Hi, My name is Armin Ronacher and I'm a ubuntu users since two month after the warty release. Because the German webforum ubuntuusers went into some technical troubles on the server I helped SaschaMorr to resolve some problems. Afterwards I became an administrator and started improving the forum software. I participated in the establishment of the [[http://verein.ubuntu-de.org|ubuntu Deutschland]] association. == Contact == * IRC: on freenode known as mitsuhiko * on ubuntuusers known as [[http://www.ubuntuusers.de/users/blackbird/|blackbird]] * Jabber: blackbird``@pocoo.org * ICQ: #312415801 * Mail: <> * WWW: http://lucumr.pocoo.org/ * Lauchpad: [[https://launchpad.net/people/mitsuhiko/|mitsuhiko]] * GPG: 8e84 07e0 454a e600 96aa a7cb 1695 2a39 b5e4 a6b4 [[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8E8407E0454AE60096AAA7CB16952A39B5E4A6B4|(details)]] == Current Projects == * [[http://www.ubuntuusers.de/|ubuntuusers]] * [[http://verein.ubuntu-de.org/|ubuntu deutschland]] * [[http://www.pocoo.org/|The pocoo projects]] * the ubuntu-eu servers. ---- CategoryHomepage