If you have additions to the Agenda, please post them here after confirming with JohnCrawford or CraigAEddy The privilege of moderating this weeks meeting of the AZ LoCo has fallen to Jeff Martin, next week should go back to standard programming.


  1. Introductions: New Members
  2. Announcements
  3. AZLoCo at the Plug InstallFest at UAT.

  4. UWN Issue #144

  5. Canonical Builds Android simulator.
  6. Agenda for next week


21:00 < Jeff_Martin> OK
21:00 < Jeff_Martin> everyone ready?
21:00 < GreenLiver> +1
21:01 < Jeff_Martin>  I would like to call to order the May, 31, 2009 meeting of the Arizona LoCo.
21:01 < MatthewMPP> +1
21:01 < nhasian> +1
21:01 < Jeff_Martin> Please let it be known with a "+1" that you are attending this meeting, and the room is called to order.
21:01 < tyche> +0  +1/2 -1/2 (Tolerance, you know)
21:01 < todd> +1
21:01 < xHans> tyche has tolerance?
21:01 < MatthewMPP> he's half here.
21:01 < Jeff_Martin> First I would like to welcome new members to the Arizona LoCo, are there any first time attendees here this evening?
21:01 < todd> todd
21:02 < Jeff_Martin> Welcome todd, go ahead and introduce yourself
21:02 < MatthewMPP> xHans: the installfest was the largest 1 I have every been to. (15-20 people).
21:02 < xHans> MatthewMPP: most cool
21:03 < Thugal1> +1
21:03 < todd> I have been using ubuntu 1.5 years
21:04 < Jeff_Martin> Welcome aboard todd, if you would like to join the LoCo please visit:https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona and then join the azloco.com -- we are glad to have you here
21:04 < MatthewMPP> So, what's on the agenda for tonight.
21:05 < todd> install fest was a nice showing and helped a lot of people
21:05 < todd> I think i joind several months ago just finnaly made here
21:05 < MatthewMPP> I am now subscribing to the AZloco news feed.
21:05 < Jeff_Martin> Announcements:
21:05 < Jeff_Martin> Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be moderating this meeting.
21:05 < Jeff_Martin> JohnC4510 ( John Crawford ) is still on vacation, hopefully on his way home, and Tyche ( Craig Eddy ) is feeling a bit under the weather --we all hope your eyes get better soon.
21:06 < Jeff_Martin> todd: I look forward to working with you and talking to you here in the irc
21:06 < Jeff_Martin> AZ LoCo was present at the 05/30/2009 PLUG InstallFest held at the University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, AZ. Tyche (Craig Eddy) was on hand streaming a live video feed (  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/install-fest-from-uat---5-30-09 ) of the event using the UStream broadcaster from his Dell Mini. I was unable to view the live stream, but we should be able to record future streams for an archive and further viewing. Man
21:06 < MatthewMPP> I was wondering if it is possible to get a RSS feed of scott_ev's blog.
21:07 < Jeff_Martin> ( hopefully tyche will not kick me for flooding ;))
21:07 < todd> It will take a while to figure out who I have meet and all the others
21:07 < GreenLiver> kick/ban for frivol;ity
21:07 < tyche> You're not hitting multiple lines
21:08 < Jeff_Martin> MatthewMPP: you should be able to get a feed from his blog page
21:08 < Jeff_Martin> I don't know where scott's blog is to be honest
21:08 < MatthewMPP> Jeff_Martin: can you send me the link?
21:08 < Jeff_Martin> I can find it sure...
21:09 < GreenLiver> it's only on azloco
21:09 < Jeff_Martin> The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter 144, went live this morning and is available at:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue144
21:09 < Jeff_Martin> We would like to thank everyone that worked on this issue, and look forward to publishing many more in the future. Special thanks go out tomyrtlebeachbums ( Dave Bush ) for leading the effort this week.
21:09 < GreenLiver> and there hasn't been an entry in a long while
21:09 < MatthewMPP> xHans: I still think someone should broadcast the ESM (plug). (not me.)
21:09 < xHans> MatthewMPP: it would be good
21:09 < Jeff_Martin> http://azloco.com/blog/9/feed
21:09 -!- Mauricio1 [n=mauricio@112.phoenix-01rh15-16rt.az.dial-access.att.net] has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ
21:10 < Jeff_Martin> more announcements:
21:10 < Jeff_Martin> Canonical is building an Android execution environment, making it possible to run Android applications on the Ubuntu desktop. The environment will function like a simulator/emulator, thereby providing the virtual infrastructure that is needed to make the applications run. As more companies adopt theAndroid model for mobile communications, Canonical and Ubuntu plan on getting the resouces to the developer and to the user for
21:10 < Jeff_Martin> ;)
21:10 < Mauricio1> Good evening to all
21:11 < Jeff_Martin> welcome Mauricio1, glad to have you here
21:11 < MatthewMPP> Mauricio1: Hi. Glad you could join us.
21:12 < Jeff_Martin> that is it for the announcements,
21:12 < Jeff_Martin> Is there any business or proposals from the membership that anyone would like to bring to the table?
21:12 < Mauricio1> Thanks...what happen with the meeting?
21:13 < Jeff_Martin> johnc4510 is still on vacation ( unreachable) and tyche asked me to sit in this time
21:13 < xHans> Mauricio1: it was coup, johnc4510 has been laid in chains and Jeff_Martin took over
21:13 < MatthewMPP> The meetings do vary in length depending on how much stuff we have to discuss.
21:13 < Jeff_Martin> ha
21:13 < xHans> or maybe johnc4510 is just on vacation :)
21:13 < Mauricio1> Thanks Matthew
21:14 < Jeff_Martin> Mauricio1: I have notes ready of the announcements if you would like to read them.
21:14 < Mauricio1> xHans: I see, he still on vacations
21:15 < Jeff_Martin> Mauricio1: http://pastebin.com/m13dc1847
21:15 < Mauricio1> Jeff_Martin: thanks
21:15 < Jeff_Martin> Is there any business or proposals from the membership that anyone would like to bring to the table?
21:15 < xHans> Jeff_Martin: can I give a quick update on PLUG events this week?
21:16 < MatthewMPP> What is Wed Team review about?
21:16 < Jeff_Martin> Xhans, I would like to hand the floor over to you for any PLUG announcements:
21:16 < xHans> danke
21:16 < xHans> PLUG devel is this Thursday
21:16 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/561
21:16 < xHans> Sunday MatthewMPP will be throwing another BlenderCAD bash at his place
21:17 < xHans> http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/774
21:17 < xHans> ask MatthewMPP if you have questions about that
21:17 < MatthewMPP> xHans: Dev is scheduled for thurs and friday. why?
21:17 < xHans> Dennis' next intro to GNU/Linux class starts Tuesday night. It's full, but he might be able to give you an override
21:17 < xHans> http://classes.sis.maricopa.edu/index.php?keywords=linux&all_classes=true&terms[]=4094&terms[]=4095&institutions[]=MCC04&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&subject_code=any&instructors=
21:18 < xHans> MatthewMPP: I think it's setup to finish after midnight
21:18 < xHans> I've asked that the entry get fixed, but that hasn't yet happened
21:19 < MatthewMPP> Can any tell me what Wed AZloco Team review is about?
21:19 < xHans> http://classes.sis.maricopa.edu/index.php?keywords=&all_classes=true&terms[]=4096&institutions[]=MCC04&start_hour=any&end_hour=any&subject_code=any&instructors=vening
21:19 < tyche> MatthewMPP: Where are you seeing that?
21:19 < xHans> class number 28977 is an OpenOffice.org class in the Fall
21:20 < xHans> we want to keep selling those out, so please call and ask why the description is wrong :)
21:20 < MatthewMPP> On my Ubuntu-AZteam calendar.
21:20 < xHans> Jeff_Martin: OK, that's it for this week, danke!
21:21 < Jeff_Martin> MatthewMPP:  ONE year anniversary
21:21 < Jeff_Martin> TThank you Xhans, and everyone from PLUG --
21:21 < tyche> MatthewMPP: We've been an approved team for 1 year.  Now our performance is up for review.
21:21 < tyche> To see if we stay an approved team
21:22 < Jeff_Martin> So tyche, you are saying we need to throw a giant bash?
21:22 < xHans> shouldn't it just be a big thank you for all the AZloco does for Ubuntu?  :)
21:22 < tyche> I wasn't the one that posted it to the calendar, and I have no idea what johnc4510 needs to have done.
21:23 < Jeff_Martin> I would guess we need to contact some people, trying johnc4510 first -- and see what has to be done
21:23 < Jeff_Martin> who wants to do that?
21:24 < Jeff_Martin> ( listening to crickets )
21:25 < Jeff_Martin> tyche: you up to looking into it?
21:25 < MatthewMPP> xHans: I would like to take a course on OOo.  Can you email me when the course is fixed?  Right now it does not saying anything similiar to an OOo class.
21:27 < Jeff_Martin> Well, tyche we can talk about this later -- if you cannot contact them I can
21:27 < Jeff_Martin> If there is not any more business, I would like to adjourn the meeting.
21:27 < xHans> MatthewMPP: ok
21:28 < Jeff_Martin> Anyone for adjourning? +1
21:28 < tyche> +1
21:28 < Thugal1> +1
21:28 < Mauricio1> +1
21:28 < azmike> +1
21:28 < Jeff_Martin> Thank you everyone, have a wonderful evening.
21:28 < todd> +1
21:28 < Jeff_Martin> Meeting adjouned 9:29 PM

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09May31 (last edited 2009-06-01 06:38:26 by ip98-165-20-5)