## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. == Log == {{{ [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:36] we ready for the meeting? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:41] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:44] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:46] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:54] how many of you are there [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:56] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:06] only 2 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:12] * paul928 is here [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:23] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:25] I'm seeiing 24 for a total [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:28] im here [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:30] +! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:31] hi [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:31] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:33] jsonder: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:40] great [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:41] ok [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:45] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:45] Yeah, I remembered [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:16] danp: you're new, and we ask new folks to introduce themselves with a line or two please [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:19] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:29] alright [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:34] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:18] hi, i'm dan from yuma. i work for a school technology consortium. we are big open source users and are using ubuntu on our servers more and more. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:30] nice [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:38] cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:50] you know eddieftw then [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:51] ? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:52] Yuma! Amazing! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:02] i do not [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:13] ok [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:17] we seem to be getting more and more people from yuma that's cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:26] well, welcome to the AZ loco team [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:28] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:31] right guys [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:32] paul928, are you from yuma as well? who else is? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:32] yeah welcom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:38] welcome, danp [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:54] danp: yes i'm from yuma [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:00] cool! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:12] ok, tonight we're going to work on the flyer for the install fests [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:29] here is the link to the artwork [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:33] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=704786 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:40] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:46] soldats: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:14] now, it looks good to me, but we can always edit it some [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:26] and a big ty to soldats for creating it btw [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:27] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:49] and please all critisism is wanted to make it awesome [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:50] Looks very good [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:53] yea, soldats. You do nice work. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:58] so, if you have ideas or changes in the artwork, please make a comment on the thread [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:21] now, we need to work on the text for the flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:23] soldats: the ubuntu icon looks slightly out of focus [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:44] and tyche and i have found a very cool new open source tool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:55] i guess the proportions are just strange to me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:58] It's called gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:05] Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:08] gobby rules [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:23] ok, now what gobby is [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:40] it's a tool so we can all edit a text at the same time [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:46] and chat in the process [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:50] johnc4510-laptop: last time i was reading about gobby, it didn't support logging, is that still the case? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:50] about what we want [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:02] i don't know [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:13] but we can copy the chat i think [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:14] eddieftw: I believe you're right. At least I haven't found it yet. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:17] anyway [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:34] sure that's one workaroung [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:41] if the group agrees i will show you what to do to use this tool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:54] it's still a cool tool, im not sure if it's cross platform though [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:56] please voice your vote +1 or -1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:56] sounds good to me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:00] which is one consideration [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:01] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:03] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:10] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:14] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:26] ok, looks good [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:39] i'm going to paste some instructions into the channel now [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:45] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] sudo apt-get install gobby or use synaptic [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] launch gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] click on join a session [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] put this in the host slot: gobby.ubuntu.com [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] leave port at 6522 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:58] replace you name with your nick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:00] click ok gobby will connect to the server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:03] click on the window button on the tool bar and make sure:User List, Document List and Chat are all marked [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:06] In the document window click on AZ-Flyer.txt and click on Subscript at the bottom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:09] You should now be in the text with chat and we can start discussing the flyer. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:41] i'm already there [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:56] ask questions here if you have any [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:57] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:58] ok im in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:04] apt-get never fails to amaze me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:28] is it a gui program or cli [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:52] johnc4510-laptop: it may take a little while for the rest to catch up. Download time, and such. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:13:24] TO ALL: PLEASE WAIT UNTIL EVERYONE HAS A GOOD CONNECTION TO GOBBY [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:13:32] gui [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:11] soldats: gui [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:48] is everyone in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:49] ? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:54] any problems? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:54] whats going on? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:57] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:57] soldats is still missing. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:01] br24: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:18] br24: do you see the instructions for gobby above? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:23] just showed up [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:38] whats gobby? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:50] interactive text editor with chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:55] It's a collaborative document editor [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:04] i'll paste the instructions again for you br24 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:12] no worries [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:18] sudo apt-get install gobby or use synaptic [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] launch gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] click on join a session [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] put this in the host slot: gobby.ubuntu.com [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] leave port at 6522 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:21] replace you name with your nick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:23] click ok gobby will connect to the server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:26] click on the window button on the tool bar and make sure:User List, Document List and Chat are all marked [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:29] In the document window click on AZ-Flyer.txt and click on Subscript at the bottom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:33] Im going to pass on this one [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:33] You should now be in the text with chat and we can start discussing the flyer. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:40] will look at the log later [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:16] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:21] soldats: you here? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:29] having trouble? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:05] * ianmcorvidae appears; anything still going on? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:25] we're playing with gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:32] Yea, we're all in gobby, trying to work out the text for the install fest flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:42] everyone moved in there to work on install fest flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:48] ah [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:57] Look up above for the instructions. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:24:04] already doing so :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:25:34] gobby is so choice [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:28:41] Can I join in on this Gobby thing? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:01] sure can. Can you see the instructions, above? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:14] SlickMcRunFast_G: sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:20] come on in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:20] install gobby from apt-get or aptitude then joing gobby.ubuntu.com and join the azflyer.txt [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:31] Yep [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:33:41] SlickMcRunFast_G: you need any assistance?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:34:08] Part SlickMcRunFast_G has left this channel. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:45:13] Quit posingaspopular has left this server (Nick collision from services.). [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:45:20] Nick eddieftw is now known as posingaspopular. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:52:53] johnc4510-laptop: I've got the copy from gobby as a text file. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:53:34] I see you sneeking more stuff in. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:22] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:35] i don't know what happened to slick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:43] he asked if he could join in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:51] i and some others said sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:56] and then he left [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:59] I know. Then he dropped out of the channel [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:01] :( [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:12] i don't get it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:16] :( [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:26] You can't win them all. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:44] no [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:54] this is going great though don't you think [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:55] ?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:05] Definitely. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:08] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:26] Are we done? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:37] It's closing in on 10:00. Want to call a halt to the meeting? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:04] I'm hungry. :-) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:09] there are changes on gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:16] there are many [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:23] there will continue to be more for a while :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:33] hopefully, anyway [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:01:39] ;-) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:23] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:34] if you need to leave feel free [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:38] paul928: what do you do here in town? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:41] and thx for the help [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:43] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:52] i hope everyone enjoyed it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:54] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:03:21] definitely different [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:03:34] danp: Very little right now. I maybe opening a used car lot soon, [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:01] lol, i can't get them out of gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:11] * ianmcorvidae is in both [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:13] I'm still trying to catch up the log. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:16] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:32] interesting [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:53] this would be so much easier if I had the chat and gobby on the same computer, I'm using vnc to monitor the chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:19] haha [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:21] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:29] tyche: are you going to copy and save the chat notes? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:51] I've got them up to the last one or 2 lines. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:56] k [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:58] ty [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:34] They're still going strong. This is also the best turnout I've seen. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:44] tyche: in the newsletter lets try to punctuate what a great tool this is and how much fun we had using it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:48] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:00] lol yes [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:07] yes it's great [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:27] this is something that i feel i really want to do. so id like this to go off with a bang. so please id like to say i really appreciate all the help. im very glad to see such a great AZ team in the works> [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:39] Can we write a novel next? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:50] soldats: excellent [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:51] that would be fun [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:52] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:52] It's novel that we're writing at all. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:54] NaNoWriMo: gobby remix [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:59] rsthree: lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:10] ;D [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:27] we can probably use this for a lot of different projects now that we know about it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:30] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:42] it makes for great interaction of the team [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:43] we'd have to write what, 350000 words if all of us currently in gobby were participating? :P [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:47] it does [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:50] Yer all just a bunch of closit editors. Hee hee [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:52] great for notes on a meeting, as well [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:59] closet? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:01] sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:02] never. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:02] first time I heard of gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:23] paul928: tyche and i just found out about it this wkend [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:25] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:35] we are now using it on the UWN [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:43] This is only the second time we''ve used it. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:47] gobby works very well [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:49] yep [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:56] Which gives you an idea of how intuitive it is. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:33] ok, are we done ?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:41] do you have to use the ubuntu.com server or is it also stand alone? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:45] guess linux is catching up to what M$ used to use [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:56] just leave gobby and it will save our work automatically [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:22] paul928: if you don't use it, we would have to have an alternative server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:43] I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to set up a server, but since ubuntu.com set one up, it's worth using :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:48] Yes, and the program for the server is called sobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:50] i will talk to slofgren about maybe setting this up on the team server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:57] tyche: right [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:21] that would be cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:22] ianmcorvidae: do you think the team server could handle it? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:34] Nick posingaspopular is now known as eddieftw. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:37] And I can understand why it's called sobby. that's what the sysadmin does when he finds out how much stuff can be put on his server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:49] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:55] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:56] johnc4510-laptop: possibly; I'd say just use gobby.ubuntu.com, myself [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:01] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:08] it's not like we're really doing anything that will need to be hidden from them :P [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:13] is gobby for text only? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:20] oh no not at all [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:23] and that means we *don't* have to put it on our server, which is a plus [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:28] paul928: probably? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:29] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:36] But you have to hand code whatever you do. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:46] i think so paul but i would have to look that up [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:49] We're coding wiki for the UWN [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:19] I mean... you could easily use it for something like perl, python, ruby, html, so on [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:25] since those are all, at the root, text [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:28] really, any programming [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:30] so forth, so on [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:31] so developers could (and probably do) use this for collaborating on code [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:33] that absolutely would be brilliant for collaborative coding [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:41] text is incredibly versitle [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:44] versatile [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:46] yeah, probably [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:51] ok, we're all out [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:53] but remember [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:04] anyone can go in and edit at any time [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:05] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:07] * ianmcorvidae will begin editing now that everyone's gone :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:24] meeting over [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:40] it was a great one folks thx :)[Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:36] we ready for the meeting? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:41] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:44] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:46] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:54] how many of you are there [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:00:56] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:06] only 2 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:12] * paul928 is here [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:23] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:25] I'm seeiing 24 for a total [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:28] im here [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:30] +! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:31] hi [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:31] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:33] jsonder: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:40] great [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:41] ok [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:45] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:01:45] Yeah, I remembered [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:16] danp: you're new, and we ask new folks to introduce themselves with a line or two please [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:19] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:29] alright [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:02:34] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:18] hi, i'm dan from yuma. i work for a school technology consortium. we are big open source users and are using ubuntu on our servers more and more. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:30] nice [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:38] cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:50] you know eddieftw then [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:51] ? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:03:52] Yuma! Amazing! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:02] i do not [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:13] ok [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:17] we seem to be getting more and more people from yuma that's cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:26] well, welcome to the AZ loco team [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:28] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:31] right guys [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:32] paul928, are you from yuma as well? who else is? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:32] yeah welcom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:38] welcome, danp [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:04:54] danp: yes i'm from yuma [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:00] cool! [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:12] ok, tonight we're going to work on the flyer for the install fests [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:29] here is the link to the artwork [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:33] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=704786 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:40] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:05:46] soldats: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:14] now, it looks good to me, but we can always edit it some [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:26] and a big ty to soldats for creating it btw [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:27] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:49] and please all critisism is wanted to make it awesome [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:50] Looks very good [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:53] yea, soldats. You do nice work. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:06:58] so, if you have ideas or changes in the artwork, please make a comment on the thread [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:21] now, we need to work on the text for the flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:23] soldats: the ubuntu icon looks slightly out of focus [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:44] and tyche and i have found a very cool new open source tool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:55] i guess the proportions are just strange to me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:07:58] It's called gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:05] Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:08] gobby rules [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:23] ok, now what gobby is [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:40] it's a tool so we can all edit a text at the same time [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:46] and chat in the process [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:50] johnc4510-laptop: last time i was reading about gobby, it didn't support logging, is that still the case? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:08:50] about what we want [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:02] i don't know [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:13] but we can copy the chat i think [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:14] eddieftw: I believe you're right. At least I haven't found it yet. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:17] anyway [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:34] sure that's one workaroung [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:41] if the group agrees i will show you what to do to use this tool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:54] it's still a cool tool, im not sure if it's cross platform though [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:56] please voice your vote +1 or -1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:09:56] sounds good to me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:00] which is one consideration [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:01] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:03] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:10] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:14] +1 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:26] ok, looks good [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:39] i'm going to paste some instructions into the channel now [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:45] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] sudo apt-get install gobby or use synaptic [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] launch gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] click on join a session [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] put this in the host slot: gobby.ubuntu.com [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:55] leave port at 6522 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:10:58] replace you name with your nick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:00] click ok gobby will connect to the server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:03] click on the window button on the tool bar and make sure:User List, Document List and Chat are all marked [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:06] In the document window click on AZ-Flyer.txt and click on Subscript at the bottom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:09] You should now be in the text with chat and we can start discussing the flyer. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:41] i'm already there [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:56] ask questions here if you have any [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:57] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:11:58] ok im in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:04] apt-get never fails to amaze me [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:28] is it a gui program or cli [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:12:52] johnc4510-laptop: it may take a little while for the rest to catch up. Download time, and such. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:13:24] TO ALL: PLEASE WAIT UNTIL EVERYONE HAS A GOOD CONNECTION TO GOBBY [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:13:32] gui [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:11] soldats: gui [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:48] is everyone in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:49] ? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:54] any problems? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:54] whats going on? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:57] i am [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:14:57] soldats is still missing. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:01] br24: hey [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:18] br24: do you see the instructions for gobby above? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:23] just showed up [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:38] whats gobby? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:50] interactive text editor with chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:15:55] It's a collaborative document editor [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:04] i'll paste the instructions again for you br24 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:12] no worries [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:18] sudo apt-get install gobby or use synaptic [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] launch gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] click on join a session [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] put this in the host slot: gobby.ubuntu.com [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:19] leave port at 6522 [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:21] replace you name with your nick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:23] click ok gobby will connect to the server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:26] click on the window button on the tool bar and make sure:User List, Document List and Chat are all marked [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:29] In the document window click on AZ-Flyer.txt and click on Subscript at the bottom [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:33] Im going to pass on this one [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:33] You should now be in the text with chat and we can start discussing the flyer. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:16:40] will look at the log later [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:16] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:21] soldats: you here? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:17:29] having trouble? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:05] * ianmcorvidae appears; anything still going on? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:25] we're playing with gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:32] Yea, we're all in gobby, trying to work out the text for the install fest flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:42] everyone moved in there to work on install fest flyer [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:48] ah [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:23:57] Look up above for the instructions. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:24:04] already doing so :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:25:34] gobby is so choice [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:28:41] Can I join in on this Gobby thing? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:01] sure can. Can you see the instructions, above? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:14] SlickMcRunFast_G: sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:20] come on in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:20] install gobby from apt-get or aptitude then joing gobby.ubuntu.com and join the azflyer.txt [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:29:31] Yep [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:33:41] SlickMcRunFast_G: you need any assistance?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:34:08] Part SlickMcRunFast_G has left this channel. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:45:13] Quit posingaspopular has left this server (Nick collision from services.). [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:45:20] Nick eddieftw is now known as posingaspopular. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:52:53] johnc4510-laptop: I've got the copy from gobby as a text file. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:53:34] I see you sneeking more stuff in. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:22] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:35] i don't know what happened to slick [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:43] he asked if he could join in [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:51] i and some others said sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:56] and then he left [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:57:59] I know. Then he dropped out of the channel [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:01] :( [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:12] i don't get it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:16] :( [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:26] You can't win them all. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:44] no [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:54] this is going great though don't you think [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:58:55] ?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:05] Definitely. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:08] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:26] Are we done? