#Describe ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/17/February here. <> * 02 February – Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Paul Kairis * 8 attendees, 1 new person * Discussed Ubuntu membership. 2 of the 3 AZLOCO members who applied for membership were approved (the third is pending) * Discussion on virtualization flags on cpu * Extended discussion on gpg, how to create keys and fingerprints * Discussion on ssh; differences between password and passphrase * Troubleshooted PPPoE connections for a zentyal server * 04 February – Installfest/Linux Workshop * 22 atendees * 6 installs (Ubuntu and Mint - one in Virtual Box) * Conducted testing/training on Zentyal server * Configured home media center with a book viewing program * Tested a broken Zentyal server and decided to reinstall at a later time * 05 February – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Ron Ash * 11 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/February%2012%2C%202017%20Meeting * 12 February – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 7 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/February%2012%2C%202017%20Meeting * 19 February - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 5 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/February%2019%2C%202017%20Meeting * 23 February – Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense * 6 attendees * Discussed the release of Ubuntu 16.04.2 and the requirement to update our install media. * Discussed our participation in the West End Fair on 6 May 2017. The project manager will be Louie Garcia. * Distributed information on Ubuntu and the Cochise Linux User Group to an interested individual. * 23 February – Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Todd Cole * 6 attendees, 1 new person * Trained new person on basic Ubuntu use, Firefox bookmarks, and file management * Updated Zentyal server, cleaned boot partition, and discussed upgrade to ver5 * Discussed ZFS ZIL and L2ARC for team and other Proxmox servers * 26 February - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 10 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/February%2026%2C%202017%20Meeting