#Describe ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/18/December here. <> * 01 December - AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop * 15 attendees * 5 installs * Worked on the installfest server * The Next Cloud server was repaired * Next Cloud was updated on 3 laptops * There was a command line tutorial * Router modification was done * Cleared and reformatted a phone * Updated 1 bios * 02 December - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Ron Ash * 6 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/December%2002%2C%202018%20Meeting * 06 December – Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Paul Kairis * 4 attendees * Installed windscribe vpn client on a laptop * Updated 14.04 laptop certificates to access email * Discussed HDMI over Ethernet using rpi * There was a general discussion on automotive parts * 09 December – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 6 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/December%2009%2C%202018%20Meeting * 15 December – AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop * 11 attendees * Attempted to recover data from an individual’s hard drive. * Synced firefox, and gmail accounts on Win7 and Linux * Installed 16.04 on a laptop and configured it for email access * Reconfigured some URLs to connect to repositories * Reconfigured a dns issue on a laptop * 16 December – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 9 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/December%2016%2C%202018%20Meeting * 23 Decenber - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 5 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/December%2023%2C%202018% * 27 December - Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense * 10 attendees * This is the last time that the Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour will be held on the 4th Thursday. In 2019 they will be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month in an effort to eliminate back to back events. * Advertisements for the Installfest, 2019 Ubuntu Hours, and CLUG meetings have been submitted to the Sierra Vista Herald, the Cochise Trader, and the Desert Shopper. The ads are all free as they are community events. * Discussed the preparations for the 02 February Installfest. * Discussed Peppermint 9 respin (which is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and is supported until April 2023). This is a candidate for our “go to” light distribution to be used at our installfests. This discussion will continue at future meetings. * A member had a problem with the brightness not working on his Debian 9 install on his ASUS laptop. His kernel was updated but it did not solve the problem. Unfortunately he had to leave so the proprietary driver was not installed but he was made aware of the procedure. We later received a report that the problem was solved by installing the proprietary driver. * 27 December - Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Paul Kairis * 6 attendees * Troubleshoot Nextcloud login issues * Installed printer driver on 18.04 * Discussed how to flash Linksys routers * Discussed Libreboot & coreboot * 30 December - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 5 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/December%2030%2C%202018%20Meeting