## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. == Log == ## {{{ == Meeting information == * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoco meeting, 13 Apr at 03:57 — 04:28 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2015/ubuntu-us-az.2015-04-13-03.57.log.html]] == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az ''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 ''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam ''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Mint-17-2-to-Be-Named-Rafaela-477910.shtml ''LINK:'' http://www.tecmint.com/install-and-configure-multihomed-isc-dhcp-server-on-debian-linux/ ''LINK:'' http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux-40-hdd&num=1 ''LINK:'' http://www.eweek.com/blogs/security-watch/fbi-warns-that-wordpress-faces-terrorist-attack-risk.html ''LINK:'' http://linuxgizmos.com/new-atom-soc-will-target-iot-devices-says-intel/ ''LINK:'' https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-commandline-encryption-tools/ ''LINK:'' http://opensource.com/business/15/4/better-internet-things-open-source-culture ''LINK:'' http://fossforce.com/2015/04/an-in-depth-look-at-text-to-speech-in-linux/ ''LINK:'' http://linuxgizmos.com/dueling-nuc-mini-pcs-run-ubuntu-on-broadwell/ ''LINK:'' http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/200-libby-clark/822227-git-success-stories-and-tips-from-drupal-core-committer-angie-byron ''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/Calligra-3-0-Is-Being-Ported-to-Qt-5-and-KDE-Frameworks-5-Here-s-How-it-Looks-Like-478009.shtml ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/821007-how-to-install-linux-on-a-windows-machine-with-uefi-secure-boot ''LINK:'' http://www.unixmen.com/sandstorm-owning-personal-cloud-platform/ ''LINK:'' https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-gnome-vnc-headless-server/ ''LINK:'' http://itsfoss.com/create-web-app-ubuntu-phone/ ''LINK:'' http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-Cloud-JuJu-Benchmark ''LINK:'' http://www.zdnet.com/article/dell-xps-13-linux-developer-edition-available/ ''LINK:'' http://www.tecmint.com/command-line-web-browser-download-file-in-linux/ ''LINK:'' http://www.datamation.com/data-center/amazons-container-service-goes-ga.html ''LINK:'' http://itsfoss.com/improve-application-startup-speed-with-preload-in-ubuntu/ ''LINK:'' http://www.blackmoreops.com/2015/04/11/website-password-hacking-using-wireshark/ ''LINK:'' https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/821007-how-to-install-linux-on-a-windows-machine-with-uefi-secure-boot ''LINK:'' http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/ubuntu-mate-inks-first-hardware-deal ''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies ''LINK:'' http://www.primeteampartners.com/jobs.php?search=arizona&submit=Search ''LINK:'' http://cybersponse.com/careers ''LINK:'' http://www.chandleraz.gov/default.aspx?pageid=97 ''LINK:'' http://localmotors.recruiting.com/dev-ops-engineer-linux-systems-admin/job/5180998 ''LINK:'' http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/ ''LINK:'' http://www.positive-internet.net/about-us/jobs ''LINK:'' http://stretchinternet.com/careers/ ''LINK:'' https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592 ''LINK:'' http://integrate.com/company/careers/current-openings ''LINK:'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgPsrZjEb6k ''LINK:'' https://gramps-project.org/ ''LINK:'' http://imgur.com/3I0mEKR ''LINK:'' http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux ''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/ ''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ == Vote results == == Done items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * toddc (158) * MajB (9) * homelesspirate (8) * Ron_A (7) * stephenm (6) * collie (5) * xHans (5) * wmack (4) * meetingology (3) * MikeofMany (2) * Tuxmann (2) * pavlos (1) * markthomas (1) == Full Log == 03:57 #startmeeting AZLoco meeting 03:57 Meeting started Mon Apr 13 03:57:04 2015 UTC. The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 03:57 03:57 Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 03:58 hi markthomas 03:58 Hi markthomas 03:59 Hi, MajB, toddc 03:59 +1 MajB 03:59 I'm active now too. 03:59 hi homelesspirate 03:59 hi homelesspirate 03:59 Hi homelesspirate 04:00 hi team! 04:00 Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 04:00 welcome homeless 04:00 +1 04:00 +1 04:00 +1 04:00 +1 04:00 +1 04:00 Star Date 92882.52 04:00 +1 04:00 +1 04:00 Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to see us or talk to us 04:01 +1 04:01 Team Website is http://azloco.org/ 04:01 IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/ 04:01 +1 04:01 Hi stephenm 04:01 Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 04:01 http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az 04:01 hello MajB 04:01 Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ 04:01 http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209 04:01 http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam 04:02 Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. 04:02 lets start with the news!! 04:02 the news is for beginner to expert users pick and choose what to read test and try! 04:02 Thanks to turbidtux and programmer317 for the news. 04:02 Linux Mint 17.2 to Be Named "Rafaela" 04:02 http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Mint-17-2-to-Be-Named-Rafaela-477910.shtml 04:03 How to Install and Configure Multihomed ISC DHCP Server on Debian Linux 04:03 http://www.tecmint.com/install-and-configure-multihomed-isc-dhcp-server-on-debian-linux/ 04:03 Linux 4.0 Hard Drive Comparison With EXT4 / Btrfs / XFS / NTFS / NILFS2 / ReiserFS 04:03 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux-40-hdd&num=1 04:03 FBI Warns That WordPress Faces Terrorist Attack Risk 04:03 http://www.eweek.com/blogs/security-watch/fbi-warns-that-wordpress-faces-terrorist-attack-risk.html 04:04 New Atom SoC will target IoT devices, says Intel 04:04 http://linuxgizmos.com/new-atom-soc-will-target-iot-devices-says-intel/ 04:04 Getting started with commandline encryption tools on Linux 04:04 https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/linux-commandline-encryption-tools/ 04:04 A better Internet of Things through open source culture 04:04 http://opensource.com/business/15/4/better-internet-things-open-source-culture 04:04 An In-Depth Look at Text-to-Speech in Linux 04:04 http://fossforce.com/2015/04/an-in-depth-look-at-text-to-speech-in-linux/ 04:04 Dueling NUC mini-PCs run Ubuntu on Broadwell 04:05 http://linuxgizmos.com/dueling-nuc-mini-pcs-run-ubuntu-on-broadwell/ 04:05 Git Success Stories and Tips from Drupal Core Committer Angie Byron 04:05 http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/200-libby-clark/822227-git-success-stories-and-tips-from-drupal-core-committer-angie-byron 04:05 Calligra 3.0 Is Being Ported to Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5, Here's How it Looks Like 04:05 http://news.softpedia.com/news/Calligra-3-0-Is-Being-Ported-to-Qt-5-and-KDE-Frameworks-5-Here-s-How-it-Looks-Like-478009.shtml 04:05 How to Install Linux on a Windows Machine With UEFI Secure Boot 04:05 https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/821007-how-to-install-linux-on-a-windows-machine-with-uefi-secure-boot 04:06 Sandstorm: Owning Your Personal Cloud Platform 04:06 http://www.unixmen.com/sandstorm-owning-personal-cloud-platform/ 04:06 How to turn your Ubuntu 14.10 headless server into a XFCE + VNC Network Desktop 04:06 https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-gnome-vnc-headless-server/ 04:06 +1 04:06 How To Create A Web App For Ubuntu Phone 04:06 http://itsfoss.com/create-web-app-ubuntu-phone/ 04:06 hi Tuxmann 04:06 hi Tuxmann 04:07 Canonical Just Made It Even Easier To Benchmark Ubuntu Linux In The Cloud 04:07 http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-Cloud-JuJu-Benchmark 04:07 Hi Tuxmann 04:07 evening Tuxmann 04:07 Dell XPS 13 Linux developer edition available 04:07 http://www.zdnet.com/article/dell-xps-13-linux-developer-edition-available/ 04:07 7 Command Line Tools for Browsing Websites and Downloading Files in Linux 04:07 http://www.tecmint.com/command-line-web-browser-download-file-in-linux/ 04:08 Amazon's Container Service Goes GA 04:08 http://www.datamation.com/data-center/amazons-container-service-goes-ga.html 04:08 Hi toddc Ron_A MajB stephenm 04:08 Improve Application Startup Speed With Preload in Ubuntu 04:08 http://itsfoss.com/improve-application-startup-speed-with-preload-in-ubuntu/ 04:08 Website Password hacking using WireShark 04:08 http://www.blackmoreops.com/2015/04/11/website-password-hacking-using-wireshark/ 04:09 How to Install Linux on a Windows Machine With UEFI Secure Boot 04:09 https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/821007-how-to-install-linux-on-a-windows-machine-with-uefi-secure-boot 04:09 Ubuntu MATE Inks First Hardware Deal 04:09 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/04/ubuntu-mate-inks-first-hardware-deal 04:09 TEAM NEWS 04:10 Thanks to Brian we wil have a all new name tags at the next installfest with really cool art work 04:10 please remember to thank him. 04:10 * wmack thanks Brian!! 04:10 MajB has written a activity reporting procedure with the end goal of filing our monthley reports that 04:10 we have not been doing. So after each event/meeting we mail event,date attendees and activity to 04:10 reports@azloco.com then threse can be included in our monthley report to the ubuntu community. 04:10 * wmack thanks MajB!! 04:11 JOB list 04:11 39 current canonical Jobs today 04:11 http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies 04:11 Thanks Brian 04:11 Many local listings in several feilds 04:11 http://www.primeteampartners.com/jobs.php?search=arizona&submit=Search 04:11 Thanks MajB 04:11 Several jobs at Cybersponce 04:11 http://cybersponse.com/careers 04:12 POLICE WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPER 04:12 http://www.chandleraz.gov/default.aspx?pageid=97 04:12 Local Motors Chandler Az Dev Ops Engineer (Linux Systems 04:12 http://localmotors.recruiting.com/dev-ops-engineer-linux-systems-admin/job/5180998 04:12 Multiple jobs at Limelight Software Engineer (Big Data) 04:12 http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/ 04:12 Linux sysadmin/support roles 04:12 http://www.positive-internet.net/about-us/jobs 04:13 Systems Administrator for streaming company 04:13 http://stretchinternet.com/careers/ 04:13 Systems Administrator Scottsdale 04:13 https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592 04:14 Systems Engineer- Automation 04:14 http://integrate.com/company/careers/current-openings 04:14 lots and lots and lots of Jobs 04:14 Runs LINUX 04:14 Large Ubuntu Touchscreen at Coastland Mall Naples FL 04:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgPsrZjEb6k 04:15 Thank you to the Linux action show for some cool links 04:15 Weekly Desktop app Pick 04:15 Research, organize and share your family tree with Gramps. 04:15 https://gramps-project.org/ 04:15 Spot Light 04:16 At BitPay we are huge proponents of open source software and of course cool gadgets! To do some of our internal testing, we built a small pool of bitcoin miners that run raspbian. 04:16 http://imgur.com/3I0mEKR 04:16 TEAM SERVER NEWS 04:17 If you would like a Owncloud account on the team server contact any team admin 04:17 UP COMMING EVENTS 04:17 Linux Installfest 04:17 Sat, April 18, 10am – 4pm University of Advancing Technology: 2625 W Baseline,Tempe, AZ 85283 (between 48th and Fry's) room 207/206 04:17 Anyone interested in learning more about open source or Linux is invited to a open workshop! 04:18 We can just chat or we can install almost any version of Linux on your computer router or all most any device that can run on linux 04:18 (you must bring everything needed to use your computer e.g. monitor, keyboard, cords, router, server, etc). 04:18 Phoenix Ubuntu hour 04:18 April 21 Tuesday at 6pm Burton Barr library on the 4th floor in the mach1 area.1221 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004 04:18 Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour 04:18 Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour Thursday April 23. 2014 17:30 - 18:30 MST , 5:30pm – 6:30pm 04:19 Sierra Vista Public Library (foyer) 2600 East Tacoma St. Sierra Vista, AZ 04:19 Purpose: Come and learn about Ubuntu (a Linux Operating System) for your 04:19 personal computer and the FREE software that is available as an 04:19 alternative to Microsoft Windows and other software that you must buy. 04:19 see http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ for more information 04:19 Tempe Ubuntu Hour 04:20 Thursday April 23 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe at Southern and McClintock 04:20 http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux 04:20 and open source. Stop by and say hi!! email toddc@azloco.com for more information or http://www.azloco.org/node/28 04:20 Tucson cancelled all events 04:20 :( 04:20 West side Ubuntu Hour will be May 05, 7pm – 9pm at Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28, Arizona 04:20 :-( 04:20 If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu or open source Stop by and say hi to some other users and find 04:21 out who what and where and how. to install use and promote Linux and open source. Three last week attended 04:21 Wow, extreme bean is still around 04:21 New Members this week 04:21 homelesspirate: 04:21 hi! 04:21 welcome him 04:22 g'day mate 04:22 wecome homelesspirate 04:22 Thanks all! 04:22 Howdy homelesspirate 04:22 welcome pirate! 04:22 hello homelesspirate 04:22 another Tempian as I recall 04:22 yessir 04:22 ambush complete thanks everyone! 04:23 Ubuntu On-Air 04:23 http://ubuntuonair.com/ 04:23 http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ 04:23 #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net 04:23 Community Team Q&A 04:23 When Tue, April 14, 9am – 10am local time 04:24 Where#ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net 04:24 Juju Office Hours 04:24 WhenThu, April 16, 8pm – 9pm UTC 04:24 Where#juju on irc.freenode.net 04:24 DescriptionJoin members of the Juju team during our office hours, where we make ourselves available to answer questions, fill you in on what’s going on in the land of Juju, and walk you through anything you might need help for. 04:25 xHans would you like to do the Plug news and events? 04:25 April Stammtisch is a week from Tuesday, 2015Apr21 04:25 one May east side meeting topic is Software Defined Radios 04:25 that's it for tonight, danke 04:25 Thank you xHans for all the assistance and plug events 04:26 Ron_A: Multi-tasking just means that you are doing multiple things. It doesn't mean that you are doing them well. 04:26 bitte 04:26 OTHER LUG EVENTS 04:26 lol lol lol 04:26 Lugy (Prescott users group) 04:26 Tue, April 14, 6:30pm – 9:00pm 04:26 Bill's Pizza 04:26 107 S. Cortez St. 04:26 Prescott, AZ 86303 04:27 SLUG Sunland Village East Computer Club Successes and problems Continue chapter 2 of Ubuntu manual 04:27 May 13, 6-8 PM in the Computer Club Training Facility 2145 So. Farnsworth Mesa AZ 85209 04:27 that is all I have anyone have anything else? 04:27 nope. look forward to attending those in tempe! 04:27 any Questions? 04:27 Good job toddc 04:27 aye...gj toddc 04:28 I could not have done better....really 04:28 Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a while if you have any questions 04:28 homeless: If you feel like driving to Sierra Vista you are welcome to attend ours. 04:28 hehe no 04:28 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology) }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam