If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy


  1. Introductions
  2. Announcements
  3. TBA
  4. TBA
  5. TBA
  6. Agenda for next week


[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:18]     * johnc4510 asks who's here for the team meeting please
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:28] <paul928>  I am
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:29] <johnc4510>        +1
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:34] <Paula62>  I am
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:36] <johnc4510>        hi Paula62
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:39] <tyche>    +1
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:40] <kennymc0_laptop>  +1
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:00:43] <azteech>  +1
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:01:13] <paul928>  oh, it's Paula; that's pretty close
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:01:29] <johnc4510>        mr_chips: meeting
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:01:38] <johnc4510>        slofgren: meeting time
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:01:42] <tyche>    paul928: Careful how you talk about my wife.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:01:44] <johnc4510>        soldats: meeting
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:09] <johnc4510>        ok, let's get started then
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:17] <johnc4510>        first off
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:18] <paul928>  tyche, she has the prettiest name. lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:35] <johnc4510>        we have a new member in channel  Paula62
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:43] <johnc4510>        we welcome her
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:02:58] <tyche>    I don't have to. I brought her in.  Hee hee
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:13] <johnc4510>        Paula62: we usually have new members give us a little intro about themselves
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:22] <johnc4510>        could you please do that
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:27] Mode       ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to johnc4510.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:35] <johnc4510>        carefull tyche
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:37] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:43] Mode       ChanServ takes channel operator privileges from johnc4510.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:45] <tyche>    YES, SIR!
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:53] Mode       ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to tyche.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:03:59] <kennymc0_laptop>  uh oh
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:04:01] Mode       ChanServ takes channel operator privileges from tyche.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:04:23] <Paula62>  OK.  I am an Appeal Officer by trade.  I process appeals for TRICARE beneficiary's who are denied services or payment for services.  TRICARE is the military health insurance program.  I am a former medical transcriptionist and I am the wife of Tyche.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:04:42] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:04:48] <tyche>    Well done.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:01] <kennymc0_laptop>  welcome
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:11] <johnc4510>        Paula62 has been using ubuntu for what  6 months now?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:11] <azteech>  now I know who I can appeal to directly ... hee hee .... if ever the need ..... :P
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:27] <paul928>  tyche, she evens claims you. :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:31] <Paula62>  Yes, since Ubuntu ate my Microsoft XP.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:39] <tyche>    And now she can find out how crazy we really are.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:46] <johnc4510>        Paula62: are you still using gutsy or has tyche upgraded you to hardy yet
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:05:55] <tyche>    She's still on Gutsy
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:06:46] <johnc4510>        ah
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:06:53] <johnc4510>        a good version
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:07:11]     * johnc4510 personally welcomes Paula62 
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:07:35] <Paula62>  Thanks.  Hope I can help the team out.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:07:39] <azteech>  welcome .. paula ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:07:42] <johnc4510>        i met her once before and can personlly vouch for her being a cut above tyche  hee hee
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:00] <azteech>  that isn't hard .... hee hee ...
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:05] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:19] <paul928>  his better half?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:24] <tyche>    Yep
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:30]     * azteech ducks and runs behind john ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:32] <johnc4510>        ok, announcements   i usually have a bunch but tonight only one
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:08:48] <johnc4510>        "Intrepid Ibex" Alpha-4 released - Alpha 4 is the fourth in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Intrepid development cycle. The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of showstopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Intrepid. You can download it here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-August/000470.html
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:09:14] <johnc4510>        use it only for testing purposes
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:09:26] <johnc4510>        expect some bugs and crashes
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:09:48] <johnc4510>        please don't use as your production OS
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:10:17] <johnc4510>        ok, xHans you have some announcements??
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:10:29] <xHans>    johnc4510: sure
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:10:40] <johnc4510>        go ahead please
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:10:44] <xHans>    we have Stammtische this week
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:10:55] <xHans>    Tuesday in Tempe, Wednesday in Avondale
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:11:33] <xHans>    http://www.LuftHans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:11:49] <tyche>    Thank you, xHans.  I was about to ask for that link.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:12:24] <xHans>    the Stammtische are just an excuse to hang out at a restaurant and talk, I think the TFUG mtgs are doing something similar
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:13:00] <xHans>    yesterday was Debian Day 2008, so we'll be doing some birthday celebrations at the Tempe Free Software Stammtisch
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:13:13]     * xHans ordered penguin cookies and is trying to get cake :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:13:21] <kennymc0_laptop>  cool
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:13:57] <johnc4510>        happy birthday debian   15 yrs i believe
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:13:58] <xHans>    the conference is starting to ramp up, we'll be announcing a new mailing list for volunteers
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:14:25] <xHans>    johnc4510: yup, 15 years, so debian will be old enough to drive in US-AZ in 7 months :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:03] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:10] <xHans>    we still have to finalize insurance for ABLEconf, but otherwise it's ready to start rolling
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:14] <johnc4510>        AZ team had 5 members at the conference meeting tonight---way to go folks
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:28] <johnc4510>        w00t
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:54] <xHans>    johnc4510: and several volunteers who were either you or kennymc0 being assigned things :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:15:56] <azteech>  :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:16:35] <johnc4510>        kennymc0_laptop got the shaft btw
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:16:37] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:16:39] <xHans>    please let johnc4510 know if you have contacts with other Free Software groups in Arizona
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:16:57] <xHans>    I think he wants to know anyway, but he specifically needs to know for ABLEconf
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:17:01]     * kennymc0_laptop hides
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:17:08] <xHans>    the ABLEconf web site will have content this week
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:17:08] <johnc4510>        yep
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:17:29] <johnc4510>        http://www.ableconf.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:17:46] <xHans>    there are no PLUG events this week, but next week's west side meeting will be going straight to Bertos, see the PLUG event for info once we get it updated
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:18:38] <xHans>    I put together a big ol list of upcoming Free Software classes in the Phoenix area, http://www.LuftHans.com/node/5604
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:18:46] <johnc4510>        ah nice
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:00] <xHans>    please help us promote the classes, especially the OpenOffice.org class
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:11] <johnc4510>        i thought it was full
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:27] <johnc4510>        obviously not
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:27] <xHans>    johnc4510: it is, but it isn't
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:29] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:30] <johnc4510>        ah
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:37] <johnc4510>        great
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:19:52] <xHans>    it hit the number that was supposed to be the max, but they actually have a higher max, so there are more slots
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:20:10] <johnc4510>        k
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:20:32] <xHans>    a few people dropped once they got email from the instructor making sure they know the class is OOo not some proprietary suite, so she went below the soft full as well
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:20:43] <johnc4510>        k
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:20:53] <xHans>    I think she's back over soft full, but she's definitely not at hard full, so let's stuff the class :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:21:06] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:21:06] <xHans>    she also has a C++ class looking for students
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:21:30] <xHans>    I need more students for my shell scripting class that starts a week from tomorrow
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:21:39] <Paula62>  Xi-fans, have you ever tried listing these classes on Craigslist?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:21:55] <xHans>    see my page for more info and please encourage people to support the Free Software classes we do have
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:22:18] <xHans>    Paula62: actually, no, I haven't, but that's a good idea I should've thought of
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:22:33] <xHans>    I did get a couple on the KJZZ events calendar
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:22:49] <xHans>    johnc4510: ok, that's it for me, danke
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:23:03] <johnc4510>        xHans: have we talked to gutsy geeks about promo for the conference?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:23:12] <johnc4510>        and thx for the announcements
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:23:25] <xHans>    johnc4510: I have broached it with them, I'll bring it up again once we have content on the site
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:23:37] <xHans>    Gutsy Geeks should gladly be media sponsors for us
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:23:59] <johnc4510>        ok, remember, they tape in advance so to get it on before the conference we need lead time
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:24:02] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:24:13] <azteech>  what about using craig's list to advertise ABLEConf ... ???
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:24:38] <johnc4510>        actually not a bad idea
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:24:39] <johnc4510>        ?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:06] <xHans>    azteech: the funny thing is, I thought of that
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:19] <azteech>  lol, why not then?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:20] <azteech>  lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:23] <xHans>    johnc4510: yeah, we'll need to be on GG in the next couple of weeks
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:31] <johnc4510>        right
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:41]     * xHans apparently only selectively thinks of craigslist.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:25:47] <johnc4510>        azteech: Paula62 we should post it there
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:05] <johnc4510>        do one of you want to take a stab at it??
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:13] <azteech>  will take stab
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:22] <johnc4510>        to start it can be generic
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:25] <azteech>  worst they can do is kill it ...
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:29] <johnc4510>        rigth
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:36] <johnc4510>        Paula62: thx for the idea
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:38] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:44] <johnc4510>        ok
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:49] <Paula62>  Johnc4510:  I will be happy to help post information.  Just let Tyche know what needs to be posted.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:26:59] <johnc4510>        Paula62: great thx
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:10] <johnc4510>        ok, keeping in line with the conference
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:16] <johnc4510>        i have some good news
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:20] <johnc4510>        team wise
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:36] <johnc4510>        the conference kit we ordered from ubuntu has shipped
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:38] <johnc4510>        and
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:43] <johnc4510>        it's in phoenix
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:45] <tyche>    w00t!
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:27:52] <kennymc0_laptop>  :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:03] <johnc4510>        so it should be at my house in the next couple of days
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:08] <azteech>  kewl
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:09] <xHans>    johnc4510: oh, I forgot, thanks from Motherboards and Upgrades for the Ubuntu CDs!
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:15] <johnc4510>        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:23] <johnc4510>        it's kit A
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:37] <johnc4510>        or pack A rather
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:47] <johnc4510>        that link shows what is in the kit
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:28:52] <johnc4510>        also
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:02] <johnc4510>        i spoke with soldats this wk
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:02] <kennymc0_laptop>  that's cool
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:08] <johnc4510>        soldats: you here?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:14] <johnc4510>        about the banner
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:30] <azteech>  does anyone know of any vendors in phx area .. that cater to liunx?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:29:58] <johnc4510>        yeah, tyche what's the computer shop   gutsy geeks
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:06] <johnc4510>        red seven?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:08] <tyche>    RedSeven
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:11] <johnc4510>        k
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:17] <johnc4510>        on the banner
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:23] <azteech>  any thoughts of contacting them to put up a display booth?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:24] <tyche>    They're in Phoenix and Mesa
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:30] <johnc4510>        his contact said
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:30:50] <johnc4510>        a 6x2 black and white we could get free
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:02] <johnc4510>        color we had to pay for
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:04] <johnc4510>        but
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:18] <paul928>  what's the approximate cost?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:20] <kennymc0_laptop>  good thing about those though is that they would probably last for quite a while
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:23] <johnc4510>        soldats is pressing him to get us a discount
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:31:42] <johnc4510>        hang on i had the price    it'll take a sec to find
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:32:00] <azteech>  b/w would be okay ... color would be ideal ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:32:49] <kennymc0_laptop>  yeah color would be cool
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:04] <kennymc0_laptop>  and if we could get a couple of people to pitch in it wouldnt be too bad
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:08] <kennymc0_laptop>  just a thought
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:10] <kennymc0_laptop>  :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:22] <johnc4510>        arg, i don't see. but if i remember right it would be about 80 - 100 for a 6x2 banner in color
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:47] <azteech>  count me for $10
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:33:58] <johnc4510>        but like i said we may do better   if soldats can talk him down some
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:02] <johnc4510>        azteech: k
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:23] <Paula62>  Johnc4510:  Count on tyche and us for help too.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:30] <johnc4510>        Paula62: thx
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:39] <tyche>    My financial advisor has spoken
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:47]     * johnc4510 passes tyche a wet cloth, i know he just fainted
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:49] <paul928>  Ican help possibly with the cost of the color banner
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:55] <tyche>    Hee hee
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:34:58] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:35:08] <johnc4510>        paul928: great
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:35:08] <kennymc0_laptop>  i can try and help too
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:35:19] <azteech>  lol tyche
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:35:28] <johnc4510>        we, keep this in mind if soldats doesn't do better
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:36:08] <johnc4510>        with the planning we did last week about our booth/table, i think we're in pretty good shape for now
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:36:16] <azteech>  any thoughts of trying to use our cafe press items, for sale?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:37:02] <azteech>  as fund raiser, of course?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:37:26] <johnc4510>        sorry ssh just flaked out
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:37:38] <kennymc0_laptop>  oh yeah blaming it on the computer
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:37:40] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:37:48] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:38:04] <tyche>    It's that space between the keyboard and the chair.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:38:19] <johnc4510>        azteech: that's an idea, we would have to have a layout of $'s to fund ordering anything
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:38:26] <johnc4510>        tyche: :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:38:43] <paul928>  My laptop battery is about to die, so let me know if anything important remains to be said
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:38:51] <johnc4510>        paul928: kk
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:06] <tyche>    You'll get it in the mail, wednesday, paul928
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:10] <johnc4510>        the biggest thing is participation
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:16] <paul928>  k
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:26] <azteech>  johnc4510, agreed, just something else for us to look at .... even if it may be for next year, and not this one ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:27] <johnc4510>        team members have to help us out on this
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:35] <johnc4510>        azteech: right
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:39:58] <azteech>  maybe this one, we can have flyers made up for what is available .... for sale ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:40:18] <johnc4510>        azteech: good idea
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:40:21] Quit       paul928 has left this server ("Leaving").
