#Describe ArizonaTeam/TeamReports/18/June here <> * 02 June – AZLOCO/PLUG Intsallfest/Linux Workshop * 12 attendees * Conducted a one on one training session using terminal commands on a laptop * Conducted maintenance on the team server * Created a new IRC logger * Made adjustments to a Bionic Beaver installation so it would work properly * Discussed features of the beagle board and options * Installed and configured a VPN on a laptop * Reconfigured a laptop with VPN that would not connect to the Ethernet and wireless Internet simultaneously * Installed and configured Virtual Box on Microsoft Windows OS and conducted a one on one Ubuntu training session for the individual * 03 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Ron Ash * 6 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2003%2C%202018%20Meeting * 07 June - Tempe Ubuntu Hour hosted by Paul Kairis * 7 attendees * Discussed node-red MQTT installation and sample flow * Tested webcam with cheese/guvcview (installed v4l-utils) * Troubleshoot pi ->openvpn -> home server * Discussed docker, snappy core, and openvpn certificates. * 10 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 5 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2010%2C%202018%20Meeting * 16 June – AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop * 15 attendees * Fixed team Next Cloud server and the update * 4 Ubuntu installations * Worked on a Raspberry Pi 0 camera project * Wifi mesh network was built and tested * Technical training and discussion * Began working on a tutorial for migrating from github to gitlab * 17 June – AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Rex Bouwense * 6 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2017%2C%202018%20Meeting * 24 June - AZLOCO weekly meeting chaired by Todd Cole * 7 attendees * Disseminated Linux news links and information on Linux job opportunities and future AZLOCO and state LUG events. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/June%2024%2C%202018%20Meeting * 28 June - Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour hosted by Rex Bouwense * 6 attendees * Reviewed the progress of the “to do” list for the 4 August Installfest. * Discussed manning requirements. * Since we have received the conference pack from Canonical we will have plenty of Ubuntu lanyards, pins, stickers to distributed at the Installfest. However, the flash drives sent were the 16.04 variety. We will be required to convert them to 18.04 to use them. Ideally this should be completed within the first two weeks of July to allow them to be tested. * Installfest brochures have been emailed to the mailing list and will be posted around Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca early in July.