##Create new newsletter pages following the scheme above (That is, ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/YYMonthDD). Template is as follows (remove the comment marks, obviously): <> Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #55 for the week July 7, July 13, 2008. * Arizona Loco Newsletter * Fifty Fifth Edition * Powered by Ubuntu * Wednesday-July 16, 2008 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: [[ArizonaTeam]] * Next meeting: Sunday July 20, 2008 9:00PM * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona == Newsletter == === Announcements === Thanks to all the members who made the meeting Sunday. We had a much better turn out, but like most pessimists I'm always hoping for more. Keep next Sunday's meeting in mind please as we still have a lot going on. On a different note, I want to acknowledge tyche(Craig Eddy) for all his hard work for the team. His contributions span an ever increasing area of work for the team, and that's in addition to his other Ubuntu community obligations. Thanks tyche!! === Summary of the July 13, 2008 meeting === johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08July13 johnc4510 asked new member lenards to introduce himself. "Hi - I'm Andy Lenards, I live in Tucson, I'm a programmer and work for the University of Arizona. I code in Java/C# - and play with dynamic languages like python and groovy. Anything I forgot is at https://launchpad.net/~lenards." The Team gave lenards a hearty welcome. johnc4510 then made the following announcements: 1. Intrepid Alpha 2 released * Ubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-2/ * Kubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/intrepid/alpha-2/ * Edubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/intrepid/alpha-2/ * Xubuntu: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/alpha-2/ You shouldn't try these unless you're comfortable with breakage! These are _not_ live CDs. kennymc0 suggested that if one was used to using Windows, then one would feel right at home. 2. Kubuntu has redesigned their website: http://www.kubuntu.org/. It's very blueish. Thugal mentioned that the torrents for it are listed in the file list. 3. Bug fixing for the global jam - How to fix bugs videos that the Team should look over: * http://youtube.com/ubuntudevelopers * http://videos.ubuntu.com/motuvideos johnc4510 suggested the Team please look the vids over and talk about them during the week and at next weeks meeting. 4. You can see what the devs are planning for Intrepid here: * General track-https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid/Report/Summary * More specific-https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Intrepid/Report/ These are outlines, but should be close to the finished product. 5. New Launchpod episode #7 here: * http://news.launchpad.net/podcast/launchpod-episode-7-new-launchpad-ui-community-agile Several things there to look over for launchpad stuff. Fern``Hans then added announcements for PLUG: 1. We have Stammtische Tuesday, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/402, Especially for those on the west side of Phoenix, please come out to the Stammtisch. It's in Avondale, so a ways, but it's right off the freeway and easy to get to. A Stammtisch is a regular meeting, in the case of the Free Software Stammtische we're focused on Free Software. essentially it's a bunch of people hanging out at a restaurant/bar on a regular basis, which for us is once a month. 2. Our next west side meeting is a week from Wed, http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/365. We'll be covering Hobbit monitoring and continuing with the Ubuntu Desktop class. Hobbit is a great monitoring package that also does history graphing. The Ubuntu Desktop class will be covering networking this time around. 3. The next Install``Fest is a week from Saturday in Tempe. 4. Hopefully we'll be announcing a regular security lab sometime this week. johnc4510 mentioned that he sent some ubuntu CDs to a Lisa for installfests. Also sent some ubuntu case badges. Fern``Hans replied that she's also the one doing the security lab. 5. Fern``Hans runs out of things to advertise except for the Bug``Squashing party and the Debian birthday and the Free Software conference ... :) The next order of business was Team Branding: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=809290. johnc4510 asked that people take a look and make comments, so we know how to improve. azteech and tyche have given opinions to johnc4510 on the ones he put up a couple of weeks ago, but not as comments in the thread. johnc4510 quipped that he wanted to see it in writing that the team hated them. tyche offered to give him a detailed critique. kennymc0 also offered to do a detailed critique. johnc4510 also mentioned that the members of the Team were welcome to try doing it themselves. It's easy. Just customize a theme and take some screen shots. Fern``Hans suggested that it would be interesting to have a roadrunner much like the Hardy Heron heron was done. tyche said that he would try to do it. Also, azteech has volunteered to look into a team theme for Firefox3 for us. Next order of business was the Conference. johnc4510 is still trying to get a location set up. He hopes to have an answer this week. There is a mailing list set up for the Conference organizers. johnc4510 complained that he wasn't getting any emails from it, and Fern``Hans promised to look into it. They blamed tyche for hording all the good stuff. [ed. note: IT'S NOT MY FAULT!] The conference list has been mostly been working on date and location. Fern``Hans said they've decided to go with Software Freedom Day, http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/. They are talking about making it a combined event. Fern``Hans said that we need to figure out where to host it. Fern``Hans has been waiting on word about ASU. He will try to contact UAT at the beginning of the week. He added that it'd likely be at the MU, but maybe one of the off-campus places on Mill or even better a downtown Phoenix location. lenards added that there is a complex they were building - thought it was done, all three universities have facility together downtown. Fern``Hans asked lenards to find out if they could host an event. Fern``Hans then said that essentially we need several rooms that can be used for presentations and a larger room that can be used for demos and vendor booths. We also need lots of power connections and good networking, of course. If you're interested in working to help get the conference organized ask me or tyche for info on joining the mailing list. The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 PM. == Credits == * [[CraigAEddy]] * JohnCrawford ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[ArizonaTeam/Newsletters]] [[ArizonaTeam]] ---- CategoryArizonaTeam ##Note: When you are through and ready to email it to the team mailing list, make sure you take out all the instructions marked ##. Copy everything starting with: Welcome to... down through the credits and paste it in an email. Then send it to: ubuntu-us-az@lists.ubuntu.com