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:40:25] <johnc4510>        and speaking of flyers
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:40:55] <johnc4510>        we need a flyer we can give out at the table directing people to our team and it's resources
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:41:14] <johnc4510>        wiki page, how to join, irc channel, etc
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:41:16] <kennymc0_laptop>  yeah that would be cool
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:41:42] <azteech>  as well as the Installfest the following weekend, if I recall ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:41:46] <johnc4510>        we need to really stress our support that we have to offer
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:41:56] <azteech>  will see what I can come up with on the flyer ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:42:01] <kennymc0_laptop>  wow we have a lot coming up dont we
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:42:09] <azteech>  for the team ....
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:42:25] <johnc4510>        azteech: great, and don't forget the team logo right at the top  :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:42:45] <azteech>  :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:42:58] <xHans>    would the LoCo like to co-sponsor the PLUG InstallFest the weekend after ABLEconf?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:43:06] <johnc4510>        azteech: the team wiki page should have info both general and specific about us
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:43:24] <azteech>  xHans, do you guys have further info/flyers ready yet for the Installfest?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:43:35] <xHans>    azteech: no
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:43:54] <johnc4510>        xHans: i like it, we need to put it in the team newsletter to let the group have a say
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:43:58] <johnc4510>        but i'm for it
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:21] <xHans>    johnc4510: OK
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:23] <tyche>    It'll be in
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:25] <johnc4510>        tyche: can we add that to the newsletter
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:28] <johnc4510>        tyche: thx
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:30] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:38] <tyche>    Too late, I already answered that.  Hee hee
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:40] <xHans>    we have a few weeks before we need to make it official, but I'm all for the InstallFest being a multi-group endeavor
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:42] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:44:53] <johnc4510>        xHans: yeah, sounds great
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:03] <kennymc0_laptop>  sounds awsome
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:11]     * xHans pictures tyche as radar o'reilly and reaches for the brain bleach.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:15] <johnc4510>        xHans: btw, did you get the box i sent you?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:21] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:31] <xHans>    johnc4510: yes, that was the thank you from Motherboards and Upgrades :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:33] <azteech>  have the install fest set up for Phx, any plans for Tucson?
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:40] <johnc4510>        xHans: np
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:45] <xHans>    the CDs were delivered Friday
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:45:50] <johnc4510>        just wanted to make sure you got it
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:00] <xHans>    we also had cool new Ubuntu stickers show up at PLUG on Thu
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:04] <johnc4510>        ah, i was hoping thursday
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:10] <johnc4510>        nice
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:25] <johnc4510>        did they go over big xHans
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:42] <xHans>    johnc4510: I had them at the mtg Thu, so I could deliver to the person dropping them off, all of which is helping M and U move to supporting GNU/Linux
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:52] <xHans>    yes, they did
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:53] <johnc4510>        great
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:46:54] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:03] <johnc4510>        we're glad to help out there
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:08] <xHans>    and the box of CDs almost didn't make it to M and U, but I defended it
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:15] <johnc4510>        lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:24] <tyche>    LOL
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:31] <johnc4510>        ok, does anyone have anything else to discuss
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:56] <johnc4510>        i want to again welcome Paula62, we're glad you joined us
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:47:57] <johnc4510>        :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:03]     * tyche can picture xHans in Mideval germanic armor defending the CD's
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:09] <kennymc0_laptop>  lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:23] <johnc4510>        and we need to keep the conference and planning in mind as time is moving along
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:26] <azteech>  lol
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:28] <Paula62>  Johnc4510:Thanks for having me.
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:30] <xHans>    tyche: didn't have the armor with me, but might've had a sword :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:48:36] <johnc4510>        Paula62: :)
[Sun Aug 17 2008] [21:49:05] <johnc4510>        ok, we're adjourned then    thx to all   great meeting    thx xHans

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ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08August17 (last edited 2008-08-18 05:43:09 by ip98-165-20-5)