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [21:59:37] It's closing in on 10:00. Want to call a halt to the meeting? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:04] I'm hungry. :-) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:09] there are changes on gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:16] there are many [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:23] there will continue to be more for a while :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:00:33] hopefully, anyway [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:01:39] ;-) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:23] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:34] if you need to leave feel free [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:38] paul928: what do you do here in town? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:41] and thx for the help [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:43] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:52] i hope everyone enjoyed it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:02:54] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:03:21] definitely different [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:03:34] danp: Very little right now. I maybe opening a used car lot soon, [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:01] lol, i can't get them out of gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:11] * ianmcorvidae is in both [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:13] I'm still trying to catch up the log. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:16] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:32] interesting [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:04:53] this would be so much easier if I had the chat and gobby on the same computer, I'm using vnc to monitor the chat [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:19] haha [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:21] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:29] tyche: are you going to copy and save the chat notes? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:51] I've got them up to the last one or 2 lines. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:56] k [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:05:58] ty [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:34] They're still going strong. This is also the best turnout I've seen. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:44] tyche: in the newsletter lets try to punctuate what a great tool this is and how much fun we had using it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:06:48] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:00] lol yes [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:07] yes it's great [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:27] this is something that i feel i really want to do. so id like this to go off with a bang. so please id like to say i really appreciate all the help. im very glad to see such a great AZ team in the works> [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:39] Can we write a novel next? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:50] soldats: excellent [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:51] that would be fun [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:52] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:52] It's novel that we're writing at all. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:54] NaNoWriMo: gobby remix [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:07:59] rsthree: lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:10] ;D [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:27] we can probably use this for a lot of different projects now that we know about it [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:30] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:42] it makes for great interaction of the team [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:43] we'd have to write what, 350000 words if all of us currently in gobby were participating? :P [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:47] it does [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:50] Yer all just a bunch of closit editors. Hee hee [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:52] great for notes on a meeting, as well [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:08:59] closet? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:01] sure [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:02] never. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:02] first time I heard of gobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:23] paul928: tyche and i just found out about it this wkend [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:25] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:35] we are now using it on the UWN [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:43] This is only the second time we''ve used it. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:47] gobby works very well [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:49] yep [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:09:56] Which gives you an idea of how intuitive it is. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:33] ok, are we done ?? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:41] do you have to use the ubuntu.com server or is it also stand alone? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:45] guess linux is catching up to what M$ used to use [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:10:56] just leave gobby and it will save our work automatically [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:22] paul928: if you don't use it, we would have to have an alternative server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:43] I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to set up a server, but since ubuntu.com set one up, it's worth using :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:48] Yes, and the program for the server is called sobby [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:50] i will talk to slofgren about maybe setting this up on the team server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:11:57] tyche: right [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:21] that would be cool [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:22] ianmcorvidae: do you think the team server could handle it? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:34] Nick posingaspopular is now known as eddieftw. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:37] And I can understand why it's called sobby. that's what the sysadmin does when he finds out how much stuff can be put on his server [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:49] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:55] lol [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:12:56] johnc4510-laptop: possibly; I'd say just use gobby.ubuntu.com, myself [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:01] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:08] it's not like we're really doing anything that will need to be hidden from them :P [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:13] is gobby for text only? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:20] oh no not at all [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:23] and that means we *don't* have to put it on our server, which is a plus [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:28] paul928: probably? [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:29] kk [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:36] But you have to hand code whatever you do. [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:46] i think so paul but i would have to look that up [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:13:49] We're coding wiki for the UWN [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:19] I mean... you could easily use it for something like perl, python, ruby, html, so on [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:25] since those are all, at the root, text [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:28] really, any programming [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:30] so forth, so on [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:31] so developers could (and probably do) use this for collaborating on code [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:33] that absolutely would be brilliant for collaborative coding [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:41] text is incredibly versitle [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:44] versatile [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:46] yeah, probably [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:51] ok, we're all out [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:14:53] but remember [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:04] anyone can go in and edit at any time [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:05] :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:07] * ianmcorvidae will begin editing now that everyone's gone :) [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:24] meeting over [Sun Feb 24 2008] [22:15:40] it was a great one folks thx :) }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam