## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. == Log == {{{ +1 +1 +1 +1 Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see me. BigBlueButton only works on some installs of unity (not mine) so if someone knows the fix please let me know what I missed Let's start with the news till everyone gets here and we have a lot of news tonight!!!! Works on my Unity and I am there now also 12.04 News Heads-up Menu Replacement http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/939 http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/372385/ubuntu-rips-up-drop-down-menus http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/hud-new-unity-feature/ http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-install-unitys-hud-feature-in-ubuntu-12-04/ http://www.readwriteweb.com/hack/2012/01/moving-away-from-menus-is-ubun.php P.S. I am using it in a vm 12.04 setup Give Ubuntu a New Look with the 'Edgebound Desktop' http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/edgebound-desktop-gives-ubuntu-a-new-look/ Bumblebee 3.0 Released (Nvidia Optimus GPU Switching) for Linux http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/bumblebee-30-released-nvidia-optimus.html How USB Charging Works http://www.extremetech.com/computing/115251-how-usb-charging-works-or-how-to-avoid-blowing-up-your-smartphone is HUD a replacement or an in addition to? Google Scores Contract to bring 27,000 Chromebooks to Schools http://www.fellowgeek.com/a-Google-Scores-Contract-to-bring-27000-Chromebooks-to-Schools-ix1751.html a add on --easy search bar pretty cool but needs more content yet KDE version 4.8 released this week http://kde.org/announcements/4.8/ XBMC!How to turn your Ubuntu into the Media Center of your dreams. http://linuxaria.com/article/xbmchow-to-turn-your-ubuntu-into-the-media-center-of-your-desires?lang=en reddit running Ubuntu servers in two data centers with 149% growth last year! http://blog.reddit.com/2012/01/january-2012-state-of-servers.html Tablet runs Ubuntu out of the Box http://www.exopc.com/devices/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/6744430013/ VBoxHeadless - Running Virtual Machines With VirtualBox 4.1 On A Headless Ubuntu 11.10 Server http://www.howtoforge.com/vboxheadless-running-virtual-machines-with-virtualbox-4.1-on-a-headless-ubuntu-11.10-server How to customise Ubuntu's Unity interface http://howto.techworld.com/operating-systems/3331946/how-customise-ubuntus-unity-interface/ Thank Dazed-75 for the news tonight!!! We have a possible date to to do a installfest in Tucson NeoNetNinja: NeoNetNinja: can you give us details sofar I think we were talking about the April 7th date last correct at U of A again 10-4 yep uless anyone has a any conflicts or better ideas? Works for me in not NeoNetNinja will start to confirm dates later this week with U of A <[R]> toddc: so i may go down for it if not and yes open to all and I usually drive down my van so a carpooling will be a option we had fun last year but not a lot of new users there were several other local events that week so we are trying to plan better this time JOB LIST Network Administrator. . ... North Scottsdale Location reps.itel@gmail.com * Eric-A has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) Firmware Engineer (Henderson, NV ) job-9dens-2804795733@craigslist.org Systems Administrator / Perl Developer at DesertNet (Tucson, Arizona) http://foundation.gyrobase.com/gyrobase/site/features Application Engineer (Arizona) job-pusrk-2817630913@craigslist.org Systems Engineer (Linux) (Mesa, AZ) www.ivedasolutions.com . TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFEST We had a great time and did some work on the Zentyal system and prepared to do a ubuntu NetaTalk Box for Don at the next installfest Eric will doing a presentation at the next Installfest February 18 at UAT TEMPE INSTALLFEST we were joined by students from MCC class and 4-5 installs and 4-5 update/repairs and built two NetaTalk boxes and met many new people and had a lot of fun thanks to Shubes,[R] Don.Dennis and Justin Dwayne Dazed-75 and all the others for a great event! The last several installfests have been very busy so if you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. * SlickMcRunFast (~mark@174-17-238-8.phnx.qwest.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ PLUG EVENTS xHans would you do the honor? soitanly SCaLE was last weekend, as usual it was a fun conference lots of great content and plenty of worthwhile hallway track they added a kids mini-conference this year and expanded the game night overall, definitely worth the 4 days of our lives that we spend participating in it videos of talks will be going up sometime in the near future, last year's videos are still up and lots of good stuff there ABLEconf online meeting this Wednesday at 19:00 thanks again to AZLoCo for letting us use the LoCo's BBB instance less than two month's until ABLEconf on Saturday, March 24th we'd love more help, so please join the mailing list and meetings if you'd like to participate in putting on a successful Free Software conference in the valley ABLEconf's Birds of a Feather at SCaLE was well-attended and showed we have lots of volunteers, but there's still a lot to do before the conference http://azlocobbb.banditti.com for the meeting PLUG devel meeting this Thursday at 19:30 Topic: "Overview of customizing and re-compiling a Linux kernel" http://plug.phoenix.az.us/component/jevents/icalrepeat.detail/2012/02/02/323/-/developer-meeting.html?Itemid=1 PLUG east side a week from Thursday at 19:00 topics are set, but I'm unsure what they are http://plug.phoenix.az.us/component/jevents/icalrepeat.detail/2012/02/09/19/-/plug-east-meeting.html?Itemid=1 Dazed_75: do you remember the topics? I believe they're the presentations from Dennis and Chris Sorry, I do not and Brian will have another graphics program presentation for us he's already let me know I should have the gimp-resynthesizer package installed for the meeting :) that's it from me for this week Thanks xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and ABLEconf.org Back to SCALE, they had more than 100 exhibitors, more than 130 sessions, nearly 2,000 attendees. Canonical sponsored an all day event called Ubucon on the Friday SCALE 10x started. Lots of talks and discussions. Two really good Unity talks: 1) Unity for power users, and 2) Customizing Unity. Anyway, it was a task choosing talks sometimes I loved the Linux and devices They had a radio controlled shark drivwn by an Arduino Dazed_75: yeah, I wanted to see 5 of the talks that ran the same time as my talk! it was like 4 ft long and floated in the air Exactly I heard that Dewayne's wife came home with a ton of disto cd's!!! oooh and now I need to add that talk to my list of videos to watch :) The speaker did a great job describing how she got into Arduinos and sensors, etc Thats all for me I hear that rasberry pi might be out near the weekend! :) We saw one in the XBMC both should be out any day now http://www.raspberrypi.org/ yeah, the xbmc guys were pretty happy with it should sell out in two hours is the estimate :( not sure how quick I can react during the day I will be checking on it and will email you if you like I only check twice per day as time permits that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? thanks for coming tonight but I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam