.4th, but will be around everyday here [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:31] azteech1: thx [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:37] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:45] johnc4510-laptop: sounds like fun [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:53] slofgren: nope [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:31:54] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:32:06] ah you're just saying that because it's true [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:32:07] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:32:11] hot, humid, in laws etc [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:32:20] hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:32:44] xHans: you have any announcements?? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:33:17] * johnc4510-laptop thinks for sure he will have at least the open office class announcement hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:33:32] johnc4510-laptop: yup :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:33:40] PLUG-devel is Thursday. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/506 [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:33:48] I don't know what the topic will be. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:34:15] As johnc4510-laptop already mentioned, the Free Software conference is now named ABLE Conf. It's Saturday, 2008Sep20 at UAT. We'll be looking for more volunteers starting sometime this week. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:34:26] We need to fill the online OpenOffice.org class through MCC. Any suggestions on [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:34:26] how to promote it? Any contacts for marketing the class? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:34:44] gutsy geeks [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:35:00] johnc4510-laptop: yup, still waiting to hear back from Michael [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:35:06] i can blog it if that will help [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:35:15] johnc4510-laptop: that would be great [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:35:25] link to info please? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:36:28] http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/BPC110.html [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:36:29] i can put it on the tfug mailing list too [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:36:35] excellent [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:36:36] kk, thx [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:36:48] Quit Vincent_P has left this server (Remote closed the connection). [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:37:44] it's a great opportunity to get an OOo class in, so we need to fill it. failing to fill it will likely mean it'll be years before we can try it again [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:37:53] kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:09] maybe ask on the TFUG list if anyone knows of companies using OOo internally [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:15] * xHans will do that on PLUG. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:16] not sure what other ways i can advertise it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:23] Quit soldats has left this server (Connection timed out). [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:23] kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:48] ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:38:58] storm must be hitting soldats part of town [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:00] it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:03] I'm trying the KJZZ events calendar [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:09] it's all around us [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:12] need to find other such resources as well [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:17] xHans: k [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:42] Aside from my shell scripting class we should soon have listings of lots more Free Software classes for the fall semester. There will be posts to PLUG discuss a [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:42] nd the PLUG web site in the near future. Classes at least at MCC, EMCC, PVCC and [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:39:42] SCC. [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:05] just got info on PVCC this weekend [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:09] kk [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:18] if anyone has info on classes elsewhere in the state please let me know [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:20] online classes? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:29] most are not online classes [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:32] k [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:32] can name at least one company that is using OOo internally ..... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:43] name it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:45] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:47] azteech1: in US-AZ? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:40:59] Yep .... my company .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:14] azteech1: cool [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:18] Pool Water Products .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:29] any chance on anybody needing an OOo class? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:37] this is bad form but...this song has the best guitar solo ever done [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:41] * johnc4510-laptop np: Uriah Heep - Salisbury - Salisbury (MP3/16:01) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:52] 19 branches, plus corporate ... use it, and lots of open source ... including pidgin ..... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:57] * johnc4510-laptop chastises himself [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:41:58] * xHans is listening to a bagpipe solo :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:03] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:10] squak [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:11] azteech1: most awesome [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:14] Unfortunately, nope, all trained up xHans ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:36] BTW, that's another track for ABLEconf, US-AZ companies that use Free Software [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:46] yep [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:51] lol johnc4510-laptop ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:42:52] azteech1: you're in Tucson? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:43:14] yes he is [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:43:40] Yep [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:43:40] azteech1: if you're ever going to be in Phoenix on the 2nd Tuesday of the month or the 4th Tuesday of the month let me know ;-) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:43:40] and two branches in Phx ..... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:43:56] I will do so, xhans ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:44:45] and feel free to point those at the Phx offices at PLUG :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:11] azteech1: yes, plug them in please :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:14] boooo [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:19] I had a friend that was trying to get his office to switch to OOo when the contract for office had to be renewed [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:29] Hee Hee, talk up open source all I can to them, but shall keep plugging away at them ...... no pun intended .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:43] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:46] he works for a lab that is part of that whole banner health thing so that would have probably been a big deal [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:51] bad puns are OK, keeps tyche's attention :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:45:57] too bad they didnt agree with him [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:46:04] yeah [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:46:40] banner health was looking for someone with GNU/Linux experience several years ago [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:47:22] xHans: are we going to record and podcast any of the talks at the conference [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:47:43] that's a big undertaking [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:47:48] if we are [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:47:51] johnc4510-laptop: that would be awesome, but I'm not counting on it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:47:56] right [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:05] yeah, tons of work, which is why I won't count on it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:11] * johnc4510-laptop nods [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:18] was just thinking out loud [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:26] * xHans will likely record some of them in super-slowmotion on his new camera, though :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:33] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:48:51] at high slow speed oncoming traffic on the freeway isn't moving [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:49:00] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:49:21] ok, any other items to discuss? xHans or anybody [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:49:22] it would be cool to try to record the talks at the conference [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:49:55] kennymc0: it would, but with several talks going at once, i'm not sure how we could pull that off [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:13] maybe we could pick a few to highlight [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:15] well, someone get a cam set up, record and post them at later date .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:17] johnc4510-laptop: I'm fresh out [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:35] xHans: ok, thx a bunch [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:37] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:53] I figure much of the conference will be ad hoc [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:50:59] yep [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:05] that's fine the first time we do it [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:18] i plan on hoc'ing up big ones if i speak [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:20] :) [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:25] at least before hand [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:28] hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:30] but I want to make sure the outward facing ( non-geek ) stuff is well organized [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:39] agreed [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:40] ewwwwwwww .... TMI [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:48] we gonna have a projector for the talks? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:51:58] something like that? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:05] BTW, there's a nice pub not too far from UAT for the post-conf party... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:06] i think the tech talks and people will fall in line easier [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:17] Thugal: i believe so [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:20] Thugal: yeah, we need to make sure we have projectors for each room *and* spares [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:34] where is UAT again? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:40] * johnc4510-laptop plays air guitar to the max [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:47] kennymc0: 48th St and Baseline [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:52:55] ok [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:04] http://www.uat.edu/ [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:13] it's a good location for those coming up from the south [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:24] yeah, agreed .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:33] at least I know where Baseline is ... hehe ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:34] * johnc4510-laptop nods [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:51] azteech1: at the bottom of the key where the basket is [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:53:59] wait, wait. wouldn't people fall in line a lot easier if you pub first, *then* conf? [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:54:21] lol, they'd never leave the pub [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:54:25] hee hee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:54:30] * xHans == johnc4510-laptop [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:54:45] besides, we'll make the last task be "cd /pub" [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:54:58] ah nice [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:02] and we don't want any public jaywalkers .... stopped for public intox .... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:11] not a way to make headlines ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:32] no, especially since i have to drive back to tucson [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:38] well, yeah. they probably couldn't walk a straight line, let alone fall "in line". heehee [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:38] unless i stay overnight [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:55:47] yep, agreed ... [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:56:04] beer = new beer(); beer.drink("glug glug"); [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:56:28] lol [Sun Aug 3 2008] [21:56:29] ok, meeting adjourned }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam