## page was renamed from ArizonaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## Delete the below line after the meeting has been held or the Agenda otherwise finalized. == Log == ## Place log content on the line between the curley braces below: {{{ Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Team wiki site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam +1 Team Website is http://azloco.org/ Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980 https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime. some of us are in https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk to us Anybody here that is new tonight? UBUNTU NEWS over to Dazed_75 for the news! http://www.linuxandlife.com/2013/07/different-methods-to-change-delimiter.html http://www.linuxandlife.com/2012/01/make-sudo-stop-asking-for-password-when.html http://thenextweb.com/google/2013/07/09/chrome-28-arrives-with-rich-notifications-for-apps-and-extensions-on-windows-mac-and-linux-coming-soon http://www.howtogeek.com/167418/5-ways-to-bypass-internet-censorship-and-filtering/ http://www.howtogeek.com/167195/how-to-change-your-raspberry-pi-or-other-linux-devices-hostname/ http://www.howtogeek.com/167239/7-reasons-to-use-a-third-party-dns-service/ http://betanews.com/2013/07/10/curious-what-the-nsa-gleans-from-your-gmail-now-you-can-see-for-yourself/ http://betanews.com/2013/07/09/fedora-19-schrodingers-cat-seeks-linux-purr-fection/ http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2013/07/08/fedora-19-review-schrodingers-cat/ I think we reported this previously, but ... http://betanews.com/2013/07/10/new-trojan-targets-linux-servers/ http://www.maketecheasier.com/review-of-precise-puppy/2013/07/10 http://www.maketecheasier.com/make-firefox-download-panel-more-useful/2013/07/09 http://www.maketecheasier.com/local-backups-of-cloud-backup/2013/07/08 hold a sec please Holding http://www.maketecheasier.com/hotshots-screen-capture-tool-linux/2013/07/08 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/07/ubuntu-top-10-selling-apps-june-2013 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/07/unity-preview-click-fixes-in-ubuntu-13-10 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/07/china-telcom-unicom-join-ubuntu-touch-group http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/07/recent-android-app-update (for OMG Ubuntu app) http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/how-to-get-xcf-thumbnails-in-nautilus.html http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/genymotion-fast-easy-to-use-android-x86.html http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Many-Minor-Glitches-Make-Mint-15-More-Work-Than-Its-Worth-78441.html and he leaves out the most obvious (i.e. wc file) http://www.linuxandlife.com/2013/07/different-command-methods-to-count.html http://www.howtogeek.com/167502/google-has-added-a-calling-feature-to-their-hangouts-messaging-system/ http://www.howtogeek.com/167190/how-and-why-to-assign-the-.local-domain-to-your-raspberry-pi/ http://www.simplehelp.net/2013/07/11/the-complete-guide-how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-and-windows-8 http://www.maketecheasier.com/getting-a-surge-protector/2013/07/12 http://www.maketecheasier.com/quick-tips/play-youtube-videos-in-vlc http://arstechnica.com/security/2013/07/how-elite-security-ninjas-choose-and-safeguard-their-passwords/ http://www.thepowerbase.com/2013/07/gnome-3-9-4-intros-photos-app/ & Improves Wayland support http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTQwOTI http://www.xjonquilx.com/2013/07/how-to-get-amazon-prime-instant-video.html in 13.04 & Mint http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Mint-15-Xfce-Is-Based-on-Ubuntu-13-04-367788.shtml http://www.itworld.com/software/364860/are-there-too-many-linux-distros-do-we-suffer-distro-overload http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/mobile-cloud-view/verizon-joins-forces-with-ubuntu-but-is-there-a-us-market/ http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Verizon-connects-with-Ubuntu-for-phones-carrier-group-1916414.html Ubuntu's performance over the past 2 years' releases http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_1310_2&num=1 http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/07/how-to-buy-laptop-pre-installed-with.html http://linuxgizmos.com/wireless-energy-management-controller-runs-linux/ http://www.maketecheasier.com/3-search-engines-for-online-learning/2013/07/13 http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/how-to-download-and-install-windows-81.html [fonts only] ... and thats all from Apache Junction. I hope everyone found SOME piece of news useful Dazed_75 great news as always thanks!! I have a few more to add!! FBI warns of increased spear phishing attacks http://www.computerweekly.com/news/2240187487/FBI-warns-of-increased-spear-phishing-attacks Raspberry Pi Microwave http://madebynathan.com/2013/07/10/raspberry-pi-powered-microwave/ +1 JOB LIST Current LifeLock Opportunities Available: https://www.lifelock.jobs/job-openings/ Network Engineer http://www.greenloopsolutions.com Several openings at Limelight Networks http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/ Runs Linux Lernstift http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lernstift/lernstift-the-first-pen-that-vibrates-when-u-make this pen will correct your spelling Android App Pick of the week Check out SatTrack on Google Play! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.heavensabove It will show you the irridium satellites that produce “irridium flares” and also will show you the International Space Station surespot encrypted messenger https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.twofours.surespot&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDMsImNvbS50d29mb3Vycy5zdXJlc3BvdCJd Linux App of the week Wireshark for analyzing network traffic. http://www.wireshark.org/ Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager http://sourceforge.net/projects/gstm/ Tucson ubuntu is on hold for the time being TEMPE INSTALLFEST * smccarthy has quit (Remote host closed the connection) Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday July 20 and Saturday August 3 at UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4PM Room 208 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the front building. For more info see calender at http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28 We will also be streaming all events on http://azlocobbb.banditti.com/ but until we get organized I will start as soon as possible after events start but due to setup time I hope to find others to run it as we get bigger. This will let other's participate and be more active state/world wide but will take time to develop and and get the word out. If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free to show up. UBUNTU HOUR Tempe Thursday July 25 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux and open source. Stop by and say hi!! TEAM SERVER NEWS Thank adrenaline for updating azloco.org to the latest version of drupal Saturday night THANK yay adrenaline saving the day! YOU!! slofgren has arranged for a donation to the team of two Dell 2950 servers that are fully loaded but we still need new home for them if anyone has ideas? UBUNTU TRAINING ubuntu on-air http://ubuntuonair.com/ ubuntu development hang out Tuesday and Thursday 9 PM GMT FUTURE EVENTS Any thoughts on other events or projects??? we should get set up on meetup.com anyone that would like to take this on please contact me or yell or??? Several other Teams have had great luck gaining new users/members using meetup.com I ap planning on setting a team g+ account to invite and announce events and could use some help with that xHans if you are here do you have any news for us? PLUG EVENTS Free Software Stammtisch Tuesday July 16 at Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371 N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 85224 http://www.lufthans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#East_Valley Plug East side meeting Thursday August 8 7-10 PM at Desert Breeze Substation 251 North Desert Breeze Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85226 that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or ideas? toddc: do you think UAT may colo a server or two for us? we have been unable to even confirm our installfests with them at this point they do not return calls or email to confirm or stop out events our * WeeTuxMann (~jason@ip68-110-85-252.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ * WeeTuxMann has quit (Client Quit) * WeeTuxMann (~jason@ip68-110-85-252.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ dang? :/ just keep showing up till they say stop heh just informed that we have a new contact there }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Meetings]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam