## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized == Log == {{{ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:06] ok, lets go [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:16] tyche: bad boy [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:22] who calls at 9pm? geez [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:27] first off hi all [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:28] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:46] last wk we talked about the barcamp and team approval [Sun May 25 2008] [21:00:56] i've been working on team approval [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:11] here's a link to the application [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/ApprovalApplication [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:27] it still needs some work [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:30] but is close [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:51] please look it over and ask any questions [Sun May 25 2008] [21:01:59] or make suggestions [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:37] Join jsonder has joined this channel (n=jsonder@ip70-162-36-226.ph.ph.cox.net). [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:41] "an barcamp" sp [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:46] jsonder: hi [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:51] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:54] thx word [Sun May 25 2008] [21:02:59] howdy [Sun May 25 2008] [21:03:00] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:03:38] want me to make grammatical nuance suggestions? :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:03:47] if you want [Sun May 25 2008] [21:03:57] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/ApprovalApplication [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:01] jsonder: ^^^^ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:04] we are there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:11] early stages of planning, but *it* should help to advocate for Ubuntu [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:13] looking a team application for approval [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:34] it/this maybe [Sun May 25 2008] [21:04:58] and *serve as* a milestone event to help [Sun May 25 2008] [21:05:28] whichever sounds better to you, this doesn't sound wrong :-/ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:06:00] the s*t*ate LUGs. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:07:04] got it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:07:12] all those corrects are done [Sun May 25 2008] [21:07:21] "as to maximize Canonical's trust and outlay of funds in providing this resource." props lol :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:07:57] you bet [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:09] It's a good looking page [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:30] Kudos on being to make the changes that fast, johnc4510-laptop [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:31] they will appreciate that because it's a subject oft discussed [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:33] Join Wolf_45 has joined this channel (n=Relentle@mdm90-71.arcs.atlnga1.dasdial.com). [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:36] tyche: h [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:39] thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:41] so, why aren't we approved yet? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:52] we haven't applied yet [Sun May 25 2008] [21:08:53] Because it hasn't been submitted, yet. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:03] Wolf_45: hi [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:07] very good reason [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/ApprovalApplication [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:18] Wolf_45: we are there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:21] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:27] looking over page [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:37] loCo -> LoCo :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:47] Hi johnc4510-laptop, sorry I'm late! Got involved. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:48] of the latest loCo happenings ^ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:09:57] np Wolf_45 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:19] kennymc0_laptop: you're quiet [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:23] are you here? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:27] yeah im here [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:34] just sitting back and watching the text fly [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:35] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:36] or playing with your new box [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:37] hee hee [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:43] ah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:10:49] i edit quickly [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:01] new vid card works at the right resolution out of the box which makes me happy :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:10] and i hadn't done a proof of the page [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:16] cool [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:18] johnc4510, one addition; "and if we are not approved, the entire group will switch to Fedora" lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:25] ROFL [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:26] paul928: lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:31] a thought [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:33] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:47] i dont know about you but i wouldnt switch to fedora [Sun May 25 2008] [21:11:50] i just dont like it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:02] me either [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:06] i love ubuntu [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:07] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:21] been a while since i tried it so i cant give reasons i just dont like it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:26] i think i remember it being too easy [Sun May 25 2008] [21:12:56] I have core 9 running as a virtual machine :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:00] ah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:13] * johnc4510-laptop asks are we still looking at the page? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:27] guess so [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:29] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:32] even has an option of using apt as package manager [Sun May 25 2008] [21:13:33] cool [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:05] johnc4510-laptop: Some camelbacks that I can cure later. But I don't want to miss a MOMENT of our meeting. Hee hee [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:14] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:29] i'm sure you have lots of _suggestions_ heee heee [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:37] and they are appreciated [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:38] johnc4510-laptop: "who missed a meeting to keep abreast of the latest loCo" LoCo :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:39] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:14:45] so we are including delug in there even though they dont really exist anymore [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:01] word: we have lots of members who don't attend [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:13] or occasionally miss a meeting [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:18] and their site isnt there anymore [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:26] looking [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:32] johnc4510-laptop: >< i'm talking about the capitalization lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:47] word: kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:15:47] loCo->LoCo [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:15] Done, word. The page is saving. And saved. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:29] kennymc0_laptop: which one is delug devry?? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:29] sorry, what did I miss? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:38] yeah devry [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:49] br24: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/ApprovalApplication [Sun May 25 2008] [21:16:54] most of devry's groups dont meet anymore [Sun May 25 2008] [21:17:08] been looking at that johnc4510-laptop [Sun May 25 2008] [21:17:08] even the IEEE group doesnt meet anymore from what ive heard [Sun May 25 2008] [21:17:14] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:17:49] kennymc0_laptop: i'll take care of that [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:06] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:27] tyche: did you get word's last grammarical correction [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:29] ? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:30] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:41] looks like it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:43] BTW, thanks, word. I hadn't been able to locate it untill you put it in the sentence [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:50] Yep. Got it. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:18:50] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:03] loco is in there a few times [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:19] just a few [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:31] tyche: thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:36] NP [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:40] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:43] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:51] I'll proof it later, and see what I can do. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:19:56] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:20:00] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:20:09] for the cd labels dont we want to include both of them or just the one or even just a link to the forum to show the credit given to the other team that i stole from? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:20:40] ah, we only need one i think for an example [Sun May 25 2008] [21:20:54] and we added to the design [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:07] "Acquired", kennymc0....."acquired"! [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:11] i don't think we need to link for legal reasons [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:12] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:31] say "based off of such and such's design" :P i think it's best for an application to an open source community group :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:46] we could do that [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:52] i would need the link [Sun May 25 2008] [21:21:57] I agree [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:14] or the persons name [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:16] at least [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:31] i have the link included on the forum [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:34] dont have it right now [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:37] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:43] i'll dig it out [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:44] something about new install not having all my links back yet [Sun May 25 2008] [21:22:45] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:14] * johnc4510-laptop asks all to let him know when you've finished looking the page over [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:34] +1 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:36] ive reached the bottom of the page [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:39] +1 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:42] oops, I've been looking at the pictures... [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:47] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:49] jsonder: np [Sun May 25 2008] [21:23:52] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:24:00] that's what they are there for [Sun May 25 2008] [21:24:13] ok, then [Sun May 25 2008] [21:24:17] Done :-) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:24:48] i asked a person from an approved team to look it over, they made a few suggestions [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:04] which i will add in monday or tuesday [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:11] to round it out [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:26] cool [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:29] but basically it's the way it should be [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:48] that's good [Sun May 25 2008] [21:25:57] the next council meeting is [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:01] 04-June-2008, 16:00 UTC [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:12] that's 9:00AM our time [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:23] june 4th is a what? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:36] wednesday i think [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:37] Wednesday [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:46] darn i wont be able to be there :( [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:53] i will ;p [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:54] you must be there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:57] if i wake up.. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:26:58] word: thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:02] i'll call [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:09] or have tyche call [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:09] scary ;) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:09] school from 9am to 1pm [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:14] or we both will call [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:21] dang kennymc0_laptop [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:22] that woudl be very scary [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:24] well [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:36] nothing to be done [Sun May 25 2008] [21:27:52] the thing is, we need as many members as possible there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:08] it really makes a difference [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:11] whats the meeting about? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:17] team approval [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:22] i can have my desktop in the channel so i can be there in spirit [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:26] our submission br24 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:32] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:33] on Jun 4? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:37] yes [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:39] but i wouldnt be able to say anything since i wont be at home [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:53] 04-June-2008, 16:00 UTC [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:54] sorry, Ive been off and on [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:56] and my professor started catching on that i wasnt taking notes on my laptop [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:57] i'll wake up ...or just not go to sleep...it'll depend :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:28:58] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:03] and [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:13] the meeting will be in #ubuntu-meeting [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:15] dont worry word ill make sure to at least try to wake you up [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:28] kennymc0: what did your professor do? :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:32] ice water? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:47] asked me a question when i wasnt paying attention [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:48] paul928: can you make it ?? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:29:49] made him write lines on the board. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:16] johnc4510, I'll probably be working :( [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:23] now is this meeting to talk about approval, or to actually seek for it? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:28] sharpen the chalk? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:36] br24: seeking approval [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:41] it's the big one [Sun May 25 2008] [21:30:42] okay [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:08] I should be there then [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:12] "I'm not paying you to ask questions teach." [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:22] i've always wanted to call a teacher "teach" [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:24] ... [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:24] tyche: we need to make sure the info about the meeting is clearly stated in the newsletter, which i know you will [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:31] br24: thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:32] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:36] well this professor's name is bro [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:39] Yep. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:31:44] k [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:00] ...interesting name.. :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:04] ok [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:06] and the first day of class he said "my name is professor bro dont call me bro or hey bro or yo bro just professor bro or mr bro" [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:18] was kinda funny [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:22] tyche, I would even suggest that you send a reminder to everyone June 3 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:28] I know I wont be much, and I havent done much for the team lately [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:34] i still have some work to do on the wiki pages to bring them up to date and make them look nice [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:46] but I should be there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:46] I can do that, too [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:55] br24: i will appreciate it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:32:57] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:33:25] this should be just like you gaining membership [Sun May 25 2008] [21:33:37] very similar br24 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:33:42] if I remember correctly, that was fairly quick [Sun May 25 2008] [21:33:42] This explains why I can't be there much, but it does show activity: http://gvcc.apcug.org/cs200806.html [Sun May 25 2008] [21:33:46] and you saw that [Sun May 25 2008] [21:34:04] jsonder: looking [Sun May 25 2008] [21:34:49] jsonder: is that lug in green valley? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:34:57] blarg! mug >< [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:08] 9:00 to 9:30, if I can remember Yup at computer club [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:15] ah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:17] nice [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:21] is this pmug? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:32] jsonder: it's nice to have you here :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:44] what is pmug? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:48] word: where are you getting that [Sun May 25 2008] [21:35:59] phoenix mac users group :-/ i know someone that's in there [Sun May 25 2008] [21:36:23] Green valley computer club - Linux SIG [Sun May 25 2008] [21:36:53] ok, next week we need to get going on the barcamp stuff times a wasting [Sun May 25 2008] [21:36:54] oh lol >< i thought it was your schedule, not a schedule of events :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:26] * johnc4510-laptop asks if anyone has anything to discuss [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:36] suggestions [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:38] etc [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:44] Do we want to discuss creating a theme for Gnome? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:49] ah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:37:53] *sneeze* [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:08] we can [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:12] Yea, word. That's about what I thought when I saw some of what it involved. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:12] if you want [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:30] tyche: you want to expand on that? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:33] I've only just gotten my toes in the water on this one. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:36] tyche: i didn't even bring the thought that far, i just saw the word gnome :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:38:36] what's involved [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:00] who's idea was that anyway? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:06] word you could make one for kde so we can expand on the idea some :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:06] was it paul928's [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:08] But so far, There's one LARGE xml file that I've got to see what I can do with. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:13] tyche: are you thinking icons/desktop/window decorator? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:27] also including pages in firefox and stuff [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:38] right [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:46] so that when they open firefox it comes up with our team pages and stuff [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:49] This was a possibility suggested by hans, that we create a theme for gnome, and also pages or page as a FireFox home page. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:39:59] The theme should be very Arizonan [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:03] right [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:06] yeah i think i overheard him talking about it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:13] ok, one thing i want to put in here [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:21] Right now, I'm in the information gathering stage. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:49] if we get approved, we will be getting bulk shipments of CDs from Canonical [Sun May 25 2008] [21:40:53] so [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:10] tyche: wanna invite hans in the channel to talk about what it involves? or maybe ask him to be in here next meeting? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:11] the theme would have to be something like an add on maybe [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:37] tyche: did you see my above statement? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:41] Definitely as an add-on. I don't think we're equipped to brand the entire disk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:50] agreed [Sun May 25 2008] [21:41:51] so [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:04] And I wouldn't want to. This should be something that people can choose. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:25] maybe we could demo the theme at the Intrepid release and installfest parties [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:28] and [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:36] offer it via the server [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:42] as a download [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:47] or [Sun May 25 2008] [21:42:59] we could waste disks and burn the theme [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:01] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:06] OK, I'll continue researching, and see what I can come up with, and what I'll need help with. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:12] i personlly like the first idea [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:22] I think download would be best. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:25] tyche: great [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:29] yep [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:44] it would be like a package [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:46] I'll try to keep you informed of where I'm at with it, then. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:54] where we offer the deb [Sun May 25 2008] [21:43:59] np [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:02] Now - is this something that you would want to add to the approval? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:03] thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:12] i think so [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:18] i had forgot about it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:27] OK. Now you see why I brought it up. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:33] there was a lot of info to initially put on the page [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:42] sure [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:43] thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:49] The Firefox page would be a "Help" page type of thing. That would be the easiest to do. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:44:59] nice [Sun May 25 2008] [21:45:17] would that be like a home page that the browser auto opens too? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:45:24] is that the idea [Sun May 25 2008] [21:45:27] So if anyone wants to take that on, I'll concentrate on the idea of the theme. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:45:51] Yep. again, something that they could select. A Help for new users. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:46:01] Where to go, what to do, sort of thing. [Sun May 25 2008] [21:46:10] ok, lets work on the theme first and see how that pans out [Sun May 25 2008] [21:46:15] you could get a google adsense account for the team and integrate a google search engine into the branded firefox homepage and make money for the team with it :-/ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:46:16] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:47:30] word: can you get me the particulars on that and present them at the next meeting?? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:47:58] sure ;p [Sun May 25 2008] [21:48:18] would that involve having ads on one of our pages word ?? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:48:44] word: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Sun May 25 2008] [21:48:54] if you want to put them on there :-/ you can have just a search engine on the branded page but you'd make more money off of putting ads on pages too [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:13] you only get money if people click them though and you can't legally ask people to click them >.> [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:30] kk, that would have to be a team approval type of thing [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:38] just like you only get money if people search, but that's a lot easier to get people to use [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:44] so let us know at the next meeting what's involved [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:48] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:52] ok :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:53] i got the idea now [Sun May 25 2008] [21:49:55] thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:00] np [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:17] the ads would not be necessary, but a ss # or tax exempt # is necessary for Google [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:17] ok, anything else? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:25] ah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:28] that's a problem [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:29] yeah [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:47] it's very expensive to get one [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:48] and [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:49] xhans asked me to announce a security class that they are having at mcc [Sun May 25 2008] [21:50:56] http://plug.phoenix.az.us/node/481 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:13] then you also have to file a tax report every year as a non-profit [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:19] kennymc0: thx [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:23] and they are also having a "geek paintball" june 14th [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:33] http://lists.plug.phoenix.az.us/lurker/message/20080526.031545.3eaf1e6a.en.html [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:33] yes hans is teaching security classes [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:45] nice, thx kennymc0 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:51:51] np [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:07] tyche: be sure to get that plug info in the newsletter please [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:13] OK [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:30] ok, i think that's it nice meeting all ajourned [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:33] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:36] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:40] jsonder: good to have you here [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:42] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:43] Hee hee :-D [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:45] johnc4510-laptop: there's always the easy option of just doing it for yourself and us trusting you to only take out for what it costs you on taxes :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:49] brb small break [Sun May 25 2008] [21:52:58] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:53:07] word: we'll consider it for sure [Sun May 25 2008] [21:53:15] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:53:30] It's been real [Sun May 25 2008] [21:54:02] word, google adsense also only pays in increments of $100 or more [Sun May 25 2008] [21:54:33] yah, i know [Sun May 25 2008] [21:55:15] mozilla's made millions off of the firefox start page google search, i think we can make a couple hundred of all of us using it :P [Sun May 25 2008] [21:55:19] I know, I've had my account about 3 yrs, still waiting to reach $100 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:55:35] i made 146 before i took the site down that i had them on ;p [Sun May 25 2008] [21:55:50] Quit jsonder has left this server ("Leaving"). [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:20] sorry, i was dancing in my chair waiting for a bathroom break [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:21] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:24] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:33] old man bladder [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:35] hee hee [Sun May 25 2008] [21:56:55] or "too much beer"? [Sun May 25 2008] [21:57:00] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:57:02] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:57:05] no comment [Sun May 25 2008] [21:57:30] oh for anyone in the phoenix area plugaz is continuing their ubuntu desktop training course http://plug.phoenix.az.us/node/367 [Sun May 25 2008] [21:57:43] xhans just told me about it [Sun May 25 2008] [21:58:20] nice [Sun May 25 2008] [21:59:26] johnc4510-laptop: don't feel bad. I get christmas and birthday cards from Juan Valdez and his donkey! ;-) [Sun May 25 2008] [21:59:53] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [21:59:55] nice [Sun May 25 2008] [21:59:57] brb [Sun May 25 2008] [22:00:53] Wolf_45, in Columbia they have coffe shops like starbucks named Juan Valdez [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:05] johnc4510-laptop: I just finished checking the camelbacks, and the rest of the page looks good, too. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:35] ah thx [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:36] I see you've been diligently adding things in as we talked, too. What are you trying to do? Compete with me? Hee hee [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:37] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:45] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:52] most were easy fixes [Sun May 25 2008] [22:01:53] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [22:02:40] tyche: help me remember that i want to add about the theme idea [Sun May 25 2008] [22:02:49] this next wk [Sun May 25 2008] [22:02:54] please [Sun May 25 2008] [22:02:55] I'll try. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:02:58] kk [Sun May 25 2008] [22:03:15] two old men are better than one young one lol [Sun May 25 2008] [22:03:21] * johnc4510-laptop hides [Sun May 25 2008] [22:03:25] * Wolf_45 seriously considers moving to Columbia.. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:03:55] "Old age and craftiness beat youth and enthusiam every time" [Sun May 25 2008] [22:04:56] word: you still here? [Sun May 25 2008] [22:05:08] yes o.O [Sun May 25 2008] [22:05:17] i never go away O.O [Sun May 25 2008] [22:05:30] another thing to look at is "can we have like a local search engine set up to search all our team pages only? [Sun May 25 2008] [22:05:47] a local search [Sun May 25 2008] [22:06:25] johnc4510, if you use a cms like drupal that's easy [Sun May 25 2008] [22:06:55] well did a few things now need to restart brb [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:04] Quit kennymc0 has left this server (Remote closed the connection). [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:05] johnc4510-laptop: the answer is yes [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:06] but google won't pay you [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:34] ah ok, please bring that up at the meeting then [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:35] :) [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:47] paul928: :( [Sun May 25 2008] [22:07:57] lol [Sun May 25 2008] [22:08:10] no $$$=:( [Sun May 25 2008] [22:08:24] even no $= :( [Sun May 25 2008] [22:08:25] no $$$ = no tax [Sun May 25 2008] [22:08:42] $$$ - tax = sad panda [Sun May 25 2008] [22:08:52] tyche, spoken like a true retiree. :) [Sun May 25 2008] [22:09:30] Join kennymc0 has joined this channel (n=kenny@ip98-165-20-5.ph.ph.cox.net). [Sun May 25 2008] [22:09:42] Wb, kennymc0 [Sun May 25 2008] [22:09:59] ok im back [Sun May 25 2008] [22:10:01] installed restricted drivers [Sun May 25 2008] [22:10:05] johnc4510, usually a local search like you mentioned is a php query to database [Sun May 25 2008] [22:10:31] I thought Google had something, too. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:10:48] tyche: they do [Sun May 25 2008] [22:10:57] tyche, I think that you'red right [Sun May 25 2008] [22:11:10] *you're [Sun May 25 2008] [22:11:23] paul928: kk [Sun May 25 2008] [22:11:28] there are utilities to do a sitemap, or you can have google cache your site by submitting an online 5seconds to fill out form, and then you can have the search box search your site as well with an option button [Sun May 25 2008] [22:11:31] I know that some of the search engines did, years ago. But the company I worked for didn't have their own servers, so we couldn't do it. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:11:42] basically all it does is have the search query followed by site:yoursite.com [Sun May 25 2008] [22:12:17] Yep, but it's their algorithm. [Sun May 25 2008] [22:12:42] ok, i'm outta here, it's been a working weekend and i'm shot [Sun May 25 2008] [22:12:44] night all }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam