Arthur Peters

About Me

I am a student at NYC College of Technology (CityTech) and live in Brooklyn, NY. I am a die-hard Linux user and I want to see Linux succeed. I run Ubuntu on my dual Pentuim 3 1GHz and on my Compaq laptop (see LaptopTestingTeam/CompaqPresarioR3000z).

Install Non-Default Features Script

I have written a Python script with a simple GUI that will install the packages needed for various nice features that are for one reason or another not part of the base system. This prime example of this is MP3 playback support, but the script will also add all the little things listed in the Useful Tidbits section below. This version works as of Dapper daily 20050519.

Download the script

To run it download it from the link above. Right click on it in the file manager (or on your desktop) and select "Properties". In the Properties window select the "Permissions" tab from the tab across the top of the window and check the box before the word "Executable" (there are three, the top one is enough). This will make the file executable as a program. Now double-click the file in the file manager. A window should appear with 4 buttons click "Run" and follow the prompts. You will need to enter your password (the same one you use to login).

Good Luck.

Useful Tidbits


ArthurPeters (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:52 by localhost)