##Describe ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/17/June here. <> * 01 June – Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Paul Kairis * 7 attendees (1 new) * Conducted a troubleshooting session of open vpn and zentyal issues * Connected a raspberry pi 5" screen (see pic) * Discussed router blocking protocols * Discussed bash shell scripting * Discussed proxmox updates at midnight * 03 June – Installfest/Linux Workshop * 16 attendees * Conducted a one on one training session on how to use SSH * Repaired Thunderbird config file for an individual * Installed a modified LXLE with Firefox as the default browser * Installed Nvidia video drivers on a laptop for an individual. * Conducted a one on one training sessionhow to use the command line, IRC training, and introduction to Linux * Conducted 4 other installs (2 Ubuntu, Fedora, and CentOS) * 04 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 8 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2004%2C%202017%20Meeting * 11 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 6 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2011%2C%202017%20Meeting * 17 June – Installfest/Linux Workshop * 16 attendees * Attempted to flash an Open WRT router unsuccessfully * Installed Proxmox on a server * Configured a wireless router * Provided assistance to a person that had Thunderbird email questions * Conducted 4 Ubuntu installations * Discussed the Raspberry Pi * Discussed Open BSD * Prepared a bootable DVD for an individual that contained LXLE (32 bit) with Chrome as the default browser * Repaired a Proxmox server * Installed Virtual Box for an individual * Repaired a USB thumb drive with a corrupt file system * Attempted, unsuccessfully, to get a bluetooth headset work properly * Installed an external hard drive to a Raspberry Pi drive * Provided assistance to an individual on X to Go Software * Repaired the PXE server so network installs are once again possible * 18 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 8 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2018%2C%202017%20Meeting * 22 June - Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense * 11 attendees * Disseminated the upcoming events for the AZLOCO Team and the Cochise Linux User Group. * Discussed the manning requirements for the upcoming Installation Festival on 15 July to insure that there would be at least 3-4 capable installers present during each of the three 2 hour periods. * Reviewed the items left to be accomplished before the Install-fest and the items that already have been finished. * Enjoyed some good food and some non-Linux or FOSS conversation. * 22 June - Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Todd Cole * 3 attendees (one new person) * Discussed ZFS, ZIL and L2Ark and usb recovery * 25 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 12 attendees (4 new people) * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2025%2C%202017%20Meeting