

  • When: October 25th, 2008
  • Where: Prescott Computer Society

  • Scope: To give a demo and introduction on Ubuntu and Open Source computing to a computer club that is mainly proprietary(MS) in their scope. Presentations by Shane Lofgren and JohnCrawford. NOTE: JohnCrawford was unable to attend due to family issues.

Presentation summary

On Saturday (Oct 25th), Shane gave a general presentation about Linux for PCS<>. He knew some of LUGY <> members present. His co-presentation partner JohnCrawford had to back out due to a last minute family emergency. He spoke and answered questions regarding what Linux is, and how it can be of benefit to all. Most people in attendance have never used Linux, however, over all response was positive and everyone seemed interested in hearing some more presentations that were pointed to a specific topic. Shane informed them about LUGY's monthly meetings (local LUG the meets in Prescott) and their interests in expanding to add a monthly meeting geared toward presentations. Hopefully LUGY might see some increased attendance in meetings and possibly take interest in attending Ubuntu meetings and events. PCS invited our team back when they rejoin after the holidays. If anyone interested in helping give some presentations, it would be a great way to further advocate for Ubuntu and Open Source computing in Arizona. This could include either multiple, or group presentations on Ubuntu and Open Source. LUGY is also looking to find a place to hold monthly presentation meetings in addition to their social pizza and beer meetings.


Shane looks to have helped our team get it's "Foot-in-the-Door", so to speak with the Prescott computer society. We should continue to work toward educating this club and others as to the benefits of Ubuntu and Open Source computing here in Arizona. We should definitely follow up and do some more presentations for them after the first of the year.

Parent pages: ArizonaTeam/Meetings ArizonaTeam


ArizonaTeam/PrescottDemo (last edited 2008-11-01 19:19:57 by ip68-0-181-84)