
Attribution: Source, License


This page is reserved for information that is specific to themes to be made by community members.



  1. Encourage the Artwork community to create submissions by offering to showcase their best effort which targets the current development release of Ubuntu.

  2. Achieve the highest possible quality by mentoring artists as needed.

  3. Support the effort of the larger community by meeting published milestones and deadlines.



  1. Encourage artists to use open source artistic tools available from the Ubuntu repositories.

  2. Mentor artists in the use of desired tools.

  3. Create wiki pages and how-to's as needed.

  4. Engage the communities which support desired tools by submitting bug reports and offering suggestions for improvement.

Guidelines for Inclusion

  1. Licensed to permit distribution and editing. Preferred licenses are the latest LGPL and CC-BY-SA.

  2. The desired result must be package-able
  3. The submission must be unique
  4. Author or delegate must agree to maintain and support the submission for the duration of the cycle (~6 months)
  5. Submissions must be developed by the Artwork team or have a significant Artwork team contribution. Upstream effort will need explicit collaboration/contact with the original author.



Showcase and package the two best submissions per category as 'community-themes'. Categories include but are not limited to:


If desired, package additional submissions which meet the criteria for inclusion as 'community-themes-extras'.

Milestones and Deadlines


Artwork/Documentation/CommunityThemesGuidelines (last edited 2010-04-18 23:51:16 by 207)