The Workshop; thoughts about a special site for artwork submissions

In the 9.10 cylce, it became clear that this wiki is not suitable for collecting wallpaper submissions, due to technical reasons. Having to edit the wiki markup of an entire page is also quite a hurdle to take for contributors.

Using Flickr to collect photographic wallpapers was a success, but revealed a lack of features that would make the selection process much easier.

Should there be specific infrastructure for wallpaper submissions? What other material should be handled? Is there an opportunity to optimize the way the community and/or the designers at Canonical work?

The Wiki






Shortcomings shared by this wiki and Flickr


Icon themes?

It might seem tempting to also handle icon themes, but here you have to deal with many separate items that still belong together. This would need quite a bit of specific infrastrcuture to be better than the current solution of the Breathe project.

Technical considerations


Artwork/Documentation/WorkshopConception (last edited 2009-10-11 15:04:33 by p508A3D2